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ATTACK ON THE BRAKES Why do you always unconsciously violate the hierarchy of importance of the planned tasks and with pleasure and diligence do something unimportant to the detriment of the serious? Why do people often have the desire to get bogged down in empty routine? Many of the most important things cannot, by their nature, be done well. Many of them have never been done before by you or the organization you work for. You unconsciously avoid them and start doing empty things, killing time. For what subjective reason did you put off important things, automatically switching to small things? Were you afraid to face the unknown? Were you afraid of hurting yourself or others? Were you afraid of feeling guilty? Were you afraid of being rejected? Were you afraid to take on too much responsibility? Were you afraid of getting angry? In short, you were afraid. Your unconscious was panicking about having to take a path that required non-standard solutions. As a result, the upcoming task always turns out to be “unpleasant.” You must overcome this fear. Then you will be able to complete any “unpleasant” task. Let you be afraid of overloading yourself with additional work - and do not start a new business because of this. Start planning - you will see how much work related to an already launched and ongoing business you can free yourself from. If you suspect that you are avoiding an important matter because of some kind of internal fear, then at the moment when a decision is made, ask yourself: “What am I afraid of?” Answer in writing in two minutes - with a list of supposed reasons-brakes. Then select from the list the most likely reason for your flight from doing this task. Now imagine that what you were afraid of has already happened. What has changed from this? Something worse than undone work has come up? Apparently not. Do so - it won’t be any worse than what happened. On the contrary, most likely a pleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a better outcome of the case. You are often afraid to make an important phone call simply because the reaction of your counterparty may be unpredictable. Moreover, a simple conversation causes noticeable physiological reactions in you. You become more active, enter a stressful state, and any surprise during the conversation has a powerful frustrating effect on you. Why does this happen? Because you overestimate the importance of the upcoming conversation. You attribute to him too much influence on something that is personally important to you. Usually this “important” has little to do with the real matter. Rather, it is associated with an unconscious fear, for example, of “losing your dignity” or looking funny, humiliated, stupid, etc. You are afraid that your counterpart will have a bad opinion of you. For some reason, his opinion is very important to you. It is important for you to look good. If you approach the matter rationally and put yourself in the shoes of the person on the other end of the line, it becomes obvious that he will either forget or not attach importance to the impression formed in a minute conversation. After all, this is exactly what you do. Where does the high personal significance of this “opinion” of a distant interlocutor come from? Here again, your overseer is to blame. He projects on your counterpart in any conversation the archetype of “master”, “father”. More precisely, he projects himself, attributing to his counterpart both a system of values ​​and prohibitions that make up your own “super-ego”, and a system of sanctions for violating these prohibitions. In short, your counterpart turns out to be something more than just another person. He is a representative of society, a representative of the master archetype, he has the power to punish you for violating certain unwritten prohibitions, “not conforming,” etc. Even more often, your internal overseer compares archetypes with the social roles that your communication partners occupy. It makes you unarmed and compliant in front of the person who occupies this or that position. This is how the overseer turns you into a slave. But you just have to rationalize the situation, change the rules of the game, realize that there is no social status, there is.
