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I promised one girl that I would write an article about how to intelligently maintain your health and get rid of stomach pain. And, as you know, promises must be kept. I'll start with the main thing. Hundreds of people suffer from stomach pain. For some, this pain haunts them for years. They would give anything to never experience it again. It makes your eyes pop when there is pain and pressure on the left side 24 hours a day, when your tongue burns, there is heartburn or bitterness in your mouth... Because of the pain, all sorts of negative thoughts creep into your head: “What if something bad happens to me and I die.” Few can forget these hellish days and thoughts. The first thing that is most logical to do is go to the doctor. He will prescribe tests and swallow a tube. The procedure is necessary, but disgusting. The stupid urge to vomit, which makes you feel ashamed, lives in your memory for weeks. And the feeling of pain from a scratched throat does not allow me to swallow freely. Well, the examination has been completed. The doctor makes the usual diagnosis and prescribes pills for prevention. And now every day, as a ritual, you drink a bunch of pills 3 times. You expect them to help, but they only make things worse, your stomach hurts even more. You look for another doctor and again the pills. And also: “There’s nothing wrong with you, it’s a seasonal exacerbation, stop being nervous...” And now option number 2 comes into play - diet. You forget about spicy, fried, sour, salty..., only porridge, everything is steamed, without salt and spices ... After a while you begin to feel like an invalid. Look, people are like people, they eat everything and their stomachs don’t hurt. And you are on a strict diet, and your stomach is still buggy. Especially at night, you wake up and are saddened to tears, from the realization that you began to feel sick so early that you cannot allow yourself to live a full life and be happy. It seems like he’s still a few years away, he’s not an old man, but his stomach is falling apart. And the thought: “What if...” Well, what to do if doctors are sure that there are no physiological disorders, there are no ulcers or tumors, if treatment with pills does not relieve pain, and diets do not help? Maybe the problem is deeper than the physical level? After such reflections, some begin to suspect that stomach diseases arise due to worries. The latest scientific research is surprising. If an ordinary rat in a cage is exposed to regular stress, it gets a stomach ache. It turns out that the phrase “all diseases come from nerves” is not without meaning. The function of the stomach is to digest not only food, but also everything that happens to a person. Thus, gastritis can be an indicator of self-doubt and uncertainty in life, it can be triggered by an acute outbreak of strong anger, “driven inside.” Heartburn can be a symptom insincerity towards oneself. For example, you are not happy with something in life, but you are stubbornly trying to prove to yourself that everything is fine. An ulcer may indicate a feeling of inferiority, envy, which “corrodes” a person from the inside. When should you consult a psychologist for stomach psychosomatics: been treated by a gastroenterologist for a long time and there are no results - in stressful situations, stomach pain returns. You feel that psychosomatic diseases of the stomach are your experiences and stress, but you don’t know how to cope with them. If digestion is disturbed and you are bothered by pain, bloating or cramps in the stomach. If you, along with stomach pain, fatigue or tension, poor sleep or insomnia. How will we treat psychosomatics of the digestive tract? We will highlight all the stress factors. We will work with you on the problems of your behavior and relationships. Let me know. Follow the link https://status-center.by/order-consult/Submit a request and receive a free trial 15-minute consultation on Skype.
