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From the author: Release of the author's motivationally developing free newsletter "The Enjoyment of BEING!" You can SUBSCRIBE to the newsletter here - “Life is good when you rarely have to ask God, but often thank...” I want to start this note with words of gratitude - thanks, my reader, for being you, for being interested this note and read it! And this is no coincidence, because GRATITUDE is another way to make your day good and live it with a feeling of happiness! How often do you say “thank you!” to other people? How often do you thank God (Fate, the Universe, Higher Powers) for what happens in your life? How often do you say “thank you” to yourself? But the state of gratitude is one of the components of happiness. This is an inexhaustible source that makes your life fuller, kinder, more abundant. When a loved one thanks me for being in his life, for what I do for him, it inspires me to do even more for him. The more we thank God (Fate, the Universe, Higher powers) for everything that we have in life, the more he (she, they) wants to increase it. Irina Olkhovskaya in the book “Reflection” talks about why you need to give thanks: “- You need to thank, because everything on earth is worthy of gratitude.- You need to thank, because gratitude has enormous vitality and energy.- Gratitude is what is available you at any time and in any situation, you can attract it into your life. - Gratitude is the opportunity to make a choice towards goodness. - Gratitude is acceptance and humility that will help you overcome any obstacle and resistance. - Gratitude is faith and love, which can neutralize any evil and negativity, and ward off trouble from you.” To begin with, I suggest making you a list of what you are especially grateful for and what you value most in your life. This list will help you stop, open your heart, understand what is in your life and what you sometimes don’t appreciate. And perhaps this list will make you look at many things differently, and find a lot of bright colors in a gray autumn day!!! You can enrich your good morning even more if, while taking your morning shower, you find 3 things for which you are grateful today. Grateful to someone or just for something. Don't repeat yourself. Every day is new. And in the evening, summing up your good day, think about 3 things that happened today for which you are grateful. And there will be more happiness! The documentary film “The Secret” describes another quite powerful and, at the same time, simple exercise - “Gratitude Stone”. Find yourself a small, beautiful and pleasant-to-touch pebble. Take it every day and say “thank you” for the good things you have. This is not only a great way to cheer yourself up. The “magic” of the stone lies in the fact that you can attract events. You just need to sincerely say, stroking the stone, thank you for the fact that THIS (the event you need) has already happened. It's as if what you want is already happening. One girl, for example, constantly attracts her bus. “Thank you for the fact that as soon as I get to the stop, my bus will come right away,” she says. And indeed, this is what happens. In general, you can wait a very long time for this bus))). In order not to forget, it is advisable to put it somewhere where you look several times a day (in your pocket, in your purse, keep it with your apartment or car keys). You say it's nonsense? Try it - if you believe in it, it works! And if you want to improve your relationships with people close to you, tell them words of gratitude more often, write letters of gratitude, send thank-you cards, etc. This minute thing will give you and your surroundings so many positive changes that you can’t even imagine!!! Sincerely, Victoria Malysh More useful and interesting information can be found on my website - http://odpsycentr.weebly.com
