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Karmic relationships with men in a woman’s life occur as follows: If a woman has good karma, then the woman marries at the age of 20-25, quite easily, to a person whom she has known for a long time or whom she easily met (for classmate, neighbor, etc.). Such a woman can give birth to many children and not work - take care of home and family. She can help her husband a little in his affairs. If a woman does not get married until she is 25-30 years old, then we can talk about karma as problematic. Here a woman must work on something - learn to earn money herself, make a career, etc. In any case, with such karma, you need to be especially careful and understand your life with specialists - look for the causes of karma. The same thing happens in the case of divorce, when a woman is left alone with a child. Perhaps a woman has some great purpose. For example, the author of Harry Potter began to write these books, left without a husband in poverty. Or a woman has large debts to men. It is this option that we will consider in more detail. Part of the karma comes from past lives, and part is accumulated in this one. And it can make life even more difficult. It seems that a person always makes a choice himself. In fact, in some cases, negative karma greatly limits a woman, and she cannot get out of its clutches. We can say that a woman is like a squirrel in a wheel - under the influence of karma, she behaves in a certain way. But when a woman behaves this way, she spoils her karma even more. This is the wheel of karma. Example: a client (35 years old, powerful and ambitious) suffers greatly from the fact that she is single at her age. And because her dream - to show her husband to all her relatives and prove that she is no worse than everyone else - does not come true. At the same time, she meets men on a dating site, and at the first meeting she arrogantly declares to many of them: “You are not in my taste." On one island, scientists taught monkeys to wash bananas before eating them. And interestingly, at the same time, monkeys all over the world began to wash bananas before eating. How did monkeys located at a great distance from that island know about this? Collective subconscious. So, when a client treats one man rudely, another, a third, then suddenly “for an unknown” reason ALL men disappear from her field of vision. Another example: a client (34 years old, also ambitious and inflated self-esteem), likes to talk about how she “smirks these guys and puts them in their place.” And all the men she tried to communicate with immediately told her on the first date that they either weren’t going to get married, or that they only wanted sex. And the wheel of karma is that both clients are convinced that these are “the kind” of men for them come across. They would behave differently with “normal” people. But they don’t come across “normal” ones, because that’s exactly how they behave. And for some reason (karmic) they are not given the opportunity to understand this. And they fight, but it’s all useless. This is an option when there is no relationship. But if there is a relationship, how can you understand what kind of karma you have? And what can you expect from this relationship? Good karma: The woman feels special to the man, he treats her like a Queen. A woman in such a relationship lives and enjoys life. Life in such a relationship is wonderful and joyful. Both the man and the woman are equally interested in the relationship. They believe that they are lucky to have each other. Both the man and the woman meet each other halfway. There is trust and stability in the relationship. There is no talk about jealousy - a woman somehow immediately begins to trust a man, she is confident in him. The woman and the man are friends, the woman feels psychological support. There is relaxation in the relationship, the woman tells the man what she wants. The woman easily receives gifts from the man and financial assistance. A woman feels support and support in a man. A man is responsible for the relationship. Many common interests, common friends. Bad karma (relationship will not last long): The woman feels underappreciated, she.
