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From the author: The essence and metamorphoses of theater, passed through a series of changing points of view and an inquisitive look at human nature. The best knowledge is knowledge of oneself. The worst knowledge is knowledge of one’s own future. But the most empty and stupid knowledge is knowledge of the circumstances of a neighbor’s life. Converted curiosity People are always looking for the worst, and because they cannot find it, they are satisfied in vain. A creature that does not have the strength to set off on a fragile boat beyond the horizon, or to go to war, kills itself by smoking smoke. He who does not dare to love a crazy god and fall for his faith becomes a football fan. Or a theatergoer. Anxiety and fear inspired a desire to know the future, and drove generations of ancestors to knock on the doors of fortune tellers. Timid descendants do not even dare to realize this fear. And they look to the past. They entertain the dream that the past contains the roots of the future, giving the key to it. But it's empty. The past does not teach and does not give keys. Did Shakespeare have a beard? And if so, what style? What was the color of her hair, the length, and how often did this great man pick up scissors in order to bring her into line with fashion? However, perhaps he was a nonconformist, little concerned with the pursuit of style. However, there is nothing more important for us than to know this. You say he also wrote plays? Who would have thought... Fruits from the Crypt Delving into the past is like making love to a dead body. Such a quirk not only brings joy, but also characterizes its practitioners in a certain way. However, we will leave this topic, due to its complex medical specifics, for another time, and turn to the study of the fruits of such a strange love. It is revealed to an inquisitive eye that the visible diversity of destinies has within itself a certain dense skeleton. It is like a skeleton that gives rigidity and brings hidden order to the movements of our bodies. The price of strength is a set of restrictions and stable patterns. This is how all the wealth of life’s collisions works. Stable roles and plots are repeated from century to century. Their path is unchangeable. We can call them archetypes that live in the collective unconscious, or we can consider them gods that rule the paths of people. This does not give the chance to foresee the future, but it does give the power to explain it. And they can be played out publicly, for everyone’s edification. Have you ever thought about why theater exists? Entertain you? Three Roles There are three ways to give meaning to what happens on stage. It should depict reality, teach, and serve as a reason for creating new meanings. Realism is important in the visual approach. The sight of a tree transports us to the forest, and the tears and joy of the characters evoke active sympathy in our hearts. Teaching is indifferent to surroundings. It takes us to a school desk, where the author, pretending to be a prophet, tells us the truth of life that has been revealed to him. The collisions of the plot and the fate of the heroes are metaphors, and clothes and props are service tools that keep attention on the educational material. The third approach cares equally about historical truth and moral teaching. The action does not show us the world, like a bad imitation of a movie. And he does not pretend to have knowledge of moral laws that is superior to ours. Its purpose is to provoke discussion. Become a reason for a public dispute, scandal and conflict. If the play didn't end in a fight, why did you watch it? Changing landmarks In the days of hoary antiquity, when people had not yet rewarded themselves with television, nothing could depict the world better than theater. He showed not only what was visible to the eye, but also the invisible palaces of the gods. Long-dead heroes were resurrected on stage, and people who had never lived were reborn. This was the second reality. People who continued to feel like children looked everywhere for wise fathers and caring mothers. They needed someone who would care for them and give meaning to their daily activities. Sages and heroes who can teach life and reveal the secrets of existence. And, for lack of anything better, they found them on stage. However, an adult is his own father and mother. Mature humanity no longer needed care and moral guidance. Everyone discovers their own truths and.
