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From the author: Self-love is the beginning of a romance that lasts a lifetime. Oscar Wilde In the usual understanding, the word egoism often has a negative connotation among people, that it is bad. However, there is a psychological concept - healthy egoism or healthy narcissism. This concept has a completely different meaning - a positive one. The concept of the golden mean is used as a law applicable to various aspects of psychology (For example: Assertiveness). It can be expanded: “Everything is good when in moderation.” Also, the application of this law is reflected in the system of psychoanalytic diagnostics OPD (operationalized psychodynamic diagnostics). Where both intrapersonal and interpersonal conflicts are described. Where different poles are considered - active and passive modes. Regarding healthy narcissism, people can be divided into altruists who do not care about themselves, but always show concern for someone, and egoists who love themselves too much (narcissism or pseudo-love) - when They do everything to make them feel good, to achieve their own benefit, to achieve their goals, they use other people without thinking about their needs and interests (“I’ll go over my head, but I’ll achieve everything”). Healthy egoism is the golden mean! A mature, fairly harmonious personality has a sufficient level of healthy egoism, which includes, first of all, self-care, self-acceptance, this is a mandatory plus in the Self, both physical and psychological. I accept myself, my body, I respect and take care of myself, I accept myself as a whole with advantages and disadvantages, I love myself unconditionally (article “Where love leads”) A person with healthy egoism: 1. Knows how to protect himself, stand up for himself. Defend his interests and needs, and at the same time take into account the desires and needs of others, but not to the detriment of himself. Knows how to say no. Less susceptible to manipulation, since he evaluates others critically. Does not fall into love addiction, so how he adequately evaluates his investments and wisely invests his efforts in relationships without sadomasochism, i.e., without excessive control or submission. He knows how to compromise and cooperate. He is able to make the right choice, without suffering from it and without feeling guilty. Has his own goals and achieves them successfully, effectively. Respects himself and unconditionally accepts and loves. Healthy egoism is closely related to the concept of healthy aggression. In the animal world, aggression is a quality without which it is impossible to survive. When the cubs grow up and fly out of the nest or leave the parent’s hole, aggression helps to get food and defend themselves. Only the strongest and most aggressive male has the right to procreate, since he can give the healthiest offspring. In the social world among people and in the analytical concept, aggression is not a manifestation of physical strength, but it is energy that can be directed both inward and and out. For example, depression is considered aggression directed at oneself and the highest manifestation of this aggression is suicide. Therefore, healthy aggression is energy aimed not at destruction, but at protecting or achieving some goal. For example, when a student receives higher education, he shows aggression in the form of active study, active practice, and passing exams. When an athlete improves his results, he also shows healthy aggression. A person who is able to defend his opinion and defends himself from insults and humiliation also shows healthy aggression. Also, healthy aggression allows you to declare your values ​​or defend your needs. Therefore, healthy egoism or healthy narcissism is impossible without the manifestation of healthy aggression. These qualities are inherent in a mature personality. Each psychological concept or criterion cannot be considered separately, and not in a general context. Healthy narcissism is closely related to healthy aggression, and is also associated with unconditional and conditional love, self-esteem, confidence, self-sufficiency, etc. distinguish between evil, inhuman and heartless egoism and.
