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According to the theory of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth, attachment is divided into three types: anxious, avoidant and secure, but in modern psychology another type has been added to them - anxious-avoidant. Today we will talk about the avoidant, people with this type of attachment avoid close relationships, feel discomfort from the manifestation of emotions and often give preference to independence, demonstrating this to others in every possible way and if they do find themselves in a relationship, then because of their peculiarity they are always looking for a reason to get out of them. Features of avoidant attachment type: 1. Lack of trust in other people. People often do not trust others, they are afraid of appearing weak and becoming dependent on them.2. Difficulty in building close relationships. People often have difficulty building and maintaining close relationships due to their tendency to be independent and detached.3. Closedness. People often hide their thoughts, emotions and feelings inside themselves, afraid to show their vulnerability. How to properly interact with people with an avoidant attachment type? ✅ Understanding the characteristics of an avoidant attachment type. First of all, it is important to realize that people with this type of attachment have difficulty building any relationships and expressing their emotions. Try to be patient and understanding with them.✅ Respect personal boundaries. People with this type of attachment value their personal space and independence more than others. Respect their personal boundaries, do not force intimacy or intimate conversations, give them the opportunity to independently determine the degree of intimacy in the relationship.✅ Support and maintain trusting relationships. Try to maintain friendly and trusting relationships with people who have this type of attachment, without insisting on intense communication or display of emotions.✅ Promoting self-development and self-awareness. Help people with this type of attachment develop self-awareness and understanding of their emotions and needs. Support them in their pursuit of personal growth and development without criticizing or judging.✅ Communicate through actions, not words. People with this type of attachment may perceive communication better through joint activities and activities than through talking about feelings. Offer joint activities or projects that can strengthen relationships. How to deal with avoidant attachment type in yourself? ✅ Work on self-awareness and self-understanding. It is important to be aware of your emotions, needs and actions in order to learn to better understand yourself and your relationship to other people.✅ Development of communication skills. Don’t close yourself off, but rather try to remain open to other people, share your thoughts and feelings, learn to correctly express your emotions and needs.✅ Gradual building of trusting relationships. Take your time to build any relationship, but approach it more consciously, allow people to open up before letting them get too close. Only then start building relationships with them when they have earned your trust, doing it at their own pace, based on their needs.✅ Contact a psychologist or psychotherapist. If you find it difficult to overcome an avoidant attachment style on your own, seek help from a specialist who can help you understand your emotions and teach you effective strategies for overcoming this problem. Avoidant attachment type can create difficulties in communication and building close relationships, but conscious work on yourself and treatment for help can help overcome these difficulties. Remember that change takes time and effort, but it can bring you new opportunities for development and personal growth. And normal interaction with an avoidant attachment type requires patience, understanding and respect for the characteristics of others. All this will help you create a favorable atmosphere for communication in order to build healthy and harmonious relationships. Link to my telegram channel: K2K in psychology My telegram: @freedtr
