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From the author: A book written by me in collaboration with Evgeny Naydenov and Andrey Isyomin, published in 2008 by the Bakhrakh-M publishing house, Samara. Part 3. (It is advisable to read from the beginning, from 1 th part) And finally, a complex, fateful dream, simply replete with gods of different pantheons and archetypal images: Michael’s Dream. Presenter: – Tell me the dream first, in its entirety, but first – the context. Mikhail: – Yesterday there was a group work where my process was , which was chaotic for me, although significant... For the first time in a long time after the group, I had a dream, a dream with persecution. I don’t remember such dreams before, unless it was a long time ago... I think this is a significant fact, positive, something has opened up. In this regard, I would like to work in hot pursuit. Description of the dream: I, as some kind of special agent or spy, penetrate into a fairly large house - either a palace or some kind of public institution. Target unknown. The important thing is that, having entered this house, I discovered that a whole group of armed citizens had also entered there, whom I identified as spies opposing me, with some task. And I realized that my mission is to prevent something, in general, I am against them. This was what was in my mind when they entered the room. I remember that as a result they noticed me too. And from then on they started chasing me, and I was running away from them. At the same time, using special skills, espionage... But not all of them are chasing me, but only one of them, although initially there was a whole group of them, this is, firstly. Secondly, in the dream, a very significant thing for me (significant in the sense that it attracts attention when I woke up - I remembered) is that in their eyes I look like a child. Those. I understand that I can use this as a special technique, as camouflage, I can pretend to be a child, they, in general, are chasing the child, but at the same time inside I know that I am an adult. And if they grab me, or I need to do some powerful actions that an adult can do, I suddenly become an adult, perform a technique: a throw, a blow or something else, the pursuer flies off somewhere, and I continue to run away, again as a child. In the first part we were running around this big house... And he grabbed me, I left him... and so we continued to chase. Until I got into the elevator. There were other people in the elevator, some civilians. I had a feeling that I could go down and thus break away... but when the doors opened, I saw that they were already waiting for me. I managed to press the button, the door closed, I went upstairs... and this happened several times, they were waiting for me upstairs and downstairs... I couldn’t escape them... And in the elevator the following story happened: they finally overtook me, there were two of them, they they tied me up... and I was already an adult... and when they grabbed me, in my mind it was as if some beast had grabbed me with its teeth and was not chewing me, but holding me... I thought: “Oh! Crocodile!" After that, they dragged me out of the elevator and onto the street (these spies). There is an alley there, on a sunny winter day, they dragged me there. This is where the dream ends. Q: Let’s do a little free association. What do you associate with spy skills? Close your eyes and give free rein to your imagination... M: The first thing that comes to mind is that on the grave of the philosopher Grigory Skovoroda it is written: “The world caught me, but did not catch me.” Those. life as some kind of adaptation in a foreign environment, being a spy. Knowing who I really am, but mimicking to fit in so as not to be identified. I have mastered sophisticated techniques on this topic... Now I feel excited, the excitement takes over me... Well, yes, a spy is not what he really seems, you have to be invisible. It has long been noticed that as soon as I show up as I am, some troubles happen, i.e. inherent in me, for example, fury... if I express it,... there is noise and noise... Once I had an episode when I was studying in a group where we were doing dancing and sound. The task was clearly set: to open up to the music and surrender to what is coming, movement, sound... In the endI took great pleasure in screaming so loudly that I completely blocked the other participants. After that, the police came there and the neighbors complained. When I started practicing martial arts, working in contact, with the outburst of negativity, the energy of destruction that sits in me, I felt: “Well, thank God, now I can do what I usually can’t do,” i.e. also a topic that is usually camouflaged. Now I am doing something not very traditional, although it is quite natural for me. I can’t talk about this directly either, this is the same group work. In my work with people, I work in a psychological service, and when asked about my training I have to camouflage the answer. Although there seems to be nothing terrible about this, at the same time I have fears of being identified as a “stranger.” In my family, I also had the feeling, in my parents’ family, that I was a stranger on this site. There is also a problem with adaptation and translation from my language into theirs... My values ​​and the values ​​of people do not coincide, so I stay away... Q: What are persecutors associated with? M: There is a constant danger of revealing that I am not correct and do not meet the norms . This is a danger on the one hand, and on the other hand, the need to be discovered. I know that I need to go into the world, i.e. it hangs over me that sooner or later I have to be open, I am afraid of this in two aspects. Firstly, I don’t know the external reaction to me, and secondly, I don’t know myself: “What will open up?!” This is where the danger lies. In a dream, I was dragged by force into the white light, which is probably why I resist. Q: What is a big building associated with? M: A big building? It wasn’t in the dream... but now... on the one hand, as I said, there is a palace, on the other hand there is some kind of public, administrative building. The palace is a certain theme of material well-being, desired for me, probably so. And the administrative premises are the quintessence of the social structure. Which repels me, but on the other hand I know that I have to go there. And apparently, that’s why I secretly penetrate there as a spy. It’s like I’m there, and at the same time I’m keeping something, my secret. Q: What is the child’s behavior associated with? M: Well, there arises a clear camouflage mechanism inherent to me, pretending to be something less than I am, thus avoiding tension. Those. They don’t take me seriously, they’re not afraid of what I bring. Well, and accordingly, due to this, I remain somewhat safe. Q: What exactly is with the image of a child? M: In the world of human activity, I am probably really a child, I have a hugeness inside, in my inner space, and a very narrow neck that allows this bring internal pressure to the outside world, and there only a child can realize it, maybe this is a bottleneck. Now I have images: my tensions are certain, conflicts are connected with the fact that there is a lot of content, pressure, energy inside, but there is no way out... Q: And the child as a creative aspect? M: There is such an aspect. There is a healthy part, and there is a sick part. The child cannot transfer the entire volume outward - this is the negative part. On the other hand, in a child I value the preservation of creative potential, the ability to enjoy life, laugh... And I cherish and nurture this part in myself. But in the dream there was rather a theme of camouflage. Q: Any thoughts about the fact that there were a “crowd” of pursuers, then one, and then two? M: Well, the “crowd” - there were not pursuers, but identified opponents, let’s put it this way. Comment : the Leader’s question leads to the disclosure and awareness of a new semantic field within himself by the Dreamer and the stereotypical nature of what is happening in him. The fateful line or axis of behavior is recognized, onto which, like a kind of tree, branches of consequences in different areas of life are attached. One of the key moments unfolding the awareness of a dream. Q: What is an enemy? M: But this is a question! There is a temptation to consider this from the point of view already stated, I penetrate into a certain space, and someone else penetrates there parallel to me, and there are more of them... The enemy is someone whosomeone with some other values ​​alternative to mine is forcing me to do what I don’t want…. This is not so much someone who can destroy me, but someone who can force me to do something that I don’t like or want. And in my life, I have a vivid example of, let’s say, dodging. ...Q: Maybe someone is forcing me, a mother, a girl? M: Quite often I come into contact with some structures or individuals and there I encounter coercion. To put it more narrowly, in my relationship with my mother I had this for quite a long time, and with my father... I had to fight it off, I want to go there, but they pull me here... I had to fight it off quite harshly. With women, with the fact that now... now I have fewer such situations with a woman. Although in the history of my relationships there were quite vivid episodes when I felt differently. Q: for example, in the topic of making money, you feel pressure on yourself, on your freedom... M: Well... maybe not so harshly, but... Q: or maybe just knowledge that you need to do this... M: This is more likely..., I have a fork. V: She herself does not speak, but you yourself feel... M: Yes, yes... It sounds more accurate... that in her presence I am in I fixate on myself a certain male hypostasis, which knows that she must pay... this and... to go to a cafe and in general for life, i.e. if I don’t do this, I feel discomfort... and it turns on precisely in the presence of a woman. There's a bit of a fork here. On the one hand, the way of life that is dear to me, in which I actually moved, (sigh). It leads to the material results that I have today, and for me in itself this is somehow normal. But if the topic of family and children arises, which is also desirable for me, but from some other source of motivation, then the topic of coercion arises..., the bringing together of two different motives, at least. And with a woman I feel coercion, albeit not directly, but through the fear that if I don’t do something, I might lose her. Now this is less, but I feel that the problem of coercion is inside me, I admitted it, maybe that’s why it’s easier. I felt relieved now. After the group yesterday, when it was said that two years ago I took some kind of wrong direction, I now realized that this is connected, maybe not with a specific woman, but with the fact that this woman raised the topic of family and children very clearly in me . If before this was not about me at all, now I feel this need. Maybe then this contradiction arose. When I encountered her, I felt some responsibility on myself, that I had to provide something for the family, some certain status, and I still haven’t given up on this. Accordingly, the enemy’s theme is this... He ran after me alone, caught me, I either simply dodged him or as a “child”, or through physical contact, wrestling... Q: - What is physical contact, wrestling for you? M: About wrestling or physical contact - intimacy. The theme of the struggle is that masks are thrown off, this is already the present - instincts are turned on, some kind of cultural conditioning is reset. Those. I really fought for life, for myself. Against the background of camouflage, when I was already being grabbed... For example, now I remember the relationship with my coach, which was quite complex, it was difficult to adapt to each other, but until we went out to fight. There it was already felt that we were open, exchanging signals on equal terms. And it was very lively. It was very dear to me, everything was live, and anger, and cunning, and satisfaction, and gratitude for the fact that we interact lively. I came to training, at first somehow from the side, then I walked and walked, and the peak for me was when the fights began. Everything was already there, I was opening up, and it was throwing off masks and fighting for myself. If we transfer this to competition in life, then for some reason I need special conditions in order to use my entire arsenal. I remember that in this sense I once... there was an episode, I was working at a school, a drunken former student came there and tried to get through. I stood opposite him and felt that I could fight, because... atMy goal is to protect children, and I can open up completely. There was no contraction, but my condition was the same. He didn’t pass, but I kept up a conversation with him like a qualified security guard. He felt force, but there was no physical contact. In those conditions, I felt, here I can, here I open myself. Q: What is the elevator associated with? M: A closed space, naturally. A closed space and moving from one place to another... vertically..., still not a machine... for some reason vertically. Moreover, there were other people in the elevator... I remember the term “elevator organizations”, such social structures into which a person can enter and rise socially. Q: Do you remember when they overtook you in the elevator, did you move up or down? M: Not I remember it was not postponed. I remember going back and forth several times. I don’t remember... On the other hand, after that they took me out into the street. Q: It’s interesting, the building is like an association with the state machine and in it movement by elevator... each floor is like a hierarchical structure. A topic that is significant to you. M: Well, yes, the topic is really significant to me. Although it sounds to me, at least for today, not so much in terms of career growth, but in ensuring oneself, in principle, a place in society. This is a question of survival, not hierarchical growth, but maybe something else is hidden behind it... not obvious until the “pre-normative tasks” are solved. Again: running away from the enemy, I found myself in this elevator, from an enemy forcing me to do something... Q: The enemy internally forces you to solve social problems.. M: Well, yes, although at the same time they drag me out of the elevator... sort of from a structure that can allow me something, and not only am I out of the elevator, I am also dragged out of the building. Although there is another aspect here, if we take the elevator not as a means of transportation, but as an enclosed space, dark, closed. And this topic has been quite relevant for me in recent years, these years I have been living in a closed, hermit-like space... they drag me out into the world. Again, here is a slightly different coordinate system... And there is bright white snow, and the sun,... white light. Already now I perceive going out into the white world as a blessing. Some forces in me are interested in this, and they do it, despite my resistance. But I never gave up! Q: Yep. What does it mean to you that you were finally caught? Didn't give up, but got caught. M: Submission. I am subdued, I have lost. And I had the satisfaction of slipping away effectively. It was very difficult for me, but I escaped my pursuer, and I had satisfaction. Only in the morning, when I woke up, I remembered the classic interpretation of persecution and the need to surrender to it, I thought, well, why didn’t I give up... Q: That is. you were grabbed, but inside you didn’t give up? M: Yes, inside you didn’t give up, if I had gotten out of my way, I would have rushed somewhere again. I don’t remember the moment of being dragged out, I already remember the alley, the park... The violent exit into the world that took place... Q: Some kind of birth! M: Well, yes, yes, yes. Again, if about birth, matrices... I stayed there, then I fought, i.e. they are starting to forcibly push me out, maybe they had such a mission to grab me and this... The house... Something has already carried me away... the house is the mother, the elevator is the uterus, the enemy is the contractions, the generic forces that are starting... they are pushing me out ...Q: And it ends with an alley, snow... M: Snow, winter... At least, that’s how the memories end. Q: What do snow and winter mean to you? M: Well, snow is the first association that I’ve already voiced, it’s white snow, light, it reflects sunlight, respectively, a bright space. It wasn't cold. There were trees... rather a contrast between the social and the natural. A way out of the social structure, from this house to nature, into the world... primordial, still pre-human. Yes, they forced me, but I didn’t have any fear that I got there, there was even a certain shade of joyful satisfaction that I ended up there, although against my will, but nevertheless. That is, I resisted not where I was being led, but whatthat they were doing it by force, I didn’t know that they would take me there. Q: Well, it seems that we have collected the material, we can travel. Close your eyes, the state is here and now. M: At the moment the dream begins or somewhere further? Q: Yes, to the beginning, and then how will it go... Re-experiencing M: I climbed through the window, sat down, looked around, looked around, I saw an empty corridor. I stealthily and bend down a little, moving along this corridor. To my right is the wall that faces the street. It has many large windows. Now I see office doors on the left. Q: Ask this space where you ended up, what is it? All this space - what does it symbolize in your inner world? M: Now, I will try to become this space. V: Uh-huh. M: While there is silence, there is silence around me. I am the space of the building into which Misha entered. Well, I quite clearly feel that I am a rather complexly organized living conscious being. It's no secret to me that Misha got in. And I look at him as a kind of coach, teacher, i.e. I am a training space, a simulator. I look at it with a certain interest, but without much interest. Q: If you are a simulator, why are you organized like a building, with offices, windows, corridors? M: Well, this is in the same way as a school. Misha went to school, and that’s how it was. On one side the wall faces the street, with windows. On the other hand, classes. School for Mikhail is not the most pleasant memory, largely repressed... Q: Do you have any desires regarding Misha? M: I am created! My consciousness is even somewhat limited. And I have no direct interest. But I will do what I was made for, created. Q: Why? M: To provide Misha with