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POLINA. AROMANTICIAN “It always seemed to me that my peers and female peers seemed to be playing some kind of game: “Now we will hold hands, walk - we are a couple.” Everyone looks at them very approvingly, rejoices, empathizes. It reminded me of the situation in the summer children's camp - someone is sure to have an “affair”. Until graduation, it seemed to me that everyone was acting it out. As it turned out, this was not the case: they had feelings for each other, feelings, jealousy. For some, this was significant. experience, but for me it’s a strange process, I’m outside of it. I was looking for information and came across the word “aromanticism” and realized that it describes my experience. When you come to this realization, you understand: yes, I didn’t and, most likely, there will be no romantic attraction to someone. It happens that a person has romantic attraction often, it happens that once every two years or a year. But this is not my case. I am, perhaps, a classic example of an aromantic person.” - this is how Polina writes about herself. We will try to understand aromanticism more deeply. I hope this article will be useful to you and will bring clarity to your understanding. Aromanticism is a rather rare and rather new orientation. Very often, this orientation is either not known at all, or is confused with asexuality. An aromantic is a person who experiences little or no romantic feelings towards other people. Aromantics are not those who lack lyricism and romance in life. They do not feel an instinctive need for such a manifestation of their feelings. Aromantics may feel the need to provide support, sympathy, and may also satisfy romantic feelings in a platonic way. Aromanticism, like asexuality, is innate and not a person’s choice. Aromantics are in some ways the opposite of asexuals. While asexuals can love and experience romantic feelings without sexual desire, aromantics do not feel emotionally connected to their partners. For them, sex is simply a physiological process without any romance. In addition to the familiar concept of sexual orientation, any person also has a so-called romantic orientation, which can either coincide with erotic or differ from it. The types of romantic attraction (Romantic orientation) are quite diverse and include, in addition to aromanticism, heteroromanticism, biromanticism, homoromanticism, panromanticism, demi-romanticism and some others. The term aromanticism itself is quite vague and often its use without clarification introduces more confusion than certainty. Thus, characterizing By identifying as an aromantic, a person may mean that he: 1. asexual-aromantic, absolutely not interested in any relationships other than friendly ones; 2. loves sex, but does not tolerate romantic relationships, so he plans to remain “single” forever;3. loves sex and is even ready to start a family with the partner he likes, but cannot stand the so-called “candy-bouquet period”;4. prefers to build relationships based primarily on friendship and mutual respect, rather than on falling in love. People, having learned about their romantic orientation, consider aromatics incapable of creating any relationships at all: they say, all aromatics are callous creatures incapable of love. In fact, this is not true. Romantic attraction is only a small component of the system of relationships between people, and although it is especially important at the initial stage of dating and communication, this does not mean that it is absolutely necessary. Friendship, respect, sex are also significant factors for the development of strong and serious relationships. With respect and faith in your potential, Victoria Tanailova System psychologist, psychogeneticist, expert on effective strategies for overcoming crises and illnesses through activation of the resource state of consciousness of the body. +79892451621, +380986325205, +380666670037 (viber, WatsApp, telegram)skype tanaylova3
