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Many articles have been written on this topic and many programs have been filmed, but the topic never ceases to be relevant. In addition, the amount of varied information only exacerbates the misunderstanding of this phenomenon. Many women mistake the false path of development for the true one and later face disappointment. The desire to prove and show your worth and strength becomes more important than finding out the reason for its appearance. Because taking care of the external effect is much easier than carrying out complex internal work. The very word “Alpha” (first, main) already sounds promising and is associated with victory and success. Modern girls strive to be the so-called alpha females, despite the fact that they do not quite understand who they are, or are mistaken in their understanding. Based on their own ideas, the girls are trying to show that they belong to supposedly alpha females. Well, first of all, it is easier to show than to do, and to appear easier than to be. And secondly, the external effect is more quickly and easily perceived by those to whom it is directed. A deliberately sexual appearance, manners, various achievements in professional fields, material well-being and other trophies are demonstrated. But the main misconception lies in the ideas of independence from men, suppression of men weaker than oneself, constant growth in the number of fans. Some contradiction in life position is already noticeable. So)). Alpha female is not about conquering the world, but about creating, preserving and protecting offspring. The power is directed not to the outside world, but to one’s own, inside, to the source of life. How will a female protect her home if she herself needs to be protected? What can it pass on to its offspring if it is empty? Alpha means number 1, the best. What's the question? The answer is libido. Libido is not only sexual energy, but the energy of life in general. Vitality, ability to survive in various life situations, women's super ability to adapt, change, inspire deeds. A true alpha female is capable of solving problems equal in complexity to those solved by men, but DIFFERENT in essence! Of course, not all women are alpha females And not all men are alpha males. And not everyone has to be one. And you don’t have to become one in order to exist harmoniously and happily. There are a lot of combinations and types of relationships.