contact with what he avoids. Questions about archetypes or the appearance of the archetype itself are usually preceded and accompanied by a state of expanded consciousness of clarity and volume. Sometimes, if the Dreamer has some kind of blockage in the sphere of action of the archetype, its appearance may be accompanied by drowsiness and lethargy, which indicates the beginning of the process of “evaporation”, cleansing the inner world of the Dreamer, and also often the Leader, from inanimate stagnant states. Q: Is there any archetypal figure behind you? M: Yes, there is... In my opinion, this is Svarog. Such a vision is bright sunny... But Svarog is more suitable than Ra... For some reason, yes, it sounds like that. Q: Do you have the opportunity to ask Svarog questions? M: Mikhail or anyone? Q: Yes, Mikhail. M: Well, yes... Very huge layer,... a huge layer of material repressed by Misha, connected with school, with growing up. The fact that he is disgusted by the rough social space of the Soviet Union... The fact that, like Pinocchio, dyn-dyn-dyn, he was cut off..., i.e. he perceived it as if it had been done to him, i.e. this is actually not true. But in order to be in this world, he needs to somehow accept it, come to terms with it. There was recently an episode about the same thing in Misha’s life, he went to the theater, the Dodin Theater. There was a performance, the Soviet, post-war social structure was very vividly conveyed, and this is what disgusts Misha. And this is in many ways the essence of life, the truth of life. Q: Are you in Misha now? M: I am now in Svarog, and I speak on his behalf in the context of the creation of this simulator. Q: Return to Misha. M: I am Misha. Q: How do you feel now? M: I’m starting to understand where I ended up, and I’m sitting on my butt in this building. And I understand that yes, indeed, this is a huge layer of what I don’t want to meet - it disgusts me. I feel sad. As an intelligent and educated person, I know that displacing something, giving up something, let’s say, will come back to haunt you. At the same time, I really don't want to. I perceive it as something stupid, disgusting. On the one hand, there is a mechanism that cuts everything off, on the other hand, natural energy begins to rot... a cloaca appears, packaged in a rigid mechanistic structure. On the outside it is rectangular, on the inside there is a plexus, a snake tangle... And at one time I refused this in order to preserve what is precious that is in me, and for me this is a priority task, evenin relation to survival... But I understand that now the task has arisen to return there if I, in principle, am going to live... Q: Are you ready to continue? M: Well, yes. Here I am sitting sad, realizing where I ended up, on the floor in the corridor. I don't want to go anywhere. I don’t leave there, but I don’t try to explore this space either. Sitting. Stale state Q: Is it deserted? M: Now it’s deserted, there’s no one there. And I understand that I am sitting there and this can last forever, staying there. I seem to have arrived, but at the same time nothing happens. ...I understand that we still need to move somewhere. I see the stairs, look up, walk up the steps... second floor. I recognize my school. I really want to express the feeling that I have. There are no words to convey the melancholy with which I observe all this. I observe a sensation in the body in the area of ​​the heart, just above the heart there is some kind of knot, there is density there. I walk down the corridor slowly, even dragging my feet. In fact, nothing is still happening. At some point, it seemed that someone left the class, but no one was there. He walked up, opened the door, it was empty... Now the same space is flashing, as in films, the same space, there is no one there, suddenly boom, there is a flash and it is full of people, again there is a hop and there is no one... After realizing the meaning of what was happening, there was a sharp change in the dream space and the Dreamer moved to the level of almost direct experience of contacts with archetypes. At the level of deep sensations, then put into words. Q: I think this is connected with Svarog. Please ask Svarog why the nature of the dream is changing, the pursuers have disappeared and no one is there. M: ...the answer is already there. The point is that thanks to the fact that I already understood where I ended up, and I am there of my own free will, albeit contrary to my primary desires. I don’t need to be forced, so there are no pursuers. Why is there no one?... He says that I’m afraid, I’m afraid to plunge into all these relationships, I’m still closing myself off. I came consciously to this place, so there is no need to force me, but I don’t have acceptance. Q: Do you still move like a spy? M: No, since I realized where I ended up... I first got there looking around, and now there is emptiness, melancholy in my heart. Q: Let’s go back a little, to the moment when you were still moving like a spy along these corridors. And look, isn’t there some kind of archetype behind the spy? M: For now, I would like to say that while I was a spy, I felt alive. And now I feel empty... Q: What archetypal figure is behind the appearance of a spy? M: Behind the appearance of a spy?... I got a ninja..., a black suit..., some kind of figure behind him... Q: Maybe to be the Joker? M: Joker? Q: The epitaph “The world caught me, but didn’t catch me” - this is just for the Joker... M: I haven’t thought about him for a long time, about the Joker... Although.. the pictures fit perfectly, the ninja becomes a grinning clown. At least this image is easily accessible. Q: And ask the space “Joker, are you here?” M: “Joker...” Well... the response is coming, the chuckle is coming now. Q: Ask him what he is showing you in this dream, in the style of spy passions? M: I feel life in Joker. Now it’s even difficult to be distracted... I first want to quench my thirst before further understanding... What did he show me through this manner of movement? Q: Movement and interactions in general? M: On the one hand, if I understand correctly, he showed me what I actually do, i.e. that it already exists. It is enough to be clear that I play this game, that for me this is a real mechanism for bringing the picture to life. Through this I begin to breathe, I begin to feel alive. Q: Why, after interacting with Svarog and learning what you learned, did you lose your living state? Why did it happen? Although it would seem that communication with Svarog should have naturally revived... M: It turns out interesting. At least I’ll try to say whether it’s true or not... Svarog is involved in this as the creator of the simulator, his task is to very accurately reproduce this cultural cross-section that is present in me. And also how it affected me. Was actually produced... my streamalive, I'm alive... I was cut off from him. Lives instead of me, i.e. a certain doll has been created, which is being cultivated. This is the only way to coexist with the world... Q: As a spy? M: No, not as a spy. That's the problem. If only I could maintain my status as a spy in this world...i.e. it is quite possible that he is truthful, then I could live and fulfill my task.. Q: What threw you out? M: And I was thrown out! Here! And I was thrown out, the force of the impact was powerful, so I was really thrown out. From the source of my life, from the mission, purpose, from the essence, I was actually cut off. In this case, the situation is simulated: if I knew about all this in this very school space... Apparently there can also be rich symbolism here? Not only the school, but the culturalization measures, they were effective from the point of view of that culture. And actually two people appeared. Those. I am real, squeezed into the shadow. Q: Are you real - is it you - the Joker? M: Well, yes, alive, who is close to the essence. This is general information, but what exactly needs to be understood confused me. This is not clear yet. Q: The most interesting thing is that this works in life... M: Well, yes. Q: Ask the Joker. M: The Joker? “What knocked me out? ...What knocked me out?” There is no message yet, but there is a certain result: melancholy, I feel it, and it is directly linked to the Soviet space, the world of the people of Russia. I now feel this as a certain result. This energy, vibration is very familiar to me, very unambiguous. Q: Let's see if there is an archetype behind this vibration!? Isn’t there some kind of archetype behind this vibration that you call Soviet? M: Again, I just remembered now. Vibration carrying the frequency of Soviet space. And I had a dream, in which Svarog also seemed to be the person who ordered the dream. And I had a task - to penetrate into this world in order to disidentify with this vibration frequency. Those. a continuation of the same topic is obtained. So the question is: the vibration frequency of the Soviet Union..., who is behind it... In the head there is a picture: a gray plane. There is something above and below, you want to wave your hands. I make a movement with my left hand parallel to the floor at chest level. And what does this movement mean? Q: The smoke doesn’t resonate in any way? M: The smoke? I only encountered him once in a group, with the energy of Dyya. Maybe... What am I doing with my hand while continuing to wave for some reason? Hand to chest, heart skipping a beat. I remember the gestures... Q: A pioneer gesture? M: Well, yes, more pioneering than the German “Heil Hitler”. The arm is bent. “To fight for the cause of the Communist Party...” Only for some reason with the left hand, there was the right hand... Dy, you say? Q: Well, maybe... M: I understand... I have such a huge block there, such a heap... accumulated by back-breaking labor. Dy... Dy... V: Maybe not Dy. M: It’s not clear, maybe Dy. Who was the customer of the Soviet Union? There was a total customer there. ...Q: It is quite possible that Yahweh. M: Yahweh? You know, right now it’s like I’m... it’s so huge there. But for some reason I don’t feel supported, should I go there alone...?! Yahweh?! ... I once tried to talk with the Planetary Logos on this topic. The thought came to me that, in order to set a planetary leap, in a certain territory, the most reliable or something, all the leaked Nav was collected into the open world. In order to live through this, restore boundaries. There was an experiment about this, i.e. not only Soviet. It’s different in other territories, but it’s ours. I don’t know how reliable and true this is... But now I can see the gray space in front of me, I’m standing on the border, I don’t want to go there. I don’t even feel Svarog’s support. Joker, somewhere closer perhaps. Q: Ask him what’s going on? M: Joker?.. I got a picture. Gray foggy space, nothing visible. A comet flies through it with force, a fireball, followed by a tail, pierces space. But it can go out there. The combination results from three elements: fire, suspended water and air, water is damp fog. Again, this is about the fact that I was extinguished... Maybe there’s no need to go there?! Q: Okay. Return to sleepM: I’m in the corridor, as I understand it, I’m still not the most cheerful. But afterAfter contemplating all this, it became possible to turn on the toggle switch at will, and a crowd of people appeared in the corridor, I turned it off and I was alone. V: Yeah, turn it on. M: Turned on the toggle switch... Like on Nevsky, everyone is going somewhere, pushing V: Who are they, what do they symbolize? M: Some kind of disguise. I now remember the fairy tale “At the Pike’s Command.” Emelya rode through the city and crushed a lot of people. Or I also remembered an episode from “The Matrix”, there was a simulator there. When Neo and Morpheus found themselves in the city, everyone was walking, but the two of them were alive, the rest were computer characters, practically guises... There are an immeasurable number of them, I walk between them, they push me, I push. There are so many of them coming towards me, it’s starting to blow me away. They start grabbing me and dragging me, pushing me in front of them. I start running away from them. And they walk like zombies with their arms outstretched. I want to run away from them, at the same time the thought of joining strategy comes to me. If some force pulls me somewhere, I can align myself with it for a while. I walk, passing by the exit to the stairs, ducked into the doorway, remained on the stairs. And they ran somewhere further. At the same time, I feel a little more alive, that’s what’s interesting. I ran around, some kind of interaction, a struggle appeared. And now I feel more alive, although not completely yet, but at least the juices are awakening. And Svarog appeared in consciousness. Q: Some kind of message? M: Yes... The meaning... I understood the problem correctly, a fireball goes through the fog, burns out the space, it becomes clear behind it, but if I go only on my own energy, then they extinguish me , if I, for example, feed on his energy... to be with him... then I can go into this social, worldly space. And this is precisely the task, to carry this “Tin” there. Those. The mechanism is more or less clear to me. In a certain sense it is not new. I hear it, but I don't have confidence. I don’t want to offend Svarog either. I see the Joker’s smile... But they are there, and I am here, I continue to move, a little more alive, but there is still a lot of carrion in me. I now realized that, as I said, there were two people, two personalities, “man” and “personality,” I was the identity. And now something human began to manifest itself in me. And it was enough for him to take a step to the side, to find himself on the stairs leading up, by the way! I don’t know if this means something or not, but I’m going up the stairs. The Leader comes up with an image that unites what’s happening with a common meaning. At the same time, there is an awareness of the internal state and a strong revival of the corresponding channel or space in the Dreamer. Q: I have an association with Jacob’s ladder, which leads to God. M: Yes. On one side we had an elevator that lifted, within the framework of the social structure, and a staircase that also raised up... Jacob's Ladder... If we take my entire structure as 100%, then I have 5-7 percent human, the rest is disguise. These few percent, at least, give me the opportunity not to run back and forth along the corridor like all these zombies on my floor, but to go out onto the stairs and go up Q: How do you feel about this? M: Well... some kind of satisfaction. On the one hand, I don’t give a damn about ninety-odd percent more, on the other hand, I still went out onto this ladder, I’m climbing... I’m climbing this ladder. It looks like this really is Jacob's ladder, because I always see myself in the same landscape, I move, but the flight is still the same. Either you need to move very far, or you’ve stopped. V: Ask the stairs. M: I’ll become one now. I am the ladder (yawn)... Zev went straight away (long yawn) Oh, I feel good. I’m so alive, at least compared to Misha (cough) A cunning hint for him (grin). I really am a ladder... this is something that is connected with a living, warm heart, with joy, maybe this is God... with tenderness, with love. But the trick is that it is considered that I need to be climbed. With effort, crawl, stomp. And I am built on the principle of an escalator or something, but in order to move, you must not climb, but also not stand on me, but let me pass through you. V: Resonance. M: Yes, some kind of resonance, thenjoint ascension comes with me. I am not just a static ladder, I am a stream... Q: Who is behind you? M: Well, behind me is... Yes... I just want to say - God. This is very cool. Warmth, energy of love. The source of love is God. And what? It’s not even some kind of archetype, but a single thing, the source of everything. Misha now remembered my journey with one archetype into the world of human activity, where the space in which this activity unfolds was designated as the Body of God, where it was not very conscious, but here is the source of life, the heart of this space. And another topic that immediately emerged - I speak of the Staircase. When accepting me, there is a plug here, there is a lump in his throat here, there is a blockage at this level. A conversation with the blockage again leads to an archetypal situation. Now for all of humanity. In fact, to some extent, access to the planetary level of consciousness has been achieved. Q: Ask this blocking, what does it mean? M: Blocking?! I am Blocking. Blocking Jacob's Ladder in Misha. I am Blocking. Q: Why are you blocking? M: Why, why? Why is he climbing?! Q: That is. to prevent him from passing or what? M: Yes! No shit! Q: What will be bad for you if it passes? M: I’ll lose... He’s mine!!! Q: Will you lose what, power over him? M: Yes. Q: Please tell me, who’s behind you? is it worth it? M: Well... And who is God’s opponent?! Q: The Devil? M: You can call it that. Q: What should we call you? M: I don’t care, it could be Satan, it could be the Devil... The feeling is very playful, very sophisticated. The energy is very strong... Speaking of Yahweh... Q: I understand that Misha once decided to have some kind of relationship with you? M: There was such a story... Yahweh and I work together... Q: Was there an agreement? M: The agreement was not with Misha, what does Misha have to do with it?! The point is in my relationship with Yahweh. Q: Does Misha turn out to be like Job? M: Not really - Job suffered because Yahweh entered into a dispute with Satan. He sent all sorts of misfortunes so that he would renounce God. Here we were not talking about Misha personally. The dispute was directed at the human race. Those. all, with permission, are the inhabitants of the planet, and are the subject of this dispute. Q: And what to do? M: To whom? Q: Misha, in particular. M: I don’t want to think about him, what is Misha like?! Q: Uh-huh. Okay, go back to sleep. Say “I am Misha.” M: I am Misha, I’m standing on the stairs. I'm Misha, I'm standing on the stairs. I’m Misha, I’m standing on the stairs. Well, I got to the middle of the stairs and looked into the next flight, there at the top I see a door to the next floor. But to enter there is again an entrance into a certain social structure. I have this familiar melancholy again. Q: What do you feel? M: I see the door to the next floor, I can go there in principle... Q: Do you feel what? M: I feel melancholy, I have to go there again, trample among the faces again Q: Ask the dream itself, what is the meaning of this dream for Misha? The scale of awareness turned out to be quite voluminous. M: At