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From the author: Abstract. The article discusses the features of an innovative psychological method, animal-assisted therapy, which consists of including an animal in the process of interaction with a preschool child: the relevance and features of its use in the psychotherapeutic process, as well as the range and prospects for application. Today, preserving and strengthening people’s health is one of the main strategic objectives development of the country. Preschool age is a decisive stage in the formation of the foundation of a child’s physical and mental health. The main psychological new formation at this age is the beginning of arbitrariness of mental processes and the formation of psychological readiness for subsequent schooling. In this regard, increased attention is paid to the formation of the psycho-emotional health of preschoolers. The plasticity and high lability of a preschooler's body determines high sensitivity to the influence of environmental factors. Among the numerous methods and means of strengthening the psychological health and emotional stability of preschool children, the leading place is occupied by modern health-saving technologies, including play therapy, fairy tale therapy, puppet therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, art therapy, animal therapy etc. The use of the listed types of psychocorrectional work has a positive effect on the mental and emotional development of a preschool child [3, p. 16]. Animal-assisted therapy (zootherapy, pet therapy) acts as a modern effective method of psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional work, implemented by means of interaction between humans and animals. This type of psychotherapeutic work is at the intersection of various scientific fields: psychotherapy, psychology, psychophysiology, medicine. It is an interdisciplinary scientific unit capable of influencing the individual, both correctional and developmental in nature, improving a person’s personality at various age stages and pursuing various goals. Designed for implementation in the process of carrying out medical-psychological and socio-psychological work. The relevance and effectiveness of the implementation of this issue, as well as the definition of its goals and objectives and implementation features are being studied today by many domestic authors: L.V. Smolova, A.N. Lipov, E.I. Bugaeva, etc. Initially, the method of animal therapy as a means of correcting problems of a psychological nature was proposed by the Canadian child psychiatrist B. Levinson, who initially used his own dog for therapeutic purposes. The results of the researcher’s observations of children in the process of communicating with an animal made it possible to state that the child provides a sense of security and overcomes certain difficulties in uncommunicative, constrained and withdrawn autistic children [6, p. 41].At the present stage, animal-assisted therapy is very common, both in Russia and abroad. In the USA, Canada, France and the UK, organizations providing psychotherapeutic assistance through communication between people and animals are gaining popularity. In Russia, the domestic researcher N.L. Knyazheva has developed an animal-therapeutic program “Guys and Animals”, recommended for use in working with children experiencing difficulties in adaptation and communication, as well as those experiencing manifestations of fear. Closedness, feelings of loneliness and aggressiveness. The experience of existing practical work allows us to assert that communication with representatives of the animal world and the “credit of trust” they give significantly facilitates the process of a child’s awareness and acceptance of himself as an individual. Caring for a companion animal, communicating and playing with it contributes to the acquisition of new social experience and behavior, which are subsequently successfully transferred to other life situations. Today, various areas of animal therapy are distinguished: hippotherapy(psychotherapeutic work in interaction with horses), canistherapy (work in interaction with dogs), dolphin therapy (work in interaction with dolphins), feline therapy (work in interaction with cats) [5, p. 22]. The authors note the significant role of animal-assisted therapy in the process of correcting problems of social adaptation of children with various characteristics and developmental disabilities: cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD syndrome. With no less effectiveness, this method is also used in working with normally developing children in the process of their adaptation to preschool education, the development of empathy, emotional responsiveness, stabilization of behavioral reactions, etc. The theoretical justification for the use of this method is associated by researchers with its functional features: Interaction with an animal - as a companion, it helps relieve stress, align the functioning of the nervous system, and correct the psyche as a whole, realizing the psychophysiological function of the method. Communication between a child and an animal significantly affects the development of communication skills and the harmonization of interpersonal relationships, realizing a psychotherapeutic function. The emergence of constant contacts with animals in this regard acts as an additional channel of human interaction with society and the outside world, while simultaneously carrying out his mental and social rehabilitation. This is the rehabilitation function of animal-assisted therapy. Also, through animal therapy, the function of satisfying a person’s needs for one’s own competence is realized, since this need, expressed in the formula “I can,” acts as the most important human need. No less significant for a person is the need for the opportunity to realize one’s own internal potential and the need to “be significant” - this is the function of self-realization of the animal therapy method. However, the main function of this method is rightfully considered to be the function of communication, since the implementation of animal therapy allows the child to interact with an animal partner, developing communication skills and knowledge [1, p. 42]. Directed animal therapy involves the use of various trained animals in psychotherapeutic and psychocorrectional practice; work with animal images can be used no less successfully. According to the preferences given to a particular animal, feline therapy, canistherapy, hippotherapy, dolphin therapy, etc. are distinguished. It should be taken into account that the use of the animal therapy method in working with children also implies the possibility of certain risks, expressed in the manifestation of allergic reactions. Consequently, such work can only be carried out with the participation of healthy animals. At the same time, preliminary agreement with the parents and medical worker of the preschool educational institution for the child’s participation in therapy is also mandatory. Taking into account possible risks, we note that not only the animal itself, but also its image, formed during classes, can have a beneficial effect on the mental development and health of the child. In this regard, today in the course of therapeutic activities in this direction, replacement therapy is actively used. During a specially organized design of a synesthetic nature with the connection of all possible analyzers, children create a variety of mental images of an animal, and it is also possible to use animal toys, animal dolls, etc. [4, p. 29] Playing with companion animals, caring for them, training them or training them, as well as using the method of visual contemplation, memories, recreating images, etc., usually evokes positive emotions and peace in children. Regular organized interaction with animals has a positive