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In the modern world, more and more young people enter into relationships and break up, as if ordering sushi on the Internet. Each person has his own idea of ​​what a serious relationship is. Sometimes a partner overwhelms a woman with compliments, flowers, expensive gifts, but does not have any long-term plans. It is worth thinking about the fact that by some external manifestations of attention it is not always possible to determine how serious a given relationship is. There are situations when lovers simply spend time together, they feel good together, o they have no plans for living together, having children, that is, they live in anticipation of “their” person. And even if such relationships are long-lasting, this does not mean that they are serious. Reverse examples: people build relationships very recently, feel responsible for each other, want to be close to each other. Let us also note commonality of interests, views on a common future. Signs of a serious relationship are trust, sincerity, willingness to work on the relationship. In a relationship, in any case, there comes a period when partners get used to each other, do not recognize prosperity. Crises are also inevitable. For some time it may seem that the difficulties are behind us, but this is not so. Obstacles and difficulties can arise in relationships at any stage. But it happens that people have the same approach to such moments: to look for a way out together and overcome difficulties, without thinking that you can simply change your partner. Responsibility for each other’s future is another criteria for assessing serious, real relationships. On our life path, sometimes Everything doesn’t always turn out well and the way we want. At the moment, there are the main signs of an ideal relationship that you can rely on when building them: Every relationship should contain sensuality, and of course, love, because you can’t do without it. You need to try to avoid conflicts and minor understatements. Search for compromises. You need to find the strength within yourself and share your truth with your loved one, discuss problems and reasons for disagreements. Moreover, do this calmly and, being only alone, without devoting any “third”, since this concerns directly two loving people. Do not be alarmed by the discrepancy between some interests, because everyone has their own individual inclinations towards something, one thing is important, you need to be openly interested in that that is so close to the heart of a loved one. Try to spend more time together. Breakfasts together, spending time together.