the dream itself? Q: It seems that it has already crystallized... M: Well, yes. It shows the beginning of a stage in Mikhail’s life, which is associated with the knowledge of this melancholy, and the receipt of the lesson that is inherent in it. V: And melancholy is connected... M: Melancholy is connected with social space... The world of faces, the world of fog, grayness that extinguishes the heart .V: In the same dream there is a hint on how to go through this stage. M: Along the stairs? V: And along the stairs and the original dream. M: The original dream. What is the hint? Q: How to reach the Light of God. M: How to reach the Light of God? Give up? Q: Well, in general, yes. What does it mean to give up? To surrender, you have to trust. M: (sigh) Well, yes, it turns out that I have to believe that this ladder is really Jacob's ladder. V: Even if it leads through these social corridors, along the way. M: Yes. I was very happy to feel this warmth that stood behind her, divine love. Not even joyfully, but some other word... Blessed inside. But, going out there... Apparently, this is how it turns out: I go out onto the stairs, and while I am in contact with it, I renew myself, enter the next floor, reboot socially. V: Yeah. M: I can go out onto the stairs again and remember again. Cycle. While I’m moving in the air, I recover, I remember who I am, what I am, why I am. And then, well, yes... how am I doing?designated the remaining ninety-five percent, what else are they... Each level sets a certain frequency of the larval... Ie. I go onto the floor, I recognize the carrier frequency of vibration of this floor, I recognize it in myself, I isolate it, then I go out onto the stairs and through contact with the divine in myself... Q: Some more of the disguises subside. M: Yes, I disidentify with this set associated with this frequency. V: And you become even more animated. M: Yes. Then again... Q: And in the end you will be as alive and divine as possible. M: In the end, yes. But at the same time, the social space is given over to the Prince and it is organized exactly like this according to the principle of “mask”, i.e. all this undead. This is exactly what this agreement is. Those. thanks to this I can cleanse myself. Get in touch, get bogged down, find it in yourself, the main thing is not to forget to go out onto the stairs... oh... The question arises: why the hell is all this together? light? Q: Yes. M: Here. Those. he created a platform and it was empty. The prince filled her with faces and all sorts of bullshit, activities, and the Joker motivated her to dive into life in this game to the fullest... Holy shit! V: Large-scale! M: (long laugh) V: That is. a dream about life in general. M: Yeah... And by the way, the dream says that if I forget myself on the floor, there will be those... Special group! That's the meaning of a special group! I got in to do all this, and they got in so that the moment I forgot, they could grab me and pull me out of here! So?! Q: And who is the special group in contact with? Who supervises you? M: Aggregate Customer?! Q: Yes. M: There is a crowd of all sorts of different gods... Aggregate Customer Q: Well, then. What are you feeling now? M - Amazement, satisfaction, fatigue... such a mixture, a feeling of satisfaction, some kind of millimeter, I took a step. And I like globality. Milimetrics not in some local direction, but in general. Q: Are we finishing? M: Yes. Thank you. Q: Thank you to all the gods. 8. Dream-archetypal journey Several years ago, one of us (V.L.) had a siddha - the opportunity to invite archetypes to the Magic Theater [1], and then simply “to” a person who needed certain experiences, information from the archetypal source (spirit, deity, phenomenon). The archetype is experienced as a powerful energy flow that causes distinct changes in the psychophysical state (bodily functions and sensations, emotions, insights and insights, hitherto unknown information, etc.). Over the course of several years, this extraordinary ability was transferred to two other co-authors of the book and several other people. Let's put it this way: we managed to find (in fact, remember) a level of language where, in a very compressed form, each word contains a huge set of meanings, experiences and sensations, prayed and thought by millions of people around the axes - the archetypes of the collective consciousness and the unconscious. Archetypes did not arise out of nowhere. They are some kind of “resonant spaces” in the single energy field of the Universe. And when we pronounce these words in a certain way, being in a certain state, a huge number of meanings and sensations unfold, accessible to experience. The archetype unfolds in us as a set of universal human experience at a “resonant frequency.” This experience can, using a special procedure, be transferred to the “operator” and, then, conduct a conversation with him, where he responds on behalf of the archetype. It is only necessary that the “operator” be sensitive enough. In addition to using “archetypotherapy” at Magic Theaters, in group, seminar and individual work aimed at healing tasks, self-knowledge and individuation, we wrote the book “Gods and Ages” (“All” St. Petersburg 2007), in which we talked with some archetypes and gods and received a lot of interesting and useful information. We actively worked with archetypes in our seminars, where, since 2004, the emphasis was on the study of Mythological consciousness and ways to achieve a mythological perception of oneself and the world - the perception of unity and integrity, through experience everything (and, above all, yourselfhimself and his soul) as Living, animate, connected with everything and dissolved in everything. Quite often we turned to Slavic gods and archetypes, although we did not forget the gods of other pantheons. At the seminar “Russian Spirit and Russian Soul” in January 2007, a new method was revealed to us, which we called “Archetypal Journeys”. In essence, it is based on the method of “Active Imagination” developed by Carl Jung and his followers (especially James Hillman), but to “Active Imagination” we have added one significant and fundamental point - inviting the archetype to participate in the “imaginary journey”. Thanks to this, there is a much closer connection and interpenetration of the dreamer’s internal and external worlds. The traveler created an intention for a “route” - the theme of the journey (this could be, for example, well-known themes - a journey into the depths of the sea or into the underworld, or there could be new routes that we developed, based on the characteristics of a particular archetype), and the invitee the archetype greatly enhanced the effect of imagination, creating the feeling of a psychedelic journey through the worlds (with absolutely reliable psychophysical states) and, in addition, the archetype was a guide and counselor of the traveler, and also provided him with certain necessary information and helped him navigate. People who had psychedelic experience admitted that the “Archetypal Journey” is an order of magnitude superior to the experience of taking “mushrooms” or other psychedelics, holotropic breathing, shamanic journeys, etc. In addition, at the seminar (and further in the process of writing the book), the traveler was accompanied by a partner - a presenter, who guided him with questions, asked him to identify with certain images, receive information from the images encountered along the way, and much more. The traveler received, in addition to the very effect of traveling through the worlds, rich information about the different layers of his inner world, which was then used at Magic Theaters, etc. Sometimes the journey takes place in the form of a “question and answer”, more often through a complex set of multidimensional images and experiences that you have to express in your own words. Considering the fact that the development of the consciousness of an individual person repeats the evolution of the consciousness of humanity (reflected in mythology), we could also receive a mythological description of some processes of our common human past, as well as receive metaphorical information about the various worlds of our consciousness. Our next step in the field of Archetypal journeys began to use this technique to work with dreams. We have thereby significantly expanded the possibilities of working with dreams and, accordingly, the results of this work. Working with a dream, we, according to a scheme already known to the reader, reach the stage where the gods clearly appear, and then, instead of the traditional re-living of the dream, we travel under the guidance of this god through various spaces of the soul. This technique requires special preparation of the Leader, and we present two examples to familiarize yourself with the possibilities of Archetypal journeys. Anastasia's dream is an archetypal journey. Anastasia: I had this dream in 2003, when I began to consciously practice in the field of occultism and mysticism. I was looking for like-minded people, people with whom I would be on the same path. There were few people, especially sane people. And I wanted to communicate with serious practitioners. And then I had a dream. Comment: an archetypal journey usually unfolds under the explicit or hidden leadership of some archetype and takes place in the space belonging to it. He appears to give completely clear and unambiguous instructions regarding the life of the dreamer. And if a person is ready, then during the journey the perception of these instructions unfolds in one way or another, in the form of experiences in the senses or in the form of dialogues of various forms with dream images, etc. I am in an incredible dream city. Study at university. There are many of my friends there -classmates, fellow students from different educational institutions. Either during lunch break, or while walking some couple, I went out with two friends for a walk around the city. The city is not familiar to me; I have poor orientation at all. I'm afraid of getting lost, afraid of being separated from my companions. We sit down to drink beer on a bench in some courtyard. We sit and look at the apartment building in front of us. This is a five-story Stalin building. A man appeared on the balcony of the last floor of the left wing of the house. He holds a teapot in his hands and splashes some liquid onto the street. Liquid falls on the asphalt. A person goes down - moves in space - to a spot on the asphalt and looks at what happened. He frowns deeply, draws some conclusions for himself, and walks up the fire escape to his balcony and hides in the apartment. At this moment my friends leave me, they need to return to the University. But I want to be here, I’m no longer interested in being with them. I need to see this man, talk to him. And I climb up the fire escape into his apartment. I'm surprised at my determination. I'm wondering what I'll tell him when I get upstairs. Perhaps I won’t have to say anything - such a person should understand everything himself, by the very fact of my presence. I climb onto the balcony and move on. Behind the glass doors you can see what looks like a living room, a hall. And I’m cold with horror - there is no floor in the room. There is only a small curb along the edge; along it you can go further into the room where the owner of the house is. Below you can see an abyss - white, shining, iridescent. It attracts, but it would be scary to fall into it. I walk around the abyss along this curb. I think that if such phenomena occur in a person’s apartment, then I have come to the right place. So, I walked into the room and looked at the person who attracted me. This is a man, about 40-50 years old, he looks at me and understands why I came. I open up to him, he sees right through me. I walk up to him, he hugs me and sits me on his lap. “I make the strongest amulets,” the owner of the apartment tells me, “but my work is beyond your means. And yet, I will give you one, and it will lead you to me.” And he puts an amulet around my neck - such a round seal, I don’t remember what is depicted on it. I tell him: “I always knew that I would be yours.” Host: Let’s start with associations. A: University is my desire to get into a group of practitioners. The classmates with whom I walked around the city were my acquaintances from real life, we always walked together as couples and talked about esotericism while drinking beer. An unfamiliar city is a symbol of freedom. There are no parents, friends - nothing that would keep you within the usual framework. You are alone and you are as you are - no one conditions you with their ideas and expectations. You are yourself and you are you. I really like being in this city, even though I don’t know it. I didn’t know myself then. And I was afraid of getting lost. Lose control of your movements. Don't return to the starting point. It’s not at all important now to return to the University. Every courtyard in this City hides no less than incredible things. So, we are sitting, drinking beer in the courtyard - no associations, just some kind of dream decoration. Q: What is the state there? A: Fear. Anxiety. I'm worried about us skipping classes. I have to return to the University, but I hate to think about it, there’s a snowball of unresolved issues and failed tests waiting there. I wish that something wonderful would happen and pull me out of my dreary routine. My classmates offer to return to the University, but I hesitate, in the end they left without me, and I was lost. I'm going to look for the way, asking passers-by. Confusion, state of uncertainty, expectations. The collapse of something old. My classmates have left, I will not return to the familiar world, boring but familiar. The connection with the past is lost, it is unclear what lies ahead. I take a step into the unknown, giving up trying to catch up with my classmates. Next comes a residential building. I often dream of magical houses. I look into other people’s windows, something is happening there, an aching heart, not the same as mine. More interesting, more dramatic, richer. Dependinginto other people's windows, I'm trying to make my life brighter. I’m looking for what I could change in my life so that I like it more, so that it doesn’t resemble the exercises of a squirrel in a wheel, a stagnant swamp. Unfeeling. Here! When I looked out the windows, I saw feelings in them. The people behind these windows had the courage to live to the fullest, experiencing the full range of strong feelings. And so I look at the house and look for these states outside the windows. Then a man appears on the balcony. Spills the contents of the kettle onto the street. It looks completely ordinary - just think, he threw out the tea leaves. It is clear from him that he does not care about the neighbors who live below. First I condemn his antisocial act. When he moves to a spot on the asphalt, he leaves some object there. Looks back at me. I accept this as an invitation. This is some kind of surprise. Optical illusion. When behind the ordinary something extraordinary is revealed. The unusual sees that I noticed it and notices me. He leaves a trace, a clue, by which I can find him - or I may not find him. I stand and make a choice - to dare and penetrate one of the new windows, a new state of myself and my life, to enter a certain situation, uncertain and awkward, where it is not clear what I will say to this person and what will happen to me, but as before it won't be anymore. Or look for a way to return to University. But it’s unbearable to go back, and I decide to move forward. I'm scared, shaking from the inside. I made up my mind, I go up to the stairs. Q: What feeling does the staircase evoke? A: As a child, I often climbed to the roof using such stairs. Adventure. Dangerous and joyful. I’m going up the stairs, you can’t look down at what you’re leaving behind, otherwise you’ll get scared and dizzy, and you’ll fall. I climb the stairs, the tension increases with each rung, I know that the higher I climb, the greater the danger of falling. But I just take it and do what I need to do. And I’m on this balcony. The balcony is the threshold of the new, the remnant of the familiar world. I open the glass doors and there is the Abyss. White, shining, bottomless. Pleasant, but scary. I’m not into her, I’m around. Q: What do you associate with this situation? A: Fear of prematurity. The abyss is purity, depth, holiness. Jump there and you will be gone. You can’t dive into this light, it’s not time yet, I haven’t yet accomplished what I came for. It's better to go around the edge. I am looking for a way and I see this edge - very thin, very dangerous. I gather my resolve and go. I feel good. I found a solution, this solution is mine, what I wanted. It’s dangerous and hard, but I can do it. I go and think about what I’ll tell the owner of the apartment. All words are stupid. I feel awkward. But my desire to break into something new is stronger than discomfort. I get to the next room, located behind the hall with the Abyss. It looks like a temple. A place to be in the light of the Abyss. Remain in human form and see the pure, eternal, deep. I like this Temple, but I can’t stay in it now. The owner of the Temple is a magician or priest. I open up to him, I want to show my impulse, my desire for the Mystery. And I understand that you can only get something from this Priest at a high price. And I have nothing to pay with. And then it becomes like a struggle between two wills - my desire to get something from him, and his desire to take some kind of payment from me. Q: What feelings does this plot evoke? A: Excitement, hunting. Uncertainty that I will get what I want. But I know: I came and I have to get it. I really need it, I really want it, I desperately need it. There’s no other way, I can’t go back to how I was before. And sympathy comes from the Priest. He gives me an amulet and says that with its help I can return to this Temple, to this Light - when I need it. However, he will not take part in my life. Q: It's like a chance. A: Yes. The possibilities of the Path and protection on the Path are this amulet. He hugs me, warmth comes from him. I sit on his lap. Something comes from him to me. I understand that from now on we have a connection. The realization turns on that I am in a dream, but what happened will remain with me in waking life. Q: Okay. Let'sre-experience.A: I and two classmates are going for a walk around the City. There was some tension left behind. We decided to forget about it and go for a walk. We know that what we left behind will sooner or later catch up with us. We go and talk about how sick we are of everything. We