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From the author: the article was published on the website. Probably every man wants to have an heir or heiress. A child who will be born to a beloved woman seems desired, loved and the best. The first pregnancy has a great impact on the woman, but it also has the same impact on the future father of the child. The beginning of pregnancy is a joyful event for expectant parents. It always remains a mystery to a man how pregnancy occurs and what a woman feels at this moment. Now it’s no secret to anyone the symptoms that accompany the onset of pregnancy. It may be a slight malaise, dizziness, or nausea in the morning, but a woman may not have all these signs. Pregnancy always proceeds differently for each woman. The future father may be wondering how the woman feels at this time. In some African tribes there was a custom that the pregnancy was “carried” by the man. He may have experienced morning sickness, fatigue and sleepiness early in the pregnancy. At the same time, the woman led a normal life. For example, among the Ifagao tribe in the Philippines, it was widely believed that the behavior of the future father also influenced the child, as did the behavior of the mother, therefore, during pregnancy, both parents were subject to the same restrictions in food and work. The state of such emotional involvement in pregnancy can also be observed in European culture. In “pregnant” men whose wives are “pregnant,” even the hormonal status changes—testosterone levels decrease. Future fathers become more flexible and “homey.” Pregnancy is a time of emotional ups and downs, joys and anxieties for both spouses. Even a strong desire to become a father does not exclude doubts from a man about whether he will become a good father, whether the time for the birth of a child is well chosen, whether he has enough strength and resources to raise, educate and educate the child. Typically, future fathers try to prepare in advance for possible financial problems. After the birth of a child, a woman more often stays at home and takes care of the baby, and the man has to earn money to support the family. Even with good, warm relations between spouses, pregnancy can be perceived with ambivalent feelings: with reverence and at the same time with a feeling of the end of their carefree life. The beginning of the baby's movements is also greatly experienced by parents. The expectant mother can feel the baby moving from 18-20 weeks of pregnancy. For many women, the first movements bring joy and provide an opportunity to “communicate” and even “play” with the baby. Fathers may feel the baby's movements a little later, when the kicks become stronger. Many men are fully aware of their spouse’s pregnancy from the moment they begin “communicating” with their belly. True, many “pregnant” husbands go for an ultrasound and the first “meeting” and acquaintance with the baby occurs earlier, in the doctor’s office. Pregnant women need attention and support from loved ones. Such attention and support can be provided by the “communication” of the future father with his wife’s tummy. Very often, a woman feels active movements and tremors in a state of rest, relaxation, this happens in the evening hours. If the spouses are together at such moments, then you can tell the baby fairy tales, sing songs or stroke the tummy to “hear” the child’s response. Many couples note that such “communication” allowed them to become closer to each other and to get to know their baby better before the birth. It has now been proven that even before birth, babies are able to “hear” their mother’s voice, music and even their father’s voice. There are programs for the baby's intrauterine development based on listening to certain music, reading poetry and fairy tales by mom or dad. Such joint gestation allows the spouses to unite, make them closer to each other and get used to showing care and attention to the unborn baby. However, for some men, their wife's pregnancy brings more negative experiences than positive ones. May appear.
