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From the author: Original article on the site: Spring is a wonderful time when nature comes to life and awakens. Everything around is renewed, it becomes sunnier and warmer, the colors become brighter, and the soul becomes happier. Together with natural renewal, the desire and need for internal changes awakens in spring. Have you noticed that with the appearance of the spring sun, more people appear on the streets, you want to wear clothes in brighter, lighter colors, girls and women begin to actively transform and bloom like flowers and finally begin to smile more! :) We can go in and live this spring time more consciously, so that the feeling of life becomes even brighter and more joyful, because it depends on our choice. And who knows, maybe this spring your life will change and be renewed somehow in a special way! I offer you a minimum program: Spring renewal Appearance One of the pleasant women's ways to renew and lift your spirits is to visit a beauty salon)) Sometimes it is enough to refresh the shape of your hair, maybe revive your hair color, get a bright, beautiful manicure, and your mood will lift! If you've been meaning to buy a new lipstick or face cream, spring is the perfect time for something new. And also - if you want to correct your figure, then you can sign up for a gym, a swimming pool or a massage. Your body will be very grateful to you, because you will help it free itself from the “winter load” and carefully prepare for summer. Wardrobe Review your wardrobe and be sure to plan an update for yourself in the form of a new skirt, dress, underwear or a beautiful scarf! How we look, what we wear, what colors predominate in our wardrobe greatly influences our mood and sense of self. Do not neglect this purely feminine “method of therapy” to improve your mood, but pay attention that the new product must be feminine! )))InteriorLook around your home with interest and add new touches with love. It is not at all necessary to make a radical revolution or renovation, but it is enough to add a few fresh accents - put spring primroses in a vase, hang bright pictures, refresh the napkins, transplant the flowers on the windowsill into bright pots, wash the windows and you will feel a sense of freshness and your home will immediately be filled comfort. Nutrition I am not a nutritionist and therefore I will not give you any recipes for proper nutrition. But there is a point that I want to draw your attention to - water! If you don’t drink enough liquid, then you need to restore this balance, because a lack of water often leads to a loss of strength and loss of energy, which is already lacking after winter. So, less cake, more water! Help your cells come to life. Environment and communication Look at your surroundings, what people you communicate with, how do you feel after communicating with them - joyful and cheerful or like a squeezed lemon? If you are surrounded by complainers, whiners, those who like to criticize and gossip, grumblers who are always dissatisfied with life, then it’s time to update your environment. After all, our environment affects our condition by 50%! Meet with those friends, after communicating with whom you feel a surge of strength and good mood and minimize communication with negativists, this is in our power. If you don’t know where to look for like-minded people who, like you, are engaged in improving their lives, come to our art group “Life in Colors!” Due to popular demand, she will now work on weekends)) If you do not live in Lugansk, but also want to dive into the depths of art therapy and expand your circle of communication with like-minded women, then join our online training “Awakening Femininity”, which is starting already on Monday, March 3!HobbiesDo you already have any hobbies or hobbies, just something for your soul? Great! If not, then it’s time to start saving as much as you can. Ask yourself - what is your soul? What did you like to do in childhood or youth, what do you dream of mastering as an adult, but constantly put off (no time, no.
