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From the author: From the book “The Way of the Warrior of the Spirit or the Awakening of God” The Holy Scriptures say: “By faith it will be given to you.” But what is faith? From what positions can we understand this word? If faith is considered from the position of identification with any type of information that is not internal experience (experience) and comes from external sources, then such faith will be a conditioning factor in the consciousness of the individual. A person who “taking on faith” some point of view or mental model of the world falls into the trap of a certain description of reality and moves away from the knowledge of life based on his own experience. Faith coming from the mind is always associated with duality: there is one who believes , there is something to be believed and there is an object of faith. You can trust the information presented in a book, you can trust some authority, you can trust society, etc. Such faith models the world through intermediaries. A parent, a book, an authority, and even a spiritual teacher are only intermediaries of knowledge of reality. A mediator can help a person in the first stages of self-knowledge, but can also harm the comprehension of the truth by the seekers themselves. Many “believers” stop on their spiritual path when dealing with intermediaries. In other words, between you and realities there is always a description of the world created by intermediaries. Not just some book or person can act as an intermediary; entire mental systems can act as an intermediary; they are sometimes called egregors, archetypes, etc. The seeker on his path falls into certain mental traps and the first step into these traps is faith. Upbringing, education - what we call socialization is based on belief in how the world works: what is right and what is wrong; what is good and what is evil. Faith forms a fixed reality with which a person subsequently becomes identified. People often ask each other: “Do you believe in God?” This question has become almost standard and hackneyed. The person asking sometimes does not understand the essence of this question. It is logical to answer this question with the questions: “What does it mean to believe? What is meant by the concept of God?” At the beginning, a certain image of God is created, endowed with certain qualities. This image then becomes a symbol of faith. The paradox is that the image of God is constructed by the subjective human mind. Man creates God in his mind, and then tries to believe in it intensely. In this case, God is the object of a limited mental concept. Such a belief is at least a temporary consolation for a fearful mind, and at most it is simply a delusion. The worst version of such a belief is that God is endowed with human qualities. Hence, various thought stereotypes arise in the public consciousness: “God will punish”, “God will not forgive”, “God will have mercy”, “God will bring you closer to himself”, “God’s punishing hand”, etc. From such stereotypes, God is seen by man as the supreme a king who either forgives or punishes, or brings people closer to himself and grants paradise, or alienates them from himself and sends them to paradise. Such primitive ideas, firstly, come from the eternally fearful human mind, and secondly, they are an excellent tool for manipulating and controlling a person by intermediaries. If we take into account such ideas about God, then there really will be no difference between such a god and a king endowed with human power (laws). But such a model of a punishing god is convenient for “restraining” the masses of people. In the early stages of human development, this may indeed have been necessary to prevent uncontrolled human behavior and organize his minimal sociality. In modern development, such a worldview is not just a stopper, but also a factor of destruction. Manipulation of human consciousness through the image of God the Policeman deprives people of their own source of light, forcing them to always be guilty, sinners, and unworthy. This is beneficial for intermediaries who want to exploit/
