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From the author: This material was published on the author’s website “Demyanova Science” Man has always dreamed of managing time and reality. He believed and continues to believe in the supernatural. And nature constantly provides a reason to reinforce this belief in miracles, exciting the consciousness with inexplicable phenomena. Prophetic dreams and predictors of the future were the focus of attention back in the Middle Ages in Egypt and India, in ancient Greece and Rome. The superstitious interpretation of sleep was based on the existence of a soul that could travel anywhere and even perform actions while its owner was sleeping. Similar ideas can be considered in the story “Terrible Vengeance” by Gogol. Where the soul of Katerina appeared to the sorcerer, who answered the question: “Where is your lady now?” answered: “My lady, Katerina, has now fallen asleep, and I was happy about that, fluttered up and flew. I have long wanted to see my mother...” And then it goes on: “Poor Katerina! She doesn’t know much of what her soul knows.” But we really don’t know very much that is accessible to our soul or proven to our existing subconscious. The nature of prophetic dreams is still being studied. There are different versions regarding its origin, but scientists have not yet come to a consensus. From the point of view of psychoanalysis, dreams are unconscious signals to our consciousness. The essence of each dream is the analysis of lived feelings or the fulfillment of a person’s desires. But our hidden desires are sometimes very scary, primitive and incomprehensible to our consciousness, so the unconscious encodes them into images. At the same time, the symbols that appear in a dream are familiar to the depths of our psyche and are more understandable, since they come from the collective unconscious, embedded in ideas formed by generations. They say they are even transmitted by genes. These are the images that dream books try to interpret. So what happens during sleep? The most obvious thing is that our tired brain, or rather our consciousness, rests. The word “rest” means that the superficial parts of the brain reduce their activity to a certain frequency. But the deep parts of the brain, on the contrary, begin their activity. Why this little-studied part of the brain is activated, scientists cannot come to a single opinion. From the point of view of physiologists, during sleep, against the background of inhibition, those smoldering excitations in our brain associated with the desires and aspirations that we experience during the day flare up brightly. This mechanism underlies dreams, where we see actually fulfilled what we only dream about in reality. All images appear very chaotically. In a dream, there is no conscious logic that organizes events; clear critical thinking is at rest. The process of inhibition of the upper cortex of the cerebral hemispheres includes areas of nerve cells that are in one of the transitional hypnotic phases. The paradoxical phase is especially interesting. Cells in this phase respond to weak stimuli much more strongly than to strong ones, and sometimes they stop responding to the latter altogether. For cortical cells in the paradoxical phase, a half-erased imprint of a long-standing experience or impression can play the role of a weak irritant, and then what seemed long forgotten awakens in our brain a colorful and exciting image that we see as if in reality. In addition, the inhibitory process is not uniform, it fades out over time in certain areas, it flares up. This can be compared to a bright starry sky, in which the stars either fade or flash. Scientists are absolutely sure that reprogramming occurs during sleep, that is, processing of the information received. Consciousness is turned off, the channels for receiving information from the outside are closed, the body is asleep, and many parts of the brain continue to work. This position is similar to that of a meditating person. By meditating in a dream, we realize one of the wonderful capabilities of our body - the ability to clairvoyance and prediction. This is how prophetic dreams appear. A real prophetic dream is rare. We often confuse them with similar types of dreams: Creative dream. During sleep, an influx of new information into the braindrops significantly, so sleep is a good time for the brain to review and regroup new information and reprogram itself accordingly. During this sleep, subconscious memory and information unavailable to the waking brain are revealed. New combinations and connections are formed, thanks to which new ideas emerge based on existing knowledge and the use of sources of information from the subconscious that are inaccessible to consciousness. Numerous works carried out in the 20th century confirmed the conclusion of I.P. Pavlov that dreams are “...an unprecedented combination of experienced impressions.” Creative people often borrow inspiration from their own dreams. The names of the songs, even the lyrics, are seen by the musicians. Paintings are artists. New discoveries - scientists... Warning dream. These dreams can tell you where you lost your keys, or where your notebook went... There is nothing mystical here. You yourself knew this, but you didn’t pay attention. Your consciousness was occupied with something else, more important to him at that moment. But the subconscious remembered everything and then gave it to you in a dream. Or you have a dream that you get into an accident! And after a while it really happens. What could be the secret here? If you often drove this car, even as a passenger, you could hear or otherwise feel changes in its operation, for example, hear changes in engine noise, feel a change in the length of the braking distance, the quality of the car's response to steering, or by talking with the driver , notice, but not consciously record a change in his condition - fatigue, illness, change in reaction speed... Then the driver-car connection gives you a dream that YOU are getting into an accident, because this is primarily dangerous for you, and the dream is a kind of warning about , which you did not consciously note. Physiological sleep. Reflects the conditions in which a person sleeps. A mosquito squeak turns into an air raid. And flying into the abyss means falling out of bed. A physiological dream can be very