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Types of children:1) Angel. Previously, there was once an advertisement for a foreign vacuum cleaner: quiet, quiet, but powerful!.. So, this is about him, about this little angel! He does everything: around the house, in homework, in clubs. A very efficient child. He speaks quickly, even stutters a little. His hands are really thin and transparent. Eyes - Shrek the cat. It won't hurt a fly! Well, if only because of clumsiness. And this often happens. He is very afraid of everything. Not a single step without mom! I'm getting ready to go to the toilet - but what about the angel? What if demons attack him! And that's it then! Whether you want it or not, you have to “take care”! Otherwise, the child becomes so hysterical that the heavens themselves shake and rain down like candy, and then he becomes closer to his goal of being like..2) Tsarevich. This is the main member of the family! Everything has been done in the house for his convenience. And if not done, then adults will take care of it. This is a wonderful child. Everyone rejoices at his success! Grandma said that he ate well today, and mom that he pooped well! Dad is just not very happy about something, but he takes her to kindergarten, school, and work, and doesn’t contradict mom. I was assigned to the best nanny-educator-teacher-boss. He’s probably a good guy too... If the prince is deprived of criticality and morality for a long time, then it’s easy to become like...3) Hyperactive. An innovation in the vocabulary of many parents who cannot say directly in front of everyone that their child is an ill-mannered child. He is quite an inquisitive child. Only his attention is scattered. Either he wants to lie on the table during lunch, then he wants to pull the cat’s tail, then he wants to crawl under the counter on the floor of a store, or he wants to draw on the wallpaper, or he wants to crack another child with a spatula. And nothing calms the poor one down. Otherwise there will be screaming and fighting throughout the whole house! It’s good that the doctor said that this is “hyperactivity”, i.e. the child is sick, mom and dad have nothing to do with it! Only in kindergarten with the teacher he is quiet and calm. Well, they say that all children behave differently with their parents... This, of course, is also an exaggerated version of the typology of children, like the previous ones about mothers - https://www.b17.ru/article/91416/ and fathers - https://www.b17.ru/article/91417/However, let's think about it, is there a pattern here? Why do children become overly anxious, aggressive, inattentive, manipulative and, for many parents, UNBEARABLE? But we love our children! And we do everything for them! What else do they need? And the options flew: mom, dad, grandma didn’t notice, he was born like that - his temperament and character are like that, and in general now life is so different! These are very popular, fashionable answers. But is fashion always the norm? Is something that occurs often useful for us? If there is a flu epidemic, will we stop treating the virus, because everyone has it??