decide to drink beer to calm down and cope with the tension. We sat down on a bench in the courtyard. I look out the windows of the house opposite. It seems to me that the people there are happier, their lives are brighter and better than mine. I have an acute melancholy, a reluctance to return to the old way. I ask the guys: “Maybe we shouldn’t go there anymore?” “How can we not go? You do as you wish, but we need to return, we have nothing else in life. We will endure, we will survive. This is how everyone lives, and we are no better. Stay if you wish, but be careful - you don’t navigate well, you’ll get lost You won't be able to come back." I decide to stay, they leave. Q: Please ask Dom who he is, what he means in your life. A: I am Dom from Anastasia’s dream. I am a set of possibilities and states. Windows in her mind. Opening opportunities according to intention. Q: Thank you. Do you have any message for Nastya? A: You shouldn’t be so sad, looking into other people’s windows in your sleep. All of these are states accessible to her, into which she can fall according to her intention. Why strive for what she already has? Let him remember what he has. All she sees in the windows are the possibilities of her life, her own life. Q: Please become yourself again. A: I’m looking at this house. I have a warm feeling for him. He has changed a little. He looks like a living creature. This is a white wall from which passages open to different worlds, different states. These are my possibilities. Then that man appears on the balcony. It doesn’t look like my dream, it looks alien. B: Become one, call yourself. A: I am a disturber of peace and the usual order from Nastya’s dream. I attracted her attention. Q: Please tell me what you want? A: Anastasia noticed me in my everyday activities. I felt her impulse and decided to give her the opportunity to come up with something new. Give a chance. I thought she would be scared. I wasn't sure if she would follow me. Q: Who are you? A: Thanatos. Not killing, but transforming. I bring changes. Q: Do you have a message for Anastasia? A: It’s good that she made up her mind. I approve. Let him take the forces he calls into his life more seriously. Q: Thank you. Transition into your dreaming self. A: I’m Nastya. I see a man pouring liquid out of the window. I am filled with respect for this asocial action - he can do what he wants, what he needs. He notices my gaze. Moves to the ground and back. An abyss forms behind me. Thanatos cut off what was behind. I agreed to this. There's no turning back for me. In the dream, only the platform in front of the house remained, everything else was a black gaping void. Now I can only go forward. I go up the stairs. Balcony, hall with the Abyss. Interesting things happen there. Tongues of white flame burst from the depths and rise to the ceiling. I admire this flame. It is beautiful, sacred. I can't get close to him. I walk further along the edge of the curb. Small railings appeared there. Q: I have an assumption that this light is a manifestation of deity. A: The answer comes that this is the light of Knowledge. Knowledge of everything. Knowledge as it is. Purity and expansion of consciousness. Those who are looking for it can only slide along the edge of its abyss and wait for a piece of this flame to overshadow them. And to fall into it means to stop being human, because there is no longer any need to do so. Even the gods are not completely immersed in this flame; no form can withstand this clarity. Q: Invite this light to touch you. A: A tongue of white flame touches my head. The Light says that it overshadows everyone who walks along its edge, to the extent that a person can bear it. The guardian of this light is Hermes. Q: Let's move on. How are you feeling? A: I go into the room, Temple of Light. I see the Priest. This is not the one who invited me by pouring liquid from the balcony. A completely different force. Q: What deity is behind it? A:Hermes. He says I fell to his dark side. God is a holistic state in which there are many different frequencies of a very wide range. Whatever a person was more inclined to at a certain point in his life, he will resonate with from the sphere of possible vibrations of a given god. I have not captured the darkest vibrations, and yet this level of union is reflected in my life with difficult events. Q: Become him, please. A: I am Hermes from Nastya’s dream. Q: Based on the context of the dream, where would you advise Nastya to go next together? with you? A: Let her know that she needs to reconsider the contract with me. A different level of vibrations is available to her. Q: What does she need for this? A: Change your view of me. Let her strive to see in me at least a neutral deity, otherwise her human life will be terrible. Q: Can this be done within the framework of this session? In our opinion, a successful fusion of two methods, which in essence, as it turns out, come from the same thing space. Both dreams and gods “live” in the space we call mythological, primordial, source. A: You can try. (The presenter lowers the flow of the archetype of Hermes Trismegistus onto Anastasia) Hermes Trismegistus: I want to show how the essence of Anastasia has lost the primary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe forces, and the look it has become so dark that it snatches darkness from the surrounding world. I already showed this to her in one dream. Once upon a time, her essence entered into an alliance with the Darkness - with the Darkness in her understanding. The union was conscious, sacrificial. Not to gain some kind of power. She was not seduced by the illusions of the gifts that the Darkness gives. This union was sacrificial, she agreed to it to help those like her maintain their existence in the Light. She and several others came to their enemy in order, at the cost of their souls, to preserve unchanged the oasis of civilization to which they belonged. It was a good price, and the opponents agreed - having these, they would not touch the rest. From that moment everything went. The task of their opponents was to reduce the beings of Light to their state - from this they received great power. These were the fallen Atlanteans, the era of the decline of Atlantis. So there is an original Light in Anastasia, but it is distorted by the influence of those processes that once occurred with her essence. Q: Thank you, Hermes. What can be done now to change Nastya’s condition? GT: She needs to cleanse her life. The contract will change automatically. Her essence has endured enough suffering to cleanse itself of the dirt it has taken upon itself. We gods are ready to help with this. She will not be able to immediately free herself from all infernal bindings, but she can cope in this life. If he gives up his ambitions and remembers himself. As soon as she returns to the state that she had before the union with the forces of the lower world, all unnecessary attachments will disappear on their own. Q: Can you give specific recommendations on how to act? GT: Just get up. Just to understand that all this is over, that horror is no longer there. The spirit must rise up and abandon its fallen position. Remember yourself what she was like. Treaties with the dark gods are now held by inertia. Because she doesn't remember herself, she continues to do things that she doesn't need to do. There are no longer those who need to be saved in this way, nor those from whom they need to be saved. Q: Thank you very much, Hermes. Nastya, how is your condition? A: Stunned. There is something to work with in the near future. Dream - Igor's Archetypal JourneyIgor: I had this dream in the morning. Preliminary context: I have a habit of measuring my blood pressure in the morning and evening. It is almost always normal, but the measurement itself has become a habit. The dream I want to work with is quite chaotic and short, and its plot is very simple. I only remembered that throughout my sleep I measure my blood pressure, and the machine shows me some terrible numbers every time. Either a very high top, over two hundred and a low bottom - thirty, then, on the contrary, almost the same or identical top and bottom - ninety to eighty-five. And all the time I measure in conditions of some kind of fuss.Something or someone always bothers me. But because of such confusion in the readings, I want to calmly sit down and measure, otherwise everything is almost on the fly. And so, at the end of the dream, my older friend appears, he is still worried about me and we are allocated a room with two rooms in some boarding house. I don’t remember whether I measured the pressure or not, but I woke up in a bad mood. Presenter: Let’s start with what measuring pressure means. I: This is a way to digitize the body, to describe its condition through abstract numbers. Q: Have there been cases in life when when you felt decent, and having measured the pressure and seeing that it was abnormal, you immediately began to feel bad. And: I never had very high blood pressure... But once there was a case when the device showed one hundred and forty over eighty (and usually I have slightly low blood pressure) and before the measurement I felt good, but after the measurement I felt worse... Q: Who is this who constantly pities you and in a more or less normal situation says that it is unbearable? I: This is grandma . She was a doctor and constantly checked me on various parameters. And in general, I have a lot of hippochondriacs in my family. Q: That is, the device is a symbol of anxious concern for health? I: The very fixation on some parameter of the body is similar to interference in a dynamic process. It's like when you start to interpret an image and at the same time kill the image itself. The device deadens the living process. Q: Why did the device decide to scare you with strange numbers in a dream? Ask a question to the device.I: The ego’s dream is for the butt to be warm, for everything to be even, balanced, calm and comfortable... I remember our conversation about A, who constantly has a headache and for whom this pain has become the only possible way to God, since it was pain that made him think about the meaning of life for the first time in his life... If we let go of the flow of associations further, it seems to me that behind such crazy readings of the device there is the Joker archetype, which, thereby, mocks my way of life, which has recently become stable and comfortable. It creates a situation of concern. And the whole situation in a dream does not allow balance. Q: And then why does the image of an older friend who takes care of you come to you? I: On the one hand, this is a parental figure. On the other hand, in life this person is concerned with the idea of ​​balance - a certain standard state in which a person should remain. He practices yoga and some kind of self-regulation systems in order to be in a certain standard state all the time. Figuratively speaking, he is anxious to blow away all the dust from himself. This is also a kind of death of life. Q: He offers to “cure” from the influence of the Joker. I: Perhaps. Q: Do you feel some kind of archetypal figure behind him? And: Goddess Mara, the goddess of death. Q: Who do you want to go on the Archetypal journey with - with the Joker or with Maroy?I: Here I split into two. One part of me wants to be with the Joker, and the other part wants to be with Mara, and each has its own compelling arguments. Now I’m like Buridan’s donkey... Although I want to travel with the Joker more from the mind, but the deeper irrational part of me is drawn to Mara. Q: I propose to travel with Mara. I: Mara says that in order to travel with her, I must stop controlling myself and, moreover, allow myself to die on this journey, at least from the same high or low pressure. It is to die not a heroic death, but the most banal one. Q: describe what is happening. I: I see myself from the outside in agony. I'm frantically, with the last of my strength, clinging to something... Not even to life, but to something else. Q: What does this look like? I: This is a first aid kit. Car first aid kit - leather case with a red cross. This image symbolizes medicine, the hope of salvation through “almighty science”... Q: Will you cling or allow yourself to die? I: Clinging will probably only prolong the agony. So, now I see the situation from the inside. I throw the first aid kit against the wall, it crumbles, some bottles spill out of it and break. Q: How do you feel? I: I’m surprisingly calm. I'm listening calmlyincreasing cardiac arrhythmia. The blows are inconsistent and increasingly rare. And I just listen with interest. There is a very long pause and then the last heartbeat. That's it - it stopped. And I lie completely calmly and immerse myself in something. Some natural landscapes flash before your eyes... Now - some wavy endless sands... Q: Ask Mara what they symbolize. I: She answers that this is the threshold of the world of death. Natural landscapes come so that I can say goodbye to this entire earthly world. Before my eyes are very bright forests, seas, mountains, rivers... Now I see and feel like a firefly in outer space, but this space does not consist of stars, but of a huge number of the same fireflies. They are moving. I flew out of this space filled with fireflies. To the edge of the world. Into emptiness. Hmm... It turned out that this emptiness is not absolute darkness and nothingness, but simply a kind of veil. It was as if I was in front of a wall made of black paper. This sphere, in which fireflies swim, is covered on all sides with something like black paper. I tore it off and a bright light flashed into my eyes. I look there and see that there is not just light, but a whole world, but somehow strange, I can’t even find words yet. Some other dimension, or something... And now I see that I am lying in a pram. I am a baby, I was recently born. It's so amazing! I try to look out of the stroller and see that I am somewhere in nature. Apparently at the dacha - I see a small house, a lot of greenery, a dacha table at which several men and women are sitting and drinking tea - there is a teapot and cups on the table. Now I see myself from the outside. I'm three or four months old. I'm wearing a pink hat. A young woman approaches me and I am very happy about her. She kisses me, plays with a rattle... Now she breastfeeds me. Q: Ask Mara what happened. And: Mara replies that she did her job - she took me through death and birth. Q: And what does the image of a baby symbolize. And: Something renewed, emerging in me. Q: Behind him Is there some kind of archetype or some other image? And: I see an old man with a gray beard. This is also me. This old man is like a nesting doll. Inside him there are many “I”s of different ages, from the very old man to the baby. There is me as I am now. And all these “I”s are one. And the archetype that stands behind this... Time... Kronos... Q: Can Kronos somehow comment on what is happening? I: He says that I am free from the need to control myself. He gives me this freedom because I allowed myself to go through death with Mara. A dream about measuring blood pressure and frightening numbers showed me the grotesqueness of my hippochondria, and re-living with the archetype of Mara allowed me to remove restrictions. Kronos also says that the world of a child is very shallow, but promising. The world of a child is only sensory consciousness, the most primitive. The old man’s world, on the contrary, is very deep, it covers all levels of human consciousness, but this world is not promising. And between a child and an old man there is a whole range of possibilities and states. Q: Who are you now? I: I can now accommodate all this space. The greatest of human capabilities is the ability to move across the entire spectrum without getting stuck anywhere. Kronos, however, says that I do not yet have this opportunity, that this is the first insight that will now unfold in the course of life. Now the initiation has come. But this is also very pleasing. Q: I feel the presence of the Joker. I: Yes, me too. He is in each of these figures, which symbolize the revived deck of archetypal spaces. Q: Shall we complete the journey? I: Yes. Thanks to Joker, Mara and Kronos! 