effect on the development of attention, perseverance, cognitive activity, and stabilization of the psycho-emotional state of children. Also, during the lesson, verbal and non-verbal activity is stimulated, and a change in behavioral reactions for the better is noted. To this endThe subject-development environment of the kindergarten should be equipped with a living corner, the inhabitants of which are able to “keep company” with preschoolers in joint activities. Spending time in a living area, children have the opportunity to observe animals, analyze the features of their lifestyle and habits, establish differences and similarities in the needs of animals and humans. When choosing animals with which children will communicate most effectively, age and individual characteristics should be taken into account pupils and the habits of the animal. It is necessary to first find out how the animal reacts to a new person, since aggressive manifestations on the part of the animal can cause psychological and physical harm to the child. The use of different animals in the process of animal therapy has different functions, so the choice of animal should be taken very seriously [2, p. 16].Cats. Communication with this animal satisfies the child’s need for physical contact, relieves manifestations of aggressiveness, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and cardiovascular system. Horses. They help counteract various movement disorders, removing the negative effects of hypokinesia, which is caused by the course of the disease. Promotes the development of physical activity, improvement of impaired body functions; improvement and restoration of skills lost during illness. Provide professional rehabilitation, forming new or restoring lost motor skills. Dogs. Communication with this animal blood pressure. When working with unstable or traumatized children, negative forms of behavior are corrected, the level of anxiety and fears is reduced, etc. This type of therapy is recommended for children with ADHD. Fish breeding. Recommended for neurodermatitis (observing the behavior of fish dulls the itching of the skin); bronchial asthma and colds, hysteria, epilepsy. Birds. Communication with them is indicated in the presence of cardiovascular diseases; relieve the child from melancholy, depression, blues. Dolphin therapy. Helps rid the child of neurotic conditions. Recommended for children with Down syndrome and other genetic diseases; in the presence of minimal cerebral dysfunction syndrome; ADHD, cerebral palsy, autism spectrum diseases, memory disorders, etc. [5, p. 23] Thus, animal-assisted therapy allows for work with a wide variety of animals, which makes it possible to satisfy the needs and communication needs of any preschooler, even in the case of any contraindications. Animals, as a source of interest for a child, can also be used as a distraction factor that reduces tension in various stressful situations. The features of the main part of the animal-assisted therapy lesson are to take into account the psycho-emotional state of the child and build various compositional aspects of the lesson on its basis. The lesson can be structural in nature: have a clear, pre-developed plan, taking into account the necessary time for carrying out the planned exercises and transitions from one to another. The procedural nature of the lesson allows you to directly monitor the process of self-expression of the child, answer questions that arise in children, focusing on the peculiarities of interpersonal interaction in a group of children. An important component of the animal-assisted therapy lesson is the use of musical accompaniment, which acts as a connecting thread connecting the changing emotional states of children during the lesson, and contributes to an adequate choice of behavioral response model. Musical compositions must be chosen consciously and correspond to the goals and objectives of the exercises used. Note that the completion of different tasks should not be accompanied by different musical compositions; repetition of a musical composition is more appropriate to use for the purpose of setting an “anchor” or emphasizing, triggering a certain emotional state [3, p. 19].Application of elementsRitualization and impromptu are also recognized as an important aspect of the animal-assisted therapy process. Classes can be of two types [4, p. 31]: with repeating types of tasks that act as an “anchor” and perform the functions of learning, reinforcing changed behavior patterns, classes during which the classes are not repeated (sketches, impromptu). Allow children to independently design and play new ways of emotional (non-verbal and verbal) and behavioral responses. Let's consider the features of working with animal images. The implementation of such an activity involves step-by-step adherence to the established plan [1, p. 44]: Organizational stage of creating a group, choosing an animal by discussion. At this stage, children are given the direction of the upcoming work, and the rules of behavior in the group are communicated. Meeting and greeting games are encouraged. This stage also includes a free-form conversation about the animals that children prefer; the conversation ends with the choice of an animal for the lesson. Transformation into the image of the selected animal - making attributes of the image of the selected animal (tail, ears, using masks, painting children’s faces using face painting techniques ). Updating existing experience in the context of contact with an animal. It involves identifying existing experience of interaction with the selected animal. Accumulating new experience in the image of the selected animal. Through the use of elements of psychodrama, body-oriented therapy and dramatization sketches, knowledge is accumulated about the characteristics of the animal’s behavior, imitation of its habits and behavior (psycho-gymnastic exercises). The disembodiment stage involves conducting a disembodiment ritual (exiting the image) and transferring the experience gained into a natural behavioral environment. Conducting a delayed conversation with preschoolers about the benefits of experience with animals for people's lives. The implementation of this stage can be carried out in the form of homework. Response stage. Completing creative tasks: creating a drawing, the task “letter to a beloved animal,” making a collage or composition from plasticine on the topic of the lesson. Completion ritual. Involves performing meditative exercises. It involves identifying the emotional state of children after class. The effectiveness of the impact is expedient through the implementation of psychodiagnostic techniques. The use of this technology during the educational process of preschool educational institutions and targeted psychocorrectional work, according to G.V. Antoshina, allows us to note: a significant decrease in the number of manifestations of aggressive behavior in children, a stable gradual increase in preschoolers’ confidence in themselves and their own abilities, an increase in the level of self-esteem, the dynamics of the development of cognitive activity and cognitive needs, and the preservation of a positive emotional mood for a long time. Parents note positive behavioral dynamics of a stable, long-term nature. Thus, the presented method of animal-assisted therapy is a fairly effective tool for psychocorrectional work in the context of resolving psycho-emotional difficulties in preschool children and their mental development. The use of this method is recommended for use by teachers and psychologists of preschool educational institutions. References Antoshina G.V. Animal therapy program “Tailed Doctor” // New research (Institute of Age Physiology, Moscow). - 2010. - T. 1. - No. 24. - P. 38-59. Kryazheva N.L. 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