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To be Loved (to me, mine, I) ... or to love? How to be?! People's opinions often differ... Some say that it is better to be “loved”, only to accept love, others confirm that it is very important to both accept and give, i.e. - love others. And yet, what to do? Receiving is “better” than giving?! Having accepted everything you need for yourself: love and respect from your family and friends, tenderness, proper upbringing, proper attention, the best education, achieve a good status in society... etc. – perhaps this is the goal and meaning of our whole life? My opinion, for example, is this: “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap in due time, in any area of ​​his life.” Of course, in order to sow, you must have seed to sow. When and where do we acquire “seeds”? Let’s start with the fact that when a person is born, coming into this world, the child appears as a “tabula rasa”. Over time, he absorbs knowledge and skills, forming habits and his lifestyle in accordance with what is offered to him. Growing up, he tries to realize and realize himself. In other words, having received a certain seed, he later sows it - gives it away, invests it, invests....Then the question is: since he has received it, then he must give it away?! Namely, this process of giving is very interesting and multifaceted. Each of us has our own opinion regarding the fact that once we have received something, we must share it with someone. Even from an early age, we teach children to share candy and toys with their peers. Some people think like this: “if he wants to share, let him share; if he doesn’t want to share, don’t force him.” How much he should give and to whom, let it be at his own discretion, etc.” Somewhere I consider this principle in this way. The child reflects the behavior of the parents; he is a “mirror” of the family. Therefore, it all starts with the family - the foundation is laid for life. How a person will be formed further also depends on the environment in which he finds himself... There are, of course, genetic tendencies: to be kind, sympathetic, sensitive, but there are also character traits that can be guide us in good and correct directions. The other extreme is often found among people: some of us cannot receive anything from others; these are altruists. They believe that for them giving is the norm or a way of life and they cannot afford to receive something from anyone. Perhaps they were either raised this way, or is pride getting in the way? All they do is give and give until they feel empty and have nothing left to give. I call this principle: an “empty glass” that needs to be filled. After all, you can’t give away what you don’t have. Somehow you need to take care of your resource... so that you always have wealth, have something to share. And if the “source has dried up”, then what...? And also, we are faced with another situation: there are those who only accept and accept everything that is offered to them, they become “obese” consumers or “parasites of society” who do not want anything share, but only accept. The third category of people are those who accept gifts and blessings from others, learn how to deal with it further, where and how to use what they received, where to invest, with whom to share and try to be useful and in demand for others and for society. They find the middle and balance in their lives, harmony. In which category can you find yourself? And what’s better to be: loved: me, mine, I, or be useful to others, not forgetting about yourself?! For example, I love it when harmony and balance reign in my life: That is, it’s good to be loved, but , even better - strive to love others too. Why is this so important? “It is more blessed to give than to receive...”! Everything has its own wisdom…