9. Dream Crystal An excellent coordinate system and form for generalizing the awareness of dream space is the Dream Crystal, developed by Steven Kaplan-Williams. In the structure of the Crystal there are six outlying vertices and one center located inside the Crystal, and, accordingly, each vertex has a certain semantic sphere, a set states, concepts, associations, each person has their own. It is a reflection of the sphere of life and, accordingly, consciousness andmanifestations associated with it. Accordingly, they are realized, they are deployed in different ways, some more, others less, and are in different qualitative states, with an internal conflict, in a suppressed state, or vice versa in a predominant and dominant state over other spheres of consciousness. Inside, in the middle of the crystal, the dreaming “I” is located , which actually observes, looks into the world through these semantic spheres, which are symbolic reflections of the forces of the world and at the same time forms of interrelation with them. That is, here we have 6 symbolic spheres of consciousness and sets of states of consciousness associated with them, a circle of concepts and meanings, and the dreaming “I” in the center, from where all this is seen or dreamed. All this is one of the models of the structure and filling of consciousness. The peaks are: Journey - Death-Transformation, Hero - Opponent and Masculinity - Femininity. Of these, the main one is the Hero-Enemy axis, which corresponds to the main direction of life’s plots and is the most important for awareness and therapy. Traveling to each of these spheres separately and throughout the crystal makes it possible to realize and systematize one’s own manifestations, the quality of the content of consciousness and the realization of one’s existence in each of the spheres, self-awareness and expansion of self-awareness. The vertices are also united in pairs by semantic axes. The main axis is the Hero - the Opponent, which reflects one of the basic laws of our world - the confrontation of forces, their desire to unite in consciousness through struggle. In the consciousness of each person, these spheres are manifested differently, with varying degrees of disclosure and freedom of action of thoughts, feelings and choices in each of them, both in dreams and in reality. Having examined the dream images from this point of view, and having found out how and to what extent the archetypes of the Adversary and the Hero, Masculinity and Femininity, Travel and Death - Transformation are manifested, you can discover the patterns of your behavior and its hidden reasons and motives. Each semantic vertex of the crystal captures a unique set of images, ideas, associations and, most importantly, the states of the soul and consciousness of a particular person. This coordinate system reveals a very vital approach that allows you to immediately see and solve the pressing problems of the life of the soul. When viewed figuratively from the center, that is, the “I” of the dreamer, the individual structure of the crystal, its shape, clarity, transparency, the ratio of sides and edges, the fullness of the spheres is revealed , and others. From them you can see how fully and evenly developed or deployed the consciousness of the subject is in both quantitative and qualitative terms. As you work through and become aware of yourself and your contents, the shape and proportions of the crystal change. The previously blurred and crumpled, crumpled, shredded thing becomes clearer, unfolds and is filled, which means acquiring a stable, adequate perception in reality of the sphere of life that is associated with this peak. The shape becomes more beautiful and proportional, and if you look from the center, the distance to all vertices becomes closer to the same. Working with the shape of a crystal is interesting. If, while in the middle, you try to change the distance to the vertices and the shape of the crystal without working through the peripheral spheres with awareness, just with an internal effort, then practically nothing will happen, you will feel strong resistance and the picture will return to the original one. If you work on any area using the method of living dreams or associations, then the picture itself changes. Working on one vertex affects the opposite one. It also becomes more expanded and symmetrical with respect to the center. Diana: Working with the “Dream Crystal”. Host: Let’s start from the top, which is called “Journey”. Close your eyes now and within one or two minutes let all the feelings, all associations, images and states that are associated with the word “journey” appear. Comment: working with a dream crystal allows you to significantly increase the volume of the conscious space of dreams (and indirectly in everyday life). And also fordue to the effect of contrast and rapid movement between vertices and their states, to become aware of such images and their relationships in oneself, to look at what is happening from an angle that in a “normal” process is most often impossible due to the particular specificity and narrow focus of the process. Here the dream space is deliberately built to be voluminous in many ways. There is no analogue to this in ordinary life. Diana: Speak or observe? Q: Observe. (A few minutes later) As a result, you have arrived at the top of the Journey. Now also enter the remaining peaks of the Dreaming Crystal and the central point of the Crystal - the “Dreaming Self”. (After some more time) Now choose any vertex and start experiencing the images that will arise. D: I’ll start with “Hero”. Q: Move around. Are you there? What do you see? D: I see a certain space in front of me, it is changeable. It can be both a city and a natural landscape. I feel the presence of the enemy. I can't see him, but I know he's somewhere nearby. I know that he is stronger than me. Q: How do you feel? D: I feel weak. Doomed. I am a reluctant hero. Q: What do you want to do? What are you most afraid of in this place? D: I'm afraid that I will be killed before I complete my mission. I have to beat the enemy, but if they kill me, I won’t be able to do it. Q: Who will kill you? D: Some kind of force. Agents of this enemy. Q: Look at the visual image of these “some forces.” D: They appear differently. It happens that it is some kind of blunt force, for example, a crowd of zombies that is moving towards me. They are easy to get around if you don't stand still. There are more dangerous forces - they are just like me. They have vision and can haunt me. They look like people in cars, with weapons. Q: Do you see them now? What are they doing? D: They noticed me. I see a car with a man standing near the open door, a young man who looks like an action hero. He has short hair and sunglasses. He leans on the car with his elbow, and in his other hand he has a pistol, which he plays with. He looks at me. Q: What is he going to do? D: Now - nothing. He just lets me know that he is there and he sees me. When the boss gives him the order, the agent will track me down and find me. This guy is very confident. Q: What do you want to do? D: Nothing. These figures do not pose a threat, they have no orders. Q: Let's move on with the possible plot. Let him have this order. D: Now I want to run away. Q: What’s happening, what do you see? D: I’m running. I know these people are after me. They can predict my direction, but still I have more spontaneity, cunning. I let my body go where it wants to go. In the gateway - so in the gateway. I'm in the city now. I'm running through the streets. I know that I will get away from the chase. I feel my pursuers behind me. I feel their gaze in the back of my head. I feel where their gaze is directed and I know which way to turn so as not to fall into their field of vision. Q: What is the worst thing that can happen there? D: They can catch me. Q: Let them catch you. Let it happen and see what happens. D: That's it. Two people take my hands. One looks insolently, pointing a gun at me. I give up. They put me in the car. We're going somewhere. I know that I am being taken to my enemy. We are leaving the city. River, bridge. We are moving to the other side. I'm sitting in the backseat between two agents. I look out the window. I have no fear. I feel pretty free. I can smoke. My guards are tense, they are afraid that I will run away and they will get into trouble. But I'm not going to run away. We are approaching the residence of my enemy. They pull me out of the car. There are armed guards everywhere, people with machine guns. They take me into the house and lead me up the stairs. Cabinet. My enemy. Q: What does he look like? What does he want? D: Sits at the table. Such a mafioso. An expensive suit, a ring with a large stone on his finger. Smokes a cigar. He looks at me smugly. I ask him: “What do you want?” “To kill you. So that you don’t exist.” B: Let him do it. D: His people are taking him outme into the yard. Inner courtyard of the mansion. They put it against the wall. They look interesting - such black monsters. I'm standing near the wall and they're going to shoot me. My enemy comes to the window to watch my execution. I look at him. I feel like I’m sorry to part with him. Q: Why? D: Without him, everything is meaningless. He is the force that drives me forward. Q: Become him. D: Shall we not die now? Q: Then we’ll see. Maybe we will die. D: I am the image of the enemy from Diana’s dreams. Q: What do you want? D: I want to subjugate her. Kill, but not in such a way that she ceases to exist. I want to stop her. Q: Do you have some kind of message for her? D: I know that someday she will still get caught. I’ll stop her. Q: Why does she need you? D: It’s better to ask her. Q: But you know too. D: She’s playing with me. Q: Thank you. Move into yourself. D: I’m at the wall again. People who are supposed to shoot me are looking at me. Q: Has anything changed in the surrounding environment? D: The guards have become human again, and the enemy has turned into a swirling black cloud. Q: Let the execution take place. D: The enemy is waving his hand. Automatic queue. I'm falling, my body is falling. The camera pans up. Sky. Now I see myself from the outside. I feel light. Something has ended. I'm upset. My body is being removed and dragged somewhere. I'm no longer interested. Q: Okay. Now, please tell me, do these kinds of images or plots often appear in your dreams? D: Yes. Very often. Q: Thank you. We move to the next vertex. D: Let's go to the “Enemy”. Q: We have already worked with him. D: Then “Journey”. Q: Move on. Take a closer look, listen and describe how you feel there, what you see. D: I feel free, uncertain, wary and joyful. I'm going to train. My fellow travelers tell me something, everyone has their own life, their own story. But I have neither “my own life” nor “history”. All I have is me. I have nothing behind me, I don’t know what awaits me ahead. This is a very bright state, probably the most joyful for me. Q: Please see the vaguely wary state as a visual image. D: Pursuit, pursuit. Fight, armed conflict. I get off the train, and there is still the same man with a gun. Playing with his weapon, he looks at me brazenly and grins: “Well, well...” Such vague alertness. Q: And what next? D: Again you need to go to the enemy’s residence. Q: It’s better that they shoot you on the spot, so as not to turn everyone around scenery.D: It's a shame. But what about taking a ride in a car with a convoy? And the last honors? And look the enemy in the eye? Q: Well, how long can you go on an encore? D: In short, I get off the train, they shot me, I fall on the platform, such an incredible bummer. People run away, women scream. Q: How do you feel about this? The task is not to tell, but to experience the transformation that the word “uncertainty” hides. D: Behind the image of an enemy agent, I felt a bummer, an unfulfillment. Now I have a different image. I see a handsome man. I want him. I approach, look into his eyes, ask non-verbally, and he agrees. All. In this dream he is mine, and I rejoice. I think I’m lucky, I’ll feel good in this dream. Q: Again some kind of minimal experience. You should not invent images and remember, but allow them to appear on their own and experience what is happening. D: I can continue with a man. This joy is replaced by the anticipation of separation. Q: See the anticipation of separation as a visual image. D: He left and I am alone. Q: You are alone, what do you feel, where are you? D: I feel pain, doom. Habitual pain. Q: Now habitual pain is like a visual image. D: Some kind of splinter in the heart. Q: What kind of heart? Describe what it looks like. D: Like the setting sun, reddish-orange. Beating, contracting. Q: What kind of splinter? D: A silvery steel needle piercing right through. Q: What do you see next? D: I see a field. An endless field, the setting sun and a beautiful, beautiful darkening sky. I look at all this, and the wind blows in my face, flutters my hair, the edges of my clothes. Very pleasant wind. Q: How do you feel there now? D:Wonderful. A whole bunch of sensations. Sublime joy, doom, pain, loneliness, love, fulfillment. Q: Do such images often appear in your dreams? D: Yes, almost in everyone. Q: Okay. Move to the next vertex. D: Let's go to Death and Transformation. For some reason, I immediately felt like a corpse. No pre-events. I feel good! It’s all over, nothing more is needed! Q: What’s happening? D: I’m lying in a clearing, grass is growing through me. The rain is falling on me. I'm cool, I'm relaxing. I don't want anything. If someone came up to me now and said: “Get up, man, they still didn’t shoot, didn’t like, didn’t finish some other nonsense,” I would say that I don’t care: “Guys, do it without me, I don’t want ". I feel so good here. Q: Please tell me, do such states and similar images often occur in your dreams? D: Several times a year. Dreams are usually vivid, but such an experience is rare compared to some action. Q: One more time. How do you feel now and what do you see? Has anything changed in the images you see and in your state? D: The images have changed. I’m already sitting in the field, I’m alive, but I don’t need anything. The condition is the same, only without dramatization. They didn’t kill me, I just don’t need anything. I feel good. I'm in no hurry, let the world hurry without me. And as before, I’m ready to kill anyone who comes to me and starts bothering me and loading me with something. Q: Okay. Let's move on. Which peak are you going to? D: “Femininity.” I see myself, beautifully dressed, feminine, looking good. I'm walking down the street of an unfamiliar city. I feel attractive and able to attract attention. However, I feel somewhat insecure. Q: What does “insecure” look like? D: It’s a closed door. Someone closes the door in front of me. Some kind of city. House. Door. I knocked. They didn't let me in. That's what "uncertain" means. I couldn't convince the man to open the door for me. Q: Which door? Size, color. D: Brown door, there are three steps leading up to it. Q: With what feeling do you knock? D: I knock in hope. Q: With what hand? D: Right. Q: How many times? D: Three times. Q: What is next to the door? D: Pavement lined with stones. The house has bars on its windows. Flowers in pots. The bars on the windows are white, diamond-shaped, diagonal. And there are flowers around, beautiful flowers. Such a bourgeois town of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. I'm all like that too. Bourgeois. She knocked on the door. Waiting for an answer. The heart beats quickly. The door opens. A man is standing on the threshold. A man of about fifty. An elderly bourgeois. Fat, hog-like. Q: Ask him who he is and what he means in this vision and in your life. D: He says he symbolizes my desire for well-being. To such a clean bourgeois house with flowers. A point to which you can return from travel. Q: Ask him why he closes the door in front of you. D: He is a tradesman, but he sees some frivolous girl in front of him. He sends me away so that I don’t disgrace him. In this vision he is my father. He opens the door and sees that his daughter has returned, wandering around in an unknown place. I lived with someone in the city. He doesn’t want to let me home; he feels uncomfortable in front of his neighbors. I'm insulting his moral beliefs. He buried me in his heart a long time ago. He closes the door. Tears well up in my eyes. A lump of resentment in the throat. An incredible coldness in the heart, as if the last point of vitality had closed. Impossible. Cold. Space. Vacuum. Loneliness. Wolf in the forest. A seasoned beast runs through the forest. Q: Become this wolf. What do you mean? D: Union with the world and perpetual motion. I'm a loner and I can't stop. Q: What do you need? D: I have no goal. In general, I do what any living creature does in order to live and move on. But now I’m full, and I don’t need to hunt. Q: Do you have some kind of message for Diana? D: Let her look a little with my eyes, feel with all my senses. To the casual observer, I'm just running through the forest. But in fact, I carefully walk along the borders of other people's possessions. If I enter the territory of a particular predator, then there are two ways out. Either he will drive me away, or I will drive him awayI’ll drive you away and hold my territory. But I don’t need to sit and hold the territory, that’s why there is a path along the boundaries. Q: Move into yourself and consider the peak “Femininity”. What do you see? D: I’m there - a beautiful woman who left behind me the threshold of my father’s house, which closed the door to me in the bourgeois world. I move on. Q: Tell me, is this or a similar image and state often present in your dreams? D: Yes. There are elements of uncertainty, loneliness, not knowing how this or that person will behave and whether I can show my cool... This often happens in dreams. Q: Well, we have one peak left - “Masculinity”. Go there and tell me what you see and feel. D: I’m pulling a girl out of some shootout. Everything happens very quickly. I do everything instinctively. I see that there is a shootout, I see the girl’s body and immediately pull her out. I always act instinctively. I don't want to think. I know that I will be saved, and she will be saved. And if she whines and gets in the way, I’ll leave her. She's a cool girl though, I hope everything works out. Q: Ask who she is? D: Do you think now is the time to talk? Q: Of course. If you pause the frame. D: I asked. She replies that she is my soul. Q: Do you feel good together now? D: We stood around some corner. I hug her. But I want to completely run away from this place with her and know that she is safe. Q: What is needed for this? D: To hide from her pursuers. Q: Who is pursuing her? Describe.D: Such uncomfortable comrades in leather jackets, with pistols, in cars. I didn't look closely. I quickly grabbed her and ran around the corner. I repeat - I don’t think, I do it quickly... And now I want to go where it won’t be scary. V: Okay. But first, describe the fear as a visual image. D: I am a man, I am being held, and my woman is being raped. This is fear. Nothing is scary, only this is scary. Q: Let it happen. Who is raping her? D: Some assholes. V: Let this completely happen. What do you see? D: She’s crying and afraid to look me in the eye. I am standing. I want her to at least feel good. Because if she feels bad, then it makes me even worse. Q: Become her. D: I am a girl... Q: What do you symbolize for Diana. D: Something tender, fragile, vulnerable. A magical treasure. soul.Q: What is happening to you now? How do you feel? D: Some dude is raping me, and my boy is looking at me dumbfounded... Oddly enough... hmm... I like this dude who is raping me. Therefore, I am even more ashamed in front of my boy because I enjoy being raped. I look away. I don't want him to see this. Q: What could this symbolize in Diana's life? D: Protection from the Animus. Often completely unnecessary. Some kind of unnecessary defense mechanism. From those situations that are considered traumatic, but do not traumatize me. All this is seen through the eyes of the Animus. But no one asks me what I like or don’t like. Q: Okay. Identify yourself.D: I'm Diana.V: Look again from the top of "Masculinity". How do you feel now? D: Somehow uncomfortable. Some ideas and inertia are crumbling. I feel like a tyrant who did not allow the girl to have fun. Q: This is already a conclusion. What is the feeling? D: Ashamed. Some tension subsides from the body. Q: Tell me, does this state happen to you in dreams? And often? D: Yes, it happens. Not as often as the experiences that were at the peaks of “Femininity” or “Journey”, but it happens... Q: Okay. Take a deep breath and go to the center of the crystal. In "Dreaming Ego". Are you there? D: Yes. Q: Look at all the peaks from there and tell me how you see them. Same? Are you at the same distance from them? D: The “enemy” is closer to me, and he is more pumped up. The “hero” is further away and smaller. A large "Journey" ball and a small "Death-Rebirth" ball, although they seem to be equivalent despite the difference in