similar to a prophetic one. When a person falls asleep, his subcortical centers are disinhibited. For example, information about diseases is transmitted to the brain by damaged cells, and it draws images in our dreams associated with the still unconscious pathology of the body. Internal ill health may manifest itself in the fact that you are being strangled or drowned... - this dream perhaps speaks of an upcoming illness associated with the lungs. If dreams come true, one thing is clear - a person can correctly analyze the situation. But these are not prophetic dreams at all, but a hint from our consciousness, our intuition, which reads and processes unconscious information. Therefore, if you dream of an illness (or images associated with ill health), you urgently need to go for an examination to a doctor. Since your body already senses the emerging illness and makes you understand it. It has long been noticed that more often prophetic dreams occur after midnight or on weekends in the morning, from Sunday to Monday. The ancient Romans had a belief that dreams after midnight are all prophetic. What was the explanation for this? What are the conditions for the appearance of dreams of predictors? Think for yourself! - What is most important in a dream for your body? – of course, relax, then analyze past events, and only then receive information about the coming days! If the brain does not have time to remove blocks of unfulfilled programs during sleep, then there is no time for predictions. After all, we are talking about physical and mental health. The result of daytime overload is fantastic, colorful dreams in which we simply finish what we were unable to complete during the day! A modern person barely has enough eight hours of sleep to free the brain from the effects of microstress. From the point of view of theories based on biological rhythms, our brain actively rests until 12 o'clock at night. We draw conclusions: if we go to bed after midnight, can we have prophetic dreams? Of course not, and in addition we can still develop neurosis or mental illness, since the consciousness is in constant tension. It is known thatThe Romans lived according to daylight hours: they got up at sunrise and went to bed at sunset. Therefore, their brain had time to rest before midnight, remove the blocks that arose due to unrealized algorithms, and it still had time to sleep. The same can be said about weekends for modern people: we go to bed quite late on weekdays, but on weekends most people allow themselves to sleep to their hearts' content. The brain manages to complete all pressing tasks and relieve the accumulated load. At the same time, the environment for relaxation should be very comfortable, helping not only to relax your body, but also to prevent external stimuli from influencing the course of your dreams. That is, it is not difficult to understand that prophetic sleep is a healthy sleep in a cozy atmosphere. At first, people believed that dreams could only be seen by those who in reality perceived various preceding events, and blind and unborn children could not see dreams. However, it has been absolutely proven that starting from the fourth or fifth month, the fetus in the mother’s womb sees images. Scientists have identified certain brain activity in the embryo, which is characteristic of a born person who dreams. The baby in the mother’s belly hears everything that happens in the outside world, but sees nothing . He does not and cannot have any visual sensations. What then is he dreaming about? The past and present are impossible, since he did not contemplate them. It is assumed that the baby sees the future, sees what he will see in reality after birth. How can this be? The only explanation that scientists can give is the presence of information encoded in our genes. In his book, C. Flammarion, a French astronomer and popularizer of science, author of many popular science works, “Prophetic Dreams and Predictions of the Future,” tried to give the phenomenon of prophetic dreams a scientific basis. Based on the fact that future events already exist in the present tense, “potentially due to causes causing subsequent events,” he concludes: “We can see without the help of eyes and hear without the help of ears through some internal psychic and mental sense.” a certain global information field that contains information about events of the past, present and future. We are all connected to this field, but not everyone can work with it, receiving and correctly interpreting the information that is given to us: intuitive premonition, prophetic dreams, anticipation of future events. In a dream, it is much easier for the information field to reach us. In a dream, logical thinking sleeps, but the subconscious mind works at full capacity. In dreams we hear the voice of intuition. Therefore, we can foresee future events. The story of Gaius Julius Caesar is known, whose wife dreamed that he would be killed the next day in the Senate, and she begged her husband to stay at home and not go anywhere. Another historical example is the case of the more mystically inclined Emperor Octavian Augustus: his friend saw in a dream that Augustus would be hacked to death by his enemies at night. Augustus did not stay overnight in his camp tent, trusting in the prophetic dream of his comrade. And indeed, the tent was captured by the enemies, the emperor’s bed was cut up. Carl Gustav Jung also spoke about the existence of a certain information field that manifests itself in the form of the collective unconscious in his works “On the Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious.” He tried to classify dream images according to their symbolic meaning. He believed that the symbols in the dream imagery system are inherent to all humanity, that they were formulated during the evolutionary development of the human brain and were passed down through generations. Surely many have wondered: How can I see prophetic dreams more often and is it possible to regulate them? There are four modes of operation of our brain according to the frequency of oscillations. The first is called the beta mode - this is 18-30 hertz. This is a mode in which we see the world around us very well, we can think, read... But we practically do not communicate with our unconscious. The second is alpha mode 8-18 hertz. In this state we begin to connect with the primary.
