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To be honest, I don’t know if I can write this article the way I see it….What I calmly talk about with each of my clients is such a subtle, elegant topic that it’s impossible to write its “for everyone” without getting hit on the head with a tomato is practically impossible. “A thought expressed is a lie” Tyutchev. But what to do? Perhaps I will just hint at this topic. At least a little, in passing….For many reasons (physiological, psychological, and social), having become interested in a girl, a man thinks about first sex and strives for it…..We women, as often as we laugh, it is true, having felt sympathy for a man, we are starting to come up with names for our future common children)) There is a little joke here, if you will, but in essence this is completely serious)) so understand it as you want. Let’s return to men and men’s perception. If a man comes towards you, he wants to make you his. But he doesn't always know yet whether it's just for one night or for life. He wants to try you..... He has a goal and, most likely, a plan. If a man approaches you, he has some kind of plan. But the next move is yours, Queen! And a lot depends on what this move will be. Let’s fix this moment. We stop. Then slowly……..It is how this moment passes that, in most cases, determines whether a woman will cry in the future, or bask in a relationship. Right now, after the next phrase, I expect the maximum number of tomatoes from readers) Next move a woman makes demands and sets her “price.” The words are very primitive, and in no case should they be taken literally. Naturally, the woman does not voice any demands. Read between the lines) This is the game starting. Thin, beautiful, sometimes fateful) Men, by the way, who are focused on results, think very well at this moment. No matter how they later assure you that they don’t like to guess, don’t like hints, at this moment, when they have a goal in front of them, they understand all the hints and half-hints very well. A man will understand and feel if you play this moment beautifully, how much courtship, time, effort, money (not necessarily about money) will need to be spent to get you. Or, perhaps, your price is very low, and you can get everything at once) If at this moment you do not “put forward your demands,” then in the future you will play by his rules. It is possible that they are very honest and the guy is very decent, but other options are not excluded. Dear readers, when I say “play,” this does not mean at all that I urge you to pretend, to deliberately lead a man by the nose. Not at all. Any relationship is a game. Sometimes mean, sometimes honest, but a game... Moreover, you shouldn’t be incredibly honest and yourself in the very first days with a man you don’t know) But why? He has not yet given you any promises about the holiness of his intentions. This is still a stranger. And so as not to bite your elbows later, “Oh! Augustine! I believed you!”, at this moment you need to think about yourself, your beloved, your comfort and your safety. Excessive gullibility borders on stupidity. You don’t go on a first date by yourself in your favorite robe, right? You dress up, apply makeup……..watch your speech and facial expression……..However, more on that next time, or in private) Have a comfortable week!)