size. And the fact that there is a small “Hero” in front of the big “Adversary” - I take it for granted. And I like this cross. But "Masculinity" and "Femininity"some strange. They deserve each other. "Masculinity" is closer to me. It looks like a solid sphere, a little bloated, a little twisted with something and even traumatic. But it’s not scary... And “Femininity” is far away. She's kind of distorted. It doesn't look like a sphere. More like a flawed Moon. Q: Try to line up exactly in the middle. Is it easy to stay there? Is something stopping you? D: Not easy. The right side is heavy, and the left one flies away. Q: What about the top and bottom? D: It’s easier to be in the middle here. Q: What about “Enemy” - “Hero”? D: They’re almost trying to hug each other. Q: How are you feeling now? ?D: Okay. It's just that the right and left are out of balance. If not for this, it would be completely good. Although this distortion is simply common. Q: Okay. The work turned out to be mainly diagnostic, but interesting. D: Yes, really interesting. Georgy: working with the “Dream Crystal” Presenter: – Immerse yourself in yourself. Six crystal vertices. The first is “Journey”. George: – “Journey” is the opposite of “Death-rebirth” Q: – “Journey” is direction, development, linear flow of time. G: – The image of a lava river appeared first. I saw this on TV. A very bright red-orange river of lava that flows downhill from the top of the volcano. This river burns everything in its path. The picture is a disaster, as I get in “Journey”. The wrath of the underground elements, the mantle splashes out, flows, burning everything in its path, forests, houses, and flows into the ocean. There, this element of fire comes into contact with water, steam, hissing. I see how it flows from the top of the volcano, sometimes it splashes out with an explosion, sometimes it just overflows, and down-down-down-down to the ocean. And in the ocean I see how it continues to flow down the slope already under water, still hot, red-hot, gradually cooling, falling from the heights of the underwater cliff. I wonder why I came up with such an image towards the top of “Journey”. How adequate is this? Q: – This peak includes the images of “path”, “tree”, “river”. So “river of fire” is quite appropriate. Does it not end in your vision? G: – Yes, new lava constantly flows out of the vent and flows to the ocean. There, for some distance, it flows in the shelf zone along the slope under water, and falls in separate large drops from the ocean cliff. The drops cool and sink into the abyss as black stones. There is a beginning and a result of the movement. B: – Constant transformation! D: – Pluto is angry and Neptune accepts. Underground storm and ocean. These archetypes seem to be associated with this peak. Q: - What do you feel now? G: - What do I feel? I get excited from these images. My head starts to buzz. Another volcano explosion! Bah!... Here, after all, the central image is the image of a fiery river. Q: – Let’s go to the opposite peak, “Death-Rebirth” in your dreams, or will we learn something else in “Journey”? G: – You know, I want everything- I can say that it was the angry Pluto, I think, who initiated the picture, which is why it struck me so much on TV and now I remember it. I don’t really understand why he’s angry. Q: – Perhaps he has some information for you? G: – Perhaps he does, but for some reason I don’t want to approach an erupting volcano and ask about information... You can burn in it. Q: – How would you like to interact with him? Or is simply realizing it enough for today? G: – I think we need to keep our attention in this direction. Behind this riot of the fiery element there may be something significant for me. Q: – Are you satisfied with this answer or do you need to specify it? G: – That’s enough for now. Let's move on. Q: – Let's not touch Neptune? G: – No. The main thing here is the river of fire. Q: – Shall we go to “Death-Rebirth”? G: – Yes, let’s go to “Death-Rebirth”. Q: – We have such important concepts there as crisis, cyclical-mythological, time. G: – Peak “Death and Rebirth”! Q: – Symbolism related to this peak is an earthquake, seasons, funerals. G: – Earthquake?! This is connected with volcanic activity, but what’s cyclical about it? Q: – They arise periodically... G: – So. As represented in my dreams“Death-Rebirth”? “Death and Rebirth”? Well, I had dreams about cyclical processes... This crystal irritates me for some reason. Q: – I see. G: – I don’t understand. Q: – Thanks to working with a crystal, you can review various aspects of the soul, with their subsequent assembly. Plus work with the archetypes that stand behind the peaks. G: - Uh-huh... This has no direct relation to dreams, but the image of a tree that grows, turns green, then sheds its leaves, turns green again. Here is “Death and Rebirth”. A slow, time-stretched process. Q: – Is this a tree from your dream or an image that just came? G: – In response to the call of the tops of the dream crystal, images from dreams do not yet come to me and I don’t want to pull them by the ears. And these images appeared. At the first peak “Journey” there is a fiery river, and here there is a green and flying tree. The leaf comes out of the bud, hangs for a while, then falls. The contrast is striking. If in the first case there is the fury of the fiery element, then here it is a gentle cyclical process. There the flash is a symbol of that energy, what sets the flow of the fiery river, but here it is leisurely, tender, smooth. There are hours, here are years. Q: – What is happening to the tree? G: – The tree is growing, developing. Q: – Do you see how it grows? G: – I see, and I would like to note that the tree has richer symbolism , not only “Death-Rebirth”, but also to the peak “Journey” it is related, through the theme of development. One can say about the state: quiet, calm. The tree turns out to be some kind of archetypal, and not a specific tree. Q: – Is one of the Gods behind this tree? G: – Perhaps there is some kind of female figure, a goddess related to nature. Maybe Demeter? She remembered. There is furious Pluto, here is calm Demeter. I haven't talked to her before. It turns out to be a lesson that is significant for me. What is associated with a long time of existence, life, with stability, is more related to cyclical, calm processes. This is not characterized by explosive energies. The value is gradualism, unhurriedness. Development – ​​explosion, speed. The “Death-Rebirth” vertex seems to set background processes. And against this background there may already be a development, an explosion, which is characteristic of me now at the peak of “Journey”. If there is no calm background, habitat, then there will be nowhere to “bang” and develop. Q: – How does this apply to your life? G: – When I spoke about the desire for a happy philistine existence, I meant exactly what was manifested in lower vertex, i.e. cyclical calm processes that support the structure of life, determine its reproducibility, the very possibility of living, and not surviving. And against this background, some achievements are already possible. If nature did not exist on the planet, if the habitat were not reproduced year after year, then all the creative, inspired breakthrough achievements of humanity would have no place to be based. Natural natural cycles set the base, the fulcrum. Having this point of support, you can already explode, achieve, admire and go crazy in every possible way! And if you are all so crazy, creative, etc., but have nothing to stand on, then you will explode one time and that’s it! You will lose your opportunity to develop. So probably... Therefore, it is really relevant that the male archetype, furious, fiery, came to the first peak “Journey”. Towards the second peak is the female archetype. It preserves life, protects, and quietly reproduces living nature. And the fierce masculine is associated with development, progress. Q: – Good. If that's all, let's move on to the second pair of vertices. “Hero” – “Adversary” or “Masculinity” and “Femininity”? G: – We have already touched on masculinity and femininity a little. Let’s “Hero” - “Enemy”. Q: – Okay, let’s start with “Hero”. G: – So, the top is “Hero”... Horseman, spear, Don Quixote, mill! He galloped, attacked the mill, stuck into it. My hero turns out to be a stupid one. Q: – It seems that your hero is missing something... G: – He lacks intelligence! Q: – Maybe he needs to go through his experience? G: – Yes, he needs to go through his experience. But why exactly Don Quixote with his naivety andlack of grounding? Apparently there is such a strange heroism in me. It's tilting at windmills, but what's the point? This is of course romantic and all that, but why does a beautiful lady need someone to destroy mills?! Q: – But for some reason you have this hero in you? There are a lot of interesting things in him. G: - Well... he’s very inspired... but what’s the point?! Somehow I am still very skeptical about him. I understand! I don't like this approach to heroism! And by the way, I realized now that I don’t like being a hero at all! All sorts of feats, and so on. I don’t want to perform heroic deeds... I’m already full of heroic deeds. Live calmly, measuredly, snoring in bliss... Q: – How did you understand that you need to live “snoring in bliss”? G: – I’m tired of the storm of feelings, oohs, aahs. All these moans, passions. Enough. I just want to live in peace. I don’t understand this pathos! Here! Why is it so pretentious to jump to your own mills? V: - Ask him. G: - Don Quixote, why are you doing all this? Why can't you stay at home? I should really go hunting or something!... G: – He says that he is responsible for the preservation of invisible values ​​in this world. And in order to fully understand his seemingly meaningless work, we need to look at it differently. In fact, this has a deep meaning, although he is aware that his activity looks strange. Moreover, he believes that he is acting quite pragmatically from the point of view of the survival of the very idea of ​​“man.” Not an animal, but a human! It is thanks to his heroism that an important thing is possible: he is a border guard. Border guard not in the sense of protecting borders, but in the sense of ensuring communication across the border. It ensures the permeability of the boundaries between the biological in man and the highest, divine, archetypal. This is his constant “With a spear “HURRAY!” shakes the rigid foundations of a biological being and this action looks so awkward and confusing that the leakage of divine energies becomes possible. A person can perceive them, precisely thanks to his Don Quixote heroics. Yes, this makes sense... Although they won’t pay for it... It’s interesting. Now my first skeptical reaction has been replaced by a feeling of some respect. Although I don't quite understand yet. It may very well be that this archetype is so great in me, and I lived precisely by it, that in order to survive I swung in the other direction, and now I am trying to reject it. But in fact, it still exists in me, and I understand that I cannot refuse it. Precisely from the point of view of not biological, but other survival. That's it! Q: – I still have a question about grounding, harmonious balancing of this figure in you. But we’ll probably work on this now, when we move on to the second opposing peak, to the “Adversary.” G: – Let’s see. “Adversary”... Opponent... Here the image of Satan stands, quite bright and unambiguous. It is symbolized by a mocking smile. Well, yes! The more Don Quixote pulls the rope on himself, attributing value to his activities, the more powerful the theme of Satan. Red, black paints. And different scales. If Don Quixote is a local phenomenon, then here is a global space, observing, powerful, unstoppable. It is still looking and grinning. Q: – Do you feel that you have interaction with Satan? G: – Yes. They are both present in me, and not fifty-fifty. The odds are in favor of Satan... A strange image came. If you take a “spear”, then its “shaft” is Satan, and its “tip” is Don Quixote. The “tip” glows brightly, but it is accelerated by the energy of Satan. In a sense, Satan hides behind Don Quixote. Don Quixote ensures the influence of higher powers, gods, and within the limits of the One... But the One is far away, and Satan is here in the world. Maybe that’s why the proportions seem different... When I was in Don Quixote, there was also a powerful state at the top of “Hero”. Although this is a local phenomenon, and Satan fills all space. Q: – Can you say now about your attitude towards Satan? G: – I have the awareness that the space of this world is given to him at his mercy and this is allowed. A person living here resides in his space. He tempts everyone to turn away from the divine in themselves, andman, although being in the world loses contact with the highest, it is thanks to the feat of Don Quixote that he can find a way out to Jacob’s ladder and rises to God. A person is loaded into the world, saturated with the energies of Satan, and at some point he remembers himself as a divine being and is purified. And he has this opportunity thanks to the feat of Don Quixote. Then a new stage of losing oneself and a new cleansing, on a deeper level. This topic came to me in one of my dreams concerning the structure of our world, I studied this information in detail. Q: – Now there is a need to talk with Satan? G: – Let’s move on for now. Q: – Come on. There are two peaks left: “Masculinity” - “Femininity”. Maybe we’ll start with “Masculinity,” you’ve already started covering this topic. G: – Okay. So, the top of the dream crystal called “Masculinity”. Q: – Structure, action, focusing. G: – More “sword” suits me. Awareness, aspiration... Sword... Masculinity. Here's another dream I remembered. There was a dream about different faces of masculinity. Mars actively participated there, who was angry with me because, in his opinion, I, not being a man, pretended to be considered one. And for him, the standards of unstoppability, invincibility, organized order, and movement are relevant. The symbol is “Roman Legion”. I have an internal conflict, on the one hand Mars, on the other hand - remaining motionless in a sunny, natural state. A character with such quality told me that there is no need to be afraid of Mars. That his strength is no less. One is kind of like “I-will”, the other is a state of “I-am”. One is a directed flow, an organized action, the second is just being. Moreover, both of them are very courageous, both of them are two different ways of organizing power, and they conflict in me. The material from that dream spoke about this. Plus, the Joker was there. He acted as a teacher for me. In a dream he showed that it is possible to combine these two energies. What is an urgent task for me is to learn to combine Mars and the Sun through the Joker archetype, which gives me a standard of plasticity and attitude towards oneself with humor. I had such a vivid dream! G: – What else about masculinity?! But my father suddenly came to me in a dream, last time I worked with this. It seems that he cannot rest in peace after death. At first I was irritated. Then he asked: “What do you want?” He said that he had to convey some of the ancestral melancholy of the men of our kind in order to calm him down. And he’s already all decrepit. I realized this is what I was consciously refusing. Then I agreed to do this, told him about my love, that I had now accepted this burden. And I realized that difficult feelings associated with masculinity are not only mine, but also ancestral. I don't feel quite like a man. And recently my dear formulated to me her request, her expectation for me: “to be a wise father of the family, a loving and beloved husband, a father and a mischievous child.” There are many aspects to this and it is difficult to accomplish, especially in the material part. I really feel like I'm not quite a man. It’s as if male roles related to family are closed to me. And this, in turn, is due to the fact that I cannot use the energies of Mars, which means I cannot penetrate into society, where fierce competition reigns. But I don’t want to fight and win. I'm sitting on the sidelines. Like the sun shining a candle in all directions, this is good, but specific action is still needed. I couldn’t make friends with Mars. Q: – Is there such an opportunity now? G: – I don’t know; rather, a review of current conditions is currently underway. I feel like I don’t have the resource right now to go deeper. Q: – Or maybe this is another escape? G: – Yes, no. I have planned a separate large work on this topic. Now I’m also getting ready. I collect various information thanks to the dream crystal. And the reliving of that dream ended with Mars walking angrily at me with his phalanxes, I just managed to jump away, standing from the side watching them march past. And the sunny one said that if you are not afraid of them, then they willwill be accepted as someone with whom you can have a dialogue. In general, I’m not afraid of them, but I don’t have the strength to make contact with them. Q: – You’re not afraid, but you don’t have the strength! Where can I get them? They are needed. G: - But I don’t know. V: - So Mars knows. G: - Yes, probably, but he is angry with me. V: - Ask him G: - Mars, why are you angry. So he said that he doesn’t consider me a man, and he only talks to a man. Q: - So you don’t consider yourself a man. And you yourself are angry with him. You are at war with Mars! G: – Yes, he is generally busy, he has another campaign. He takes the city by storm. Q: – And you’re glad that he’s busy! He has no time for nonsense, they say. Shout him! How long are you going to wait then? G: - Just shout out to Mars? V: - Of course! G: - And he’ll turn around and slam something heavy?! Yes?! V: - Well, of course, stay with your powerlessness. G: - ...can I strangle you?! V: - You can... G: - Soul...... G: - Well, what! I want to swear at him, but it’s wrong to address God like that. Q: - What do you think, he doesn’t know your swear words? You apologize and then swear. True, I'm starting to worry myself. Maybe it will scare me too... G: - Ha-ha... Aah! Mars, just like that... Yes, there are stale curses sitting inside me, I’m afraid to let them out, I’m afraid of a retaliatory blow. Although these are my energies, the energies of Mars in me. This is some part of me, aggressive, tough, and I myself am afraid of it. V: - She is courageous. G: - Well, a certain aspect of masculinity in her. And that’s what I miss completely. A certain segment of masculinity has been completely cut out. Moreover, it was cut out very cleanly, not torn out, but