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In working on ourselves, each of us goes our own way, but we all have the same goal - to love ourselves and live a happy life. But not everyone manages to reach this goal, because on our way we often forget about ourselves... we strive to be as close as possible to other people, but we push ourselves into the background. We value the achievements of others, but do not notice our own. And every time a question arises about loving yourself, another question arises: “Why should I love myself?” And this is the dilemma of most people, they are used to being valued and “loved” for something - for achievements, for relationships, for appearance, etc. In fact, they love not for something, but simply because “you exist” or “I am.” We treat ourselves the same way, we are always trying to find something for which we can love ourselves. But in fact, we don’t need to look for anything, we just need to learn to love ourselves for what “I am!”, without any merit, for who we are. And how to achieve this - learn to thank yourself for everything “... for the fact that I am... for the fact that I have this life... for the blessings that I have...” - in principle relate with gratitude to everything that exists at the moment. Write yourself a letter of gratitude... in which you thank no one, but yourself, for everything you have done and for everything you have. I focus on the fact that “for myself”, and not “for someone”, because there was a case when I asked a client to write a “letter of gratitude”, so she wrote a letter to me (maybe I, in turn, did not convey the information quite accurately , although everyone understands it differently). Of course, I was very pleased, but that was not the goal... it was to draw attention to myself. That is, learn to