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Yes, that’s exactly what the inimitable Faina Ranevskaya said. The main thing, in my opinion, is that the emphasis in this phrase is on the word “beauty” and not on the word “terrible.” I do not share the opinion that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. This is inseparable, only appearance provides primary information about a person, his mood, upbringing, culture. According to the saying, one is greeted by one's clothes, but one is seen off by one's mind. Let's try together to think about how to be greeted and seen off well. When a person underestimates the importance of a well-groomed and attractive appearance, he creates psychological problems for himself, wondering why promotion at work and personal life are not going the way we would like, why people they don’t want to recognize his “rich inner world.” And here you can encounter two extremes: either a person “forgets” to even comb his hair, not paying attention to his clothes, shoes - he is “beautiful in soul,” but it’s unpleasant to even be around someone like that; or, on the contrary, a girl in such a “war” paint and revealing clothes in the morning - she must show the world all her beauty, that you involuntarily think: the girl is probably leaving “work” in the morning. Famous psychotherapist Litvak M.E. recommends sticking to the rule: “when you go to an evening, think about what you expect from him: to meet your future husband or find a guy for one night. After answering this question, start choosing appropriate clothes, jewelry, makeup and demeanor.” I think that this rule applies not only to evening outings. To feel confident, you need not only to believe in yourself, but also to correctly create your image. Start with an objective assessment of your lifestyle: nutrition, hygiene, work and rest schedule, exercise, etc. Next - a wardrobe, buy and wear only those clothes that you like, in which you feel comfortable and attractive. Even on a slender twenty-year-old girl, a minidress that she constantly pulls down will ruin the image of a beauty. If you are not a fashion connoisseur, not an expert in fabrics, accessories and color combinations, stick to the rule: less is more. The best makeup is when your face looks healthy, fresh and beautiful from nature (or as if from nature - modern cosmetics provide a rich choice for this). You should like your hair, be it a haircut or styling, and not only when you leave the salon, but every day, even with a quick glance in the mirror. And the most important and irreplaceable thing is a smile. Would you want to communicate with a gloomy and dissatisfied person? Look around, you can always find something that will make you smile with pleasure: the sun outside the window, flowers and a cat on the windowsill, your loved ones sleepy and so cute in the morning, breakfast with aromatic coffee... your reflection smiling at you in the mirror. The famous doctor Hippocrates claimed that You can be beautiful only by being healthy, and he recommended diet, exercise, swimming in the sea and moderate exposure to the sun for those striving for external beauty. Perhaps you should listen to wise advice. If nothing hurts, your mood is already positive. Appearances are a deceptive thing, I often hear from clients. Really? Perhaps you just need to take a closer look. Behind every touch in clothing, makeup, hairstyle, demeanor, you can discern the mood, desires, habits, complexes. Even if a person is trying to disguise all this. Parable. Men once argued: What does the most beautiful woman look like? One loves brown, burning eyes, another loves blue eyes, and the third loves emerald green. One likes brunettes, another likes blondes, and the third is delighted with redheads. One admires the stately, tall, the other - small, light, graceful, the third says that the ideal is of medium height. And to everyone their own signs seem to be the only true ones. All attempts to dissuade each other led to nothing. The friends then decided that someone should judge them. They came to the wise old man and asked the question: “How long have we been...