evenly along a ruler, like a surgical operation was performed... By the way, an interesting feeling... In my life I have approached the boundaries of this segment. I did the rest, but here... Maybe some simple action is really needed for it to turn on... How to plug it into an outlet... But I don’t know how to do this. Although with dirty swearing it’s interesting. I turn out to be very angry with him! It turns out to be on yourself... V: - You admitted this anger, this is very important. G: - Yes, I admitted it. I admitted my anger, and the fear of expressing it, as it might come back to haunt me. V: - But it exists! G: - Oh! Let's move on to femininity. Q: - Come on. So, have you finished your dialogue with Mars? G: Yes, that’s all for now. Let's move on to the woman, and then we'll think about it. V: - Come on. G: - So. At the previous peaks we have there - Pluto-Demeter, Don Quixote-Satan, Mars and now the peak “Femininity”. "Femininity". What do we have about “femininity”? Q: – Growth, being, acceptance. Vessel, womb, lake. G: - “Femininity”... “Femininity”... I feel femininity in you... So, what is femininity for me? – Aphrodite! Q: – In person! Very responsible. G: – Yes. He looks at me skeptically with a smile, a seductive, intriguing, teasingly alluring look, but at the same time not letting me go to the end. V: - Probably, I need to accomplish some kind of feat?! G: - Yes, I need to come to an agreement with Mars.... It contains an image of female physicality, but not just a body. Everything inside is so sophisticated... Calling and motivating, tempting and pleasing, but not completely given. Q: - What does she want after all? G: - Well, what does this woman want? Who knows? I look at her from the side. She beckons. Q: “Your head seems to be spinning from her.” She (the head) is lost. Finally, your intellect has stopped muttering... G: - My brilliant intellect has not gone away! Damn it! ... But she’s out of reach. V: - But there seems to be a chance... G: - Well, she’s close, although I see her on the hill. And I am Here, and she is There! At the same time, I can’t get away from her... Of course, I can turn away, pretend that it didn’t hurt what I wanted... But when I turn away, I see Mars, who is storming some kind of city... idiot... not to help me in the right matter! Q: – Two people can help you. G: – Who can help me? Q: – I still see Lucifer as an assistant! G: – Wow!... Lucifer-Don Quixote, Aphrodite-Mars, Demeter-Pluto... Well, now let’s stand in the center . I am the dreaming Ego. I am the center of the universe, George! I look to the right, there is Mars storming the city, I look to the left, I see Aphrodite on the mountain, dancing her dance. I look ahead and see - there is Lucifer - powerful energy! I look back and see Don Quixote, so small. Histhe energy is blown away. Lucifer prevails over Don Quixote. I look up and see a furious Pluto, explosions, roar. I look down and see Demeter, a delicate blossom. The energy of these two images is commensurate, and so are Mars and Aphrodite. But Lucifer and Don Quixote, here the predominance of Lucifer. V: - Still, I feel your reluctance to communicate with Lucifer, to accept his message. G: - Well, maybe. I still admitted to Mars that I have swear words against him, but here it’s more difficult, I didn’t express any of my emotions, I didn’t feel them. Q: – Although he has such strength! If you could interact with him on an equal footing, to be honest, it would give you a lot. G: – Yes, maybe. Thank you.B: – Thank you.10. Working with short episodes. Don't neglect the opportunity to work even with very short episodes. It is possible that from a long dream you will remember a very short passage that can be described in just a few words. But even these small passages, as we will show with an example, conceal enormous possibilities. Sasha's dream. Sasha: Description of the dream. I'm standing on the ocean shore. For some reason it seems like this is Australia. There is sand all around. Powerful roaring ocean. Waves crash onto the shore. I turn my head to the right and see a colossal statue made of marble, a sphinx or a dragon. A majestic statue illuminated by the light of the setting sun. The size of this sphinx or dragon is such that huge ocean waves crash on its fingers (!). Comment: apparently due to the strength and brightness of this episode, the Presenter and the Dreamer immediately resonated, and saw almost the same thing. The work proceeded in one breath and very smoothly and clearly. Both had powerful experiences during the process. Presenter: What was the impression of this dream? S: Very unusual. Majestic and otherworldly, as if something unearthly. Mystery, greatness, power... Q: I immediately had an image. The waves are unnaturally blue with an emerald tint. A bright sky in iridescent sunset colors and a huge sphinx, exceeding all imagination in size... S: Yes, exactly that. And the sphinx with wings... I see very clearly again this majestic, bewitching picture. Q: The word “foreign” resonated with me. How do you feel about this? S: Some associations with ancient civilizations - Atlantis, Lemuria... Deep antiquity. Almost a million years ago... Q: Now is the picture the same, or has something changed? S: (With eyes closed, increasingly plunging into an altered state of consciousness) Now it is a horse, rearing up as if under the Bronze Horseman. But the size is as huge as that of a sphinx. Q: Would you like to ride it? S: I’m already doing it. I'm upstairs. It's not a horse after all. But not a statue either. This is a huge living creature. Scaly. The ocean is amazingly far below - like looking from an airplane. It’s breathtaking. Q: I feel incredible power, which has no limits. S: I have a feeling that I managed to ride the Dragon. In the Taoist sense. To ride the furiously rushing deafening, incredibly powerful crest of the wave of the Present. The spirit is captured at the same time by solemnity, fear, horror, awe, and greatness! I am now experiencing the peak of existential feeling. Horror and admiration for life and death, for the greatness of the Universe! Like Castaneda: “admiration and horror from the feeling of being human”! Q: Don’t you want to merge your intention and all your feelings with this huge creature? To some extent, it is you... S: Absolutely right - this is me! It's like traveling through time. Hundreds of years pass - I stand on the ocean shore. Thousands of years... Wind and time cause cracks in me. The sands are crumbling. I was almost half submerged in the ocean. Tens of thousands of years pass. Hundreds of thousands of years... Marble is crumbling. The form crumbles. I become the spirit that embraces this space. A spirit imbued with the wisdom of this dragon. In strength and scale, I merge with the spirit of the entire Earth. I merge with Nature. I become Everything. The marble from which the Dragon was made crumbled into dust. No excavations will ever find a trace of him. Dust and decay. And I am EVERYTHING. Converging for hundreds of thousandsyears and diverging continents... Floods and earthquakes, volcanic lava... Sunlight, air... The properties of the atmosphere change. There are constant changes happening on a large and small scale. And all this is me. I am the dynamic process of existence itself, unfolding in time!... And now time has turned into eternity. Q: I have a feeling that you have turned into Life itself. S: Yes... I have realized... Perfect satisfaction... 11. Working with more active interpretations of the Leader. In order for work with dreams to have a real effect of healing and internal growth, most of the work must be done by the Dreamer. If the Presenter has a wealth of experience and vision, he can sometimes offer ready-made interpretations that hit the mark and cause insight in the Dreamer. But we believe that the Presenter’s interpretations should not be frequent and intrusive. Moreover, the relationship between the Presenter and the Dreamer should under no circumstances be of an authoritarian nature. Otherwise, this will result not in the revelation of the Dreamer’s soul, but in its suppression. An authoritarian position is completely inappropriate in any study, especially in the study of such a subtle sphere as the human soul. Below we give an example of working with a dream with a more active than usual, but, nevertheless, not authoritarian position of the Leader. The presenter suggests the direction in which the research will develop, and then transfers the initiative to the Dreamer. Ivan’s dream. Ivan: It’s interesting that the day before I had this dream, I identified for myself a problematic topic: “Relationships with money, sensual, emotional, passionate.” This topic, among others, is on my mind. And then I had a dream: The action takes place in a casino club. I go there with my friend. I feel like a kind of “poor relative”; I have no money, as always. My friend decided to take care of me. He makes one bet on the “four” and wins. Gives me the winnings. You receive your winnings in the form of a pack of prize tickets, each of them is like an oblong book, similar to air or train tickets. The player has two options. First of all, each of these tickets has its own number. You can go back to the game, betting on the number indicated on the ticket. Secondly, you can end the game by cashing in the prize tickets. I decide to play with one ticket and cash out the rest. I take out one of the tickets at random, open it and see that the number “4” is indicated there again. Those. I have to bet on four again. The thought occurs to me that this is wrong, there is some kind of typo or a glitch in the system, there cannot be one number in a row. I go up to the dealer and explain to him my predicament. He treats me very loyally and says: “If you want, you can change the ticket.” I change the ticket, open it and again see a four on it. I'm starting to get loudly indignant. I change the ticket again, and again it contains a four. People gather around. I argue that the system is wrong. The dealer gets worried and says: “Let’s change it again.” I exchange the ticket again, and this time a certain two-digit number appears, it seems 32, but this is not certain. I am satisfied with this circumstance, the croupier thanks me for saving the reputation of the establishment thanks to my persistence. After this, a new drawing is started and again the four, the red four, win. I lost, I feel annoyed, but I don’t play anymore, I follow my decision. This is where the dream ends. Presenter: A general context immediately arises, due to the fact that the four is a symbol of the mandala, the self, the cross, the conjugation of the cross and the mandala, the quaternity. So, what do you think the dream signals? Comment: The presenter immediately successfully “saw” the dream metaphor and caught the angle of view on the situation, thanks to which it began to unfold quite smoothly. I: Such a context also occurred to me. An interpretation is possible that life over and over again pushes me to gain selfhood, openness to it, but for some reason I refuse this. Q: Distrust of the self and loss? I: Yes, distrust andloss as a natural result. Q: It’s interesting to understand why you don’t trust your self? It would seem that in a dream, obviously, a four, a four, a four falls out, and you so persistently refuse it. Maybe it’s like that in life? Maybe your self is not manifesting itself the way you would like? Manifests itself in a form that does not satisfy your ideas about how the self should manifest itself. Do you think that your life should turn out differently? I: This seems to be true. And then the dream once again emphasizes this. It's funny to me that all this comes in the context of money. My request for money and this dream connected very clearly with me. Q: What is money? Let's look at the general symbolism. I: Survival, freedom. Q: This is the equivalent of energy, i.e. opportunities?I: Yes. Part of the turnover of energy in relationships with the world. Q: Who is your friend who still offers you such help? I: Yes, it’s the one who bets on four and wins. Q: Associations come with the Guardian Angel, who keeps trying for you lead you to the path, but you deny it. He shows you: “Here is a four! Self, self, self!” In terms of opportunities and energy.I: At least our relationship is quite sincere, in a dream I understand that he really cares about me. Perhaps he really is a Guardian Angel. Q: The Guardian Angel archetype, at least, is behind it. I: Well, yes, I’m pleased to know that there is such a thing. And I was also shocked by how close and persistent this signal about the self is. It’s not just coming from somewhere far away, but nearby, just about here, somewhere here. Q: In this case, what does the casino symbolize? And: Roulette, casino... At these words, some kind of explosion is planned, the ears are blocked. This is a game, excitement, a seething of passions - a boiling life, where there is both chance and regularity, all together. And again, what is very pleasant in this reading is the loyal attitude of the owners of this casino towards me. Q: Yes, and who is the croupier? Who is behind him? And: Now a thought came to me - this is God with his attitude to freedom of choice. If you don't want it as suggested, please. You have the right to do stupid things. He was very warm and loyal to my persistent requests to change the ticket from four to something else. Q: What pushes you to change the ticket? A feeling, some kind of distorted intuition? What pushed you not to trust the four, to change the ticket over and over again? I: There was a certain conviction, the knowledge that this was a typo. Q: Moreover, the ticket is the theme of the journey, a ticket to a new life. I: Oh, I’m worried. Tickets are really similar to those for planes and trains. But the conviction that this cannot be so. Q: Who is behind this choice? What kind of figure? Who is pushing for mistrust? I: I don’t know, maybe family? Again, the Presenter successfully “gets”, immediately into the desired archetype. Q: If we work in the Jungian theme, then this is someone invisible. Shadow.I: Shadow? Well, in a broad sense this is true. I may have begun to decipher this Shadow, keeping in mind the family and the habit of living in a family environment. Q: Maybe we can communicate with the Shadow? Let’s focus, create the Shadow archetype. I: Now my resistance is growing. Come on. Is this my personal Shadow? Q: Yes. Yours. So, Shadow. (Focuses the Shadow archetype)...I: Church, Christian dogma. Q: Are you already from the Shadow? Call yourself “I am the Shadow” And: I am the Shadow. These are the first words that came. Christianity is Catholic. Q: What number did you put in the dream, 31 or 32? I: I don’t remember well, but I wrote it down uncertainly, it seems, it was still 31. Q: 31 - three and one. Trinity and Sophia. But separately. This very much resonates with Christian Catholic dogma.I: Yes.Q: Tell me something about yourself, Shadow.I: To begin with, the compression of the head just above the temples attracts attention... The vertical of subordination embedded throughout the structure of values ​​is clearly felt. We're going on a religious procession. Red cardinal robes. Q: How was Ivan involved in this? I: He was a parishioner. An old story, closer to the Middle Ages, Europe. Q: Please tell me, Shadow, why are you afraid of the four? Why are you pushing Ivan away from this path? I: Elementary. We must fight for the flock. Spheres of influenceIt's either us or them. He was ours, but now he can leave. And it’s normal that we protect our borders. Order, structure, management, subordination. European values. Restraining the devil, chaos. If you give free rein to the unclean, he will destroy everything. Therefore, it is our duty to restrain these machinations. Q: In his normal state, Ivan does not adhere to these thoughts, are these precisely shadow beliefs? I: Yes. In his normal state he is far from Catholicism. And churchliness in general. Although there is a craving for hierarchical structures in him. Both his work at school and at the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a presence in a rigid hierarchical structure. Thus, this tendency is realized. Q: How else does this manifest itself in his life? I: Well, then comes the theme of the habit of dominance in relationships with loved ones. He considers himself a conductor of our idea, like a priest of a family church, instructing his home flock on the true path. In addition, a certain severity, asceticism, this is quite familiar to him, feasible. This allows him to survive by limiting himself. Q: What is the opposite of this patriarchal position? If there is one side, then there is another. And: You know that the church is opposed by Satan. This is what we call it. Q: There is another opposite of patriarchy - matriarchy. On the one hand, the values ​​of abundance and fertility, on the other hand, not dominance, but rather fear of a woman, of the feminine. I: This is also a very heretical trend. A woman must remain in her place. Q: Is a woman an instrument of Satan? I: Yes. And it’s not in vain that we burn heretics. ... There is a flash of anger, and behind it there is hidden fear. Anger is a habit of control. But we also don’t release our anger completely, we keep it in check so that there is no destruction. He pushes us forward to strict forms of implementation and motivates our activities. And behind the anger, perhaps, there is fear. Q: Fear of what? I: Women as tools of Satan. Fear of the feminine, chaotic, uncontrollable, destroying civilization, threatening to destroy everything that has been built, everything cultural, everything human. Q: Can we say that you, Shadow, represent in Ivan the conservative, outdated values ​​that actually hold him in the old life, not allowing you to use the ticket to a new life? And: You are so smart! Of course, we are conservative in the sense that we have proven our worth over the centuries and will continue to do so. As for him, we save him from intrigues. V: Well, that’s right, you save him, you save him, but he loses. No energy, no strength, no possibilities. In the game of life, he is a loser. I: But beyond the threshold of death, there will be reward and encouragement for him. Q: Return to Ivan... Don’t you find that this deep-seated conviction about reward in the other world is what harshly directs your life along an ineffective path. “And let me be insolvent in life, but I adhere to conservative values, which will count later” I: Maybe. Although I myself am not very familiar with this topic. It's really in the shadows. Q: Thanks, Shadow. (Defocuses the Shadow archetype) We have come to a really interesting belief. Maybe there is some archetype behind them, other than the Shadow. One of the gods? And: Do you want to say besides the Catholic Church? And: Does Kronos work with us under restrictions? True, it’s unlikely that it’s him. The church experience was very powerful. The value of reward after death was not central to this conservative structure. Important, but a fragment. But in general, this is a complete summary of life and culture. A complete set of answers to difficult questions. Q: Are you satisfied with this belief? I: No. I would have revealed myself even now, without waiting for posthumous reward. The dreamer shows interest and his own vision of the process, he takes the initiative and chooses the path. Q: Do you have an assistant for this, a Guardian Angel. I: Maybe talk to him? Q : You are a Guardian Angel. (Focuses the archetype).I: Now... Here we need to not talk, but act. Melt these ossified, conservative structures of consciousness. Q: How? How? And: The first thing the Angel wanted to do, after completing the operation of collapsing the archetype, was to begin the action, i.e. melting. He'sexplains in passing what he is doing. Melts, gaining access to the body. Two areas of particular tension: the back of the head and the upper chest. (Yawns intensely) I remember a recent dream when in a dream I received a blow to the back of the head, there was also an action to knock out hard structures. Q: Intense yawning indicates the ongoing process of some kind of internal melting, the parasympathetic system is turned on. I: I observe the withering of consciousness (continues to yawn) . It is as if the usually hidden deadness is manifesting itself, now it becomes actual. The body wants to fall. Although it is not very clear, this process of going limp is associated with the deactivation of a rigid structure, or simply not accepting the Guardian Angel. Maybe both... Some kind of irritation began, like: “Why are we sitting here, doing nonsense?!” Q: Inertial structures appear And: Tension remains in the back of the head. Q: Start reliving the dream. And: With a casino? Q: Yes.I: (yawns) Someone in me now says: “Aren’t you too lazy to deal with this nonsense?!”