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Art therapy, what is it? Art therapy, how to do it? What does this art therapy give? Recently, this type of therapy has become very common. Overall, it is very natural, as it is very revealing and easy. But this is a very erroneous ease. In order to practice art therapy correctly, you need a lot of knowledge. Ease lies in execution, ease for the person who is the client. So what is art therapy? This is a way of self-knowledge through creativity. Moreover, it does not matter whether a person knows how to “do” this creativity professionally or simply amateurishly. The action is very important, the process is important, not the result. It is important to invest your self in this creative process. And in fact, it doesn’t matter what you do, dance, sing, play a musical instrument, draw, write fairy tales - the main thing is the process. Art therapy classes allow a person to look deep into himself, inside. To find out what motivates him, to find out what a person does not understand about himself, he could not realize before. This is a process that is carried out by a person himself, without outside interference, since everything that happens carries its own charge. The point is that interpretation is your action: drawing, sculpture, movement... You see what you have done. You can look at your inner well-being from the outside. This is not just a conversation with a therapist or psychologist, like a dialogue of a mirror reflecting you - it is a dialogue between you and yourself with the help of a therapist. The main thing is that in the process of training, you, feeling yourself, feel the truth of what is happening. People are designed in such a way that they like to be convinced of something, to make sure, to receive confirmation. And it's true, people rarely just take anything for granted. So, in this practice, a person is able to look, feel, feel the internal state. Draw a picture, make a figurine, compose a fairy tale according to the assignment. And you will see that it is from you. After all, you are the one who draws, composes, sculpts. No one else, you - this is clear, this is true. An experienced therapist will help in the process of awareness and acceptance, experience and reconciliation, and simply understanding the internal state. He will help guide you through your fairy-tale world, guide you like Ariadne’s thread, so as not to get lost and take a wrong turn. The most difficult part of art therapy is just getting started. That is, overcome resistance and just start working with yourself. In this matter it is necessary to understand desire. The desire to know about yourself, to understand about yourself, to feel yourself. If everything is fine, then it may not be worth digging. But if questions begin to arise, then courage is needed. So, art therapy allows you to learn in fairly simple ways about yourself, about your world, your behavior in this world, about people in your world, about the reactions of you and others. All people have creativity within them. Creativity allows us to live and adapt to this world. Therefore, creativity has always fascinated people. This is a forced necessity - a creative adaptation. Try it yourself. Just sit back and ask yourself a question. Now relax, look inside yourself. Breathe. Repeat the question. And now, what do you see? Take a closer look. Breathe. Look at everything carefully, try to see even the smallest details. Now, take a piece of paper, paints, pencils, markers - draw. Or maybe it will be plasticine? Collage? What do you want, what is closer? Let's get started... http://raduga-art.blogspot.com/ Other articles on this topic that may be of interest to you: - Art therapy - What can a drawing say? , - Symbolism of the drawing. Birds.
