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From the author: Investments should be boring In my publications on financial literacy, I constantly draw the attention of readers to the fact that there has been a substitution of concepts. “Investments” are now called something completely different from what they actually are. To my clients I highly recommend using Warren Buffett's approach as your investment benchmark. (You can read more about this in my other articles on this topic). Investments are a complete absence of risk. Investments imply the acquisition of a good, high-quality asset (business) for half of its real cost (with a margin of safety). As Warren Buffett advises, “Buy 1 dollar for 50 cents.” “Real” investments are when you are bored with them: This is when you sift through a mountain of information about the company in which you are going to invest your money (through the purchase of securities - stocks or bonds). This is a dreary, difficult, paper work, devoid of emotions and reckless actions. It is this approach that will ensure you a restful sleep (and the safety of your money). As is known, speculator traders sleep very restlessly at night due to an excess of adrenaline in the blood. They are constantly on edge, worried, tossing and turning, worrying whether they made the right deal, whether they bought the right shares, whether bad news will come out that will bring down the market and the calculations they made. WARNING!!! When someone offers You get 20% per annum (and even in foreign currency) - with an average market rate of return of 5-7 percent per annum - then this is a good reason for immediately stopping communication with the bearer of this offer. Run away from there as quickly as possible, because... There is no return without risk! Although you can use 10% of your capital to participate in various HYIPs, adventures based on trust and other financial recklessness. What if you get lucky?!? SUMMARY: Speculators bet on the growth of the value of an asset (they try to predict, predict changes in quotes). Real investors do not buy shares. They buy the business of the issuing company, its quality and predictability. This is why investors do not invest their money in start-ups (there is no business as such yet, there are only the ambitions of its creators). These are the types of investments I recommend to my clients! PS Which investments do you prefer? Are you bored or high-adrenaline to study? To consolidate the information, watch my next video: PPS For convenience, I have made a selection of books on personal finance - they will help you “make friends” with your money and master financial literacy