... And if from the point of view of the Guardian Angel, then yes, you can relive the dream. So. I, Ivan, go to the casino. I’m alone, people are minding their own business, the room is bright, the croupier in a tailcoat is at the table. Table by the window. I walk (continues to yawn) and slowly look around. Looks like I'm wearing a tailcoat too. Women in evening dresses, men in tails. I feel somewhat alien. Thoughts: “What am I doing here? How did I get here?" They don't pay much attention to me (yawns). I think he might leave. Q: What are you doing here? I: I realized that I was already present here. I don't remember how I got here. I turned on the moment I was already there and watching the characters in amazement. It’s not clear where I got my tailcoat from. The thought comes to me that my “stupidism” is very specific, unbreakable. Nevertheless, I go to the doors, open them and, shrugging my shoulders, begin to go down the stairs. There is a gatekeeper at the front door. He blocked the door with his hands and won’t let me out. Moreover, the gatekeeper seems to be polite, but when he stands with his arms outstretched or folded on his chest, he looks threatening. He has a powerful torso, strength is felt. Q: Ask him who he is and what he is? The dreamer’s hidden conflict with the world unfolds, becomes visible and is experienced in the senses. I: Tell me, gatekeeper, why don’t you let me in, who are you? Why the hell are you blocking my way? Q: The answer is from the metaphor that the casino is life, so my attempt to get out of the casino is an attempt to get out of life. And since everyone who came into this life came with certain goals and objectives, his gatekeeper’s job is to make sure that they don’t shirk. He perceives my attempt to leave as some kind of shirking. Moreover, I see a bright, bright light behind the doors, beckoning me. I'm angry that this gatekeeper won't let me out. Now the image has come that the gatekeeper is Saint Peter, who stands before the gates of heaven: “It’s too early for you to go to heaven! Have you already come for reward? Come back!” ... I'm in a stupid state. To such and such a mother, and this casino and this gatekeeper! In short, we got it all! I sat down on the steps and sat. I want to fight with the gatekeeper, but something tells me that I’m unlikely to cope. I feel very stupid. I continue to cover everyone around me. Feeling lonely. And I don’t feel bad, but I don’t understand what the hell they want from me, why should I obey?! I don't understand if I need humility or if it will be a sacrifice if I go and play these stupid games in their casino. I don't understand where I betray myself when I fight this will, or when I follow it. Internal conflict is growing. Where is this stupid Guardian Angel? Where did he go? Q: He is here, you can talk to him. And: Guardian Angel, why don’t I read your message, is it not authoritative for me? And are you even here? ... The answer comes: “You sit on the step for now, sit, take your time. It's not scary." … Oh, thanks. At least they don’t force you to go to the casino. A pensive state arises in this suspension. Neither here nor here. I don’t go upstairs to the casino, nor am I eager to leave. Where exactly am I going? ... Why should I obey the AngelGuardian? Who even proved that he was for me? How is this known? Things are whispering here. Who said that afterlife retribution is bad? How do I know this is true. If I go to the casino and get caught up in all these passions, I’ll lose my soul, so what?! ... By the way, I just noticed that there is no tension in the back of my head. More emphasis is on the chest. Basically, I only have questions and exclamations. I understand that I can sit here for a long time, on this step. I'm stubborn. Until I understand that I need to go here or there, I won’t go anywhere! Fuck you all! … And what? Will I sit here until I die?! Not a solution either! Crap! I sit and time goes by. And someone is counting it down. And what's the use of me sitting here? Buridanov's ass! Give me the archetype of Buridan's donkey! By the way, how did he resolve his dilemma? Died? Q: Yes. I: The gatekeeper grins. An apostle to me too! The devil with the red head! ... Why is life a casino?! This outrages me! What the fuck? Why casino? Why weren't there any other symbols?! (screams indignantly) Q: Game. Excitement. Passion. Feelings.I: Why can’t there be feelings without passion?! (He hits his palm with his fist) How it hurts, but no one understands. I'll go upstairs to the casino, maybe I'll find someone to fight with. I kick open the door to the casino. “Yeah, we didn’t expect it!” Their guards are good, they immediately ran up and grabbed me. They are holding. But it doesn’t really matter to me, I will shout to everyone that you are all bastards, wasters of life, I hate you for trying to fit me into all this nonsense! Everyone is looking at me. The guards are holding. Let go. Why are you staring, the players are lousy. Well, are you playing?! What's the point? Time to spend? Feel the excitement? What's the point? There is no life in this anyway! Q: Who is speaking in you now? I: I don’t know. The one who is looking? Someone who wants completeness. Someone who has faced limitations. A man who lived in many different ways and exhausted the circle of life's possibilities did not find answers. Q: Well, do you want to buy a ticket? I: This means that I am starting to live by these rules! ... (deep sigh) Some guy comes up and gives me a ticket. Q: What is the number? And: Four, naturally. Q: Will you bet? And: You can bet... The red four comes from a dream Q: Won? And: The ticket coincides with There is a dropped number, but I don’t feel it’s a win. So what?... (Sigh)... Although there is some satisfaction in this. It's like permission not to fight, not to prove. Like I belong here. The opposition between me and those around me goes away... There is a noticeable relaxation in the chest. But the question remains: “So what?!” In this relaxation there are elements of feeling: “But it doesn’t matter! Come what may.” Q: What about the sensations in the body? I: Relaxation continues in the chest. A pleasant picture appeared, in nature, a river, forest all around. I look into this river, relaxation continues. Q: Is there any conclusion? Based on the results of re-experience. Or are there no results yet? And: The conclusion is still through the negative. In the sense that I still don’t feel positive, but at least I spend less energy on fighting if I just take it and put it on a four. There is some kind of gentle reassurance in this. I didn't even understand why I relaxed. Contemplation of the river, also not very happy, but there is some kind of silence in it. Q: Sit in silence for a couple of minutes. I: (Deep sigh)... Thank you Guardian Angel. (The presenter will defocus the Archetype) Q: How are you now? He really resisted, but something seemed to have melted. I: Yes, for me it was interesting to see the increasing dramatization of the internal conflict. Q: We touched on the Shadow, and she started playing tricks. At least they put up resistance. I: Yes, perhaps... Q: Can you sum it up? I: Now I’ll go to the countryside and sit by the river. The fundamental, for me, rigid structure is really affected; it is not taken with a dashing cavalry charge, and it is unlikely that it should be taken that way. Q: Nevertheless, some kind of hole has been punched in this armor. I: Both the motives of the Guardian Angel and Shadows. Bash on bash. After the collision, everyone went back to their trenches. Now we need to think about what to do. V: Okay. Deep work. I was also knocked out by drowsiness and yawning. Deep.I: Yes. Thank you. 12. Self-interpretation. And finally, when you are a fewmonths of active training, you will begin to grasp the mechanisms of working with dreams, you will have the opportunity to independently interpret and find meaning in dreams that at first glance seem meaningless and incoherent. The meaning of the dream will be revealed by fluently writing out or pronouncing free associations. It is useful to carry out such a procedure periodically, having already had good experience working with dreams. But even in this case, you should not stop deeper work in a group or couple, which allows you to reach the archetypal level. Vitaly's dream. I dream about the courtyard of my childhood next to my parents' house. A small playground where we played football as children. And I run in circles around this area, circle after circle, circle after circle. I am being watched by two of my childhood playmates (whom in reality I have not seen for a very long time and have even forgotten). Then the action moves to an apartment where an engagement to some girl is about to take place. There are a lot of guests and some kind of entertainer. Everyone dances until they drop. I notice that somewhere in the corner of the room my grandmother is fighting with someone. Then I throw a light bulb at them. The light bulb hits the grandmother in the crown and explodes, and the grandmother dies. At this point I wake up, experiencing a terrible feeling of guilt that I killed my grandmother. Comment: it is more difficult to work with a dream alone, but it is possible, the main thing is to catch the moment when a state of interest, curiosity “lit up” inside for this dream, do not put it off for long, and the work will go well. In the evening I remembered this dream and began to deal with it. By the method of active imagination, i.e. I entered into each dream image, lived it from the inside and realized its meaning. Firstly, I had a dream after meeting a new girl. The whole evening before falling asleep I was in a mood of celebration, love and an unknown premonition of some new life perspective. In the first fragment of the dream I am running in a circle. When I experienced myself in this circle, I realized that these were the circles in which my destiny had so far taken shape. This is partly due to the recurring plot in relationships with women. And the playmates who appear in a dream symbolize “childhood memory.” The program was laid down in childhood, when I, with my neurosis, prevented my parents from getting a divorce. Next, guests gather in my parents’ apartment for the engagement. Getting used to their images, I understand that these are various gods from different myths who participate in the construction of my destiny, and the entertainer is the main customer of all destiny. They are present at this engagement all together because something important is about to happen, some change in fate. What is a grandmother? There were a lot of conflicting feelings associated with my grandmother in my life. And hatred, and fear, and love, and pity. She was the main source of family conflict, because of which my parents' lives were not successful, although they did not divorce - because of me. And precisely because as a child I made the decision (subconsciously, of course) to repeat their bad luck in my personal life and, strange as it may seem, this is precisely what I “saved” the family from collapse. That is, a grandmother in a dream is a symbol of an internal conflict that triggered my destiny every time in the same circle. And a light bulb is a source of light, and in a dream it symbolizes the light of consciousness - directed at the source of internal conflict. And the death of grandmother, as a result of a source of light - illumination, awareness - entering her, is the death of conflict. Why did I then experience a terrible feeling of guilt before waking up? But because, having realized and killed the internal conflict, I no longer have to run in circles and, thus, I broke my childhood “enchanted” promise to remain faithful to the way of life that I promised to lead in order to save my parents’ family (after all, growing up, the Inner Child in us remains faithful to what he decided in childhood - this is where ridiculous and even tragic scenarios arise in the lives of people who often destroy themselves, but not because they are fools, but because it is almost impossible to resist the unconscious decisions of childhood if you do not work with yourself) . That is, thisthe feeling of guilt turns out to be a solution to the whole situation, a kind of retribution for the opportunity to go beyond the script. It turns out that I am now on the threshold of the opportunity to change my plot of relationships with women. Igor's dream. Something connected with the artists Oleg Dahl and Savely Kramorov... As if I had already left them for three years without finishing rehearsals, and I feel guilty, but at the thought of returning - anxiety and reluctance. I know I won't go back to them. At the same time, I see a white “Zaporozhets”... Oleg Dal is a symbol of a part of me, a narcissistic, talented, capricious and unrecognized egoist, ready to isolate himself from the world even at the cost of his own death. Savely Kramorov (yesterday I watched “The Elusive Avengers”) - a loser, a loser and at the same time I’m also a joke, a laughing stock. Departure from them is a desire for a different path of my own, not connected with these parts of the personality. Guilt in front of them is a disguised feeling of resentment for the lot I lived before. And the white “Zaporozhets” is a way out of the situation. Returning under the auspices of Hermes, travel, childlike spontaneity, simplicity (not Mercedes) and contentment with little things. (From the age of 11 to 20, every summer my parents and I traveled for 2 months on my father’s white Zaporozhets throughout the country). Afterword. Comprehension and liberation. In this book we have clearly shown the evolution of the creative imagination, which is initially present in every person and needs to be revealed. The skills acquired in the process of working with dream images can be successfully applied in any creative human activity. In any area of ​​human life, the ability to see and create images is of great importance. As a result of the disclosure of creative potential, life becomes brighter, impressions become more voluminous and richer. Wider horizons, greater courage and freedom of thinking. Working with dreams helps you overcome the seemingly immutable and monumental boundaries of your world, expands consciousness and heals the soul, and sometimes the body. Everything is simple and everything we need is always at hand. No devices or drugs are needed. The human soul is designed in such a way that it can, knows how and has the need to realize itself, you just need not to interfere and help a little, to show natural inclinations. What we comprehend, we master. We unite with what we have comprehended, contradiction and disagreement disappear. Comprehended, achieved - words of one root. What we have not yet comprehended covers us from the outside and drags us, helpless, somewhere where he, who has not comprehended, knows. To comprehend means to connect, to accept, to absorb a plan, an image, to connect in speed, in direction, in a way. Become more, closer to the common, to the Whole. What I have comprehended no longer moves me blindly, I see it entirely, I can choose and play the game of life. Much in our inner world is virtual, that is, the phantoms that we are afraid of are based on our own assumptions, which sometimes and closer and more familiar than reality itself. We are afraid of what has already happened and brought pain. In many ways, in our inner world we live in the past, and we live based on past events, relying in a peculiar way - without allowing it into awareness. Sometimes they, the shadows of the past, cover reality so much that it is not visible at all. And then we find ourselves helpless, helpless in the real world. Black shadows, demons and other horrors, in most cases, are generated by our imagination. There are boundaries, assessments, prohibitions that have nothing in common with the real living world. By overcoming these familiar and seemingly so terrible boundaries, we to some extent heal from ourselves, and, at the same time, become closer to ourselves. In a dream, everything happens by itself, there are not many of the usual frameworks of everyday life, and therefore we can better see and feel what really holds us. Paradoxical as it may seem, in a dream something awakens in us - something that almost always sleeps in reality. And the power itself, the atmosphere of a dream, is healing, the soul rests in sleep. Human thought has undergone significant evolution, and the current awareness of the meaning and significance of dreams again returns to the original, but
