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There are no spoiled children and there is no chance of spoiling and spoiling them if you see personality, potential in your child and give the opportunity to act in this world in your own way, to study this world. This is not about allowing the child everything in the world, but about the fact that whatever happens to the child is important and valuable. He should feel valuable to you. Otherwise, the perspective of value shifts externally and the child begins to feel a huge emptiness inside himself. When a child is capricious and behaves spoiled, there are reasons for this. The first is to get your attention. And not just attracting your attention, but your attention to the value of his life, to the sensory sphere of his life. If a child does not feel the emotional presence of a parent, he feels unsafe, he cannot be filled with vital energy and cannot trust his authenticity. He is simply scared because he feels cut off from energetic contact with his mother. This is called attachment trauma. This contact is an invisible support on which the child can lean and feel, feel this world within himself, and be filled with information about himself through contact with his mother and with the world. When there is this contact with the parent, the child does not need super toys or any luxury, he does not really understand this at all, he only understands love. And if he can receive love and attention through external demonstrative behavior, through obtaining some things, and in no other way, the psyche will act exactly like this. When a child does not have sensory contact with a parent, he begins to manipulate the parent and thus find confirmation of value own life. But he doesn’t know how to feel his life differently and learn to take responsibility and manage his life. Subsequently, such children grow into infantile adults who do not know their true desires and constantly demand others to solve their problems. These are emotionally dependent people. They don't have a remote control for their life. The first thing to do here is to establish contact with a healthy attachment, heal this trauma of the relationship with the parent within yourself and regain the control panel of your life and begin to get to know it. After all, the whole fear here comes down to the fact that a person simply does not know himself, he was simply not allowed to be himself. If you notice that in your family a child is becoming capricious and uncontrollable, ask yourself the question: “Isn’t he repressed in your family system?” sensory emotional sphere? This can be done by the parent himself and with the family system without affecting the child. The child will begin to change as soon as he feels contact with an adult.
