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The murder of Saltanat Nukenova caused a huge public outcry. Beautiful, gentle, smiling girl. The wife of a politician, former Minister of National Economy of Kazakhstan. Surely many envied her. We dreamed of the same sweet life. But her life ended in a restaurant after a quarrel with her husband. Kuandyk Bishimbayev coldly and brutally beat her, and the injuries received were incompatible with life. And, of course, this was not the first case of domestic violence, it just turned out to be the last. And this matter can no longer be hushed up. Because now the power of publicity reigns. Glory to the Internet! I hope that the culprit will be punished, but I will not discuss the legal troubles in this article. There are already enough of them in any news sources. Let's talk about public reaction. She makes me happy. A huge number of people hated Bishimbayev, a huge number of people are worried about the death of the girl, root for her brother, and demand justice from the court. But, alas... Not all. Some women try to find an explanation for what and why? “There must have been some good reason for the murder!” It looks terrible, but this is how the psyche works. It's scary to be a victim of abuse. We need to find logical explanations. We need to find salvation. “The girl was a prostitute, didn’t respect her husband, drank, etc... I won’t be like that! That means I’m safe.” No, not safe. Anyone can become a victim. You can’t kill anyone, you can’t beat anyone. It’s crazy that in the modern world this is still not obvious. Such a simple truth still needs to be defended and promoted. But most frightening are the men who find excuses for Bishimbayev. These are potential (and maybe actual...) abusers, rapists and murderers. It is ingrained in their minds that murder can be deserved. That there are some actions of a woman that can lead to her murder. And it will be forgivable. Even if not on a legal level. But at the level of “understand and forgive” - for sure. Dear women! Discuss this case with your partner! Such high-profile disasters very well expose the human essence and show who is who. If your man makes excuses and looks for the sins of Saltanat, then you are in danger. And remember that signs of abuse are not only physical violence. Insults, humiliation, any negative psychological impact from a man and even just indifference, coldness - these are alarm bells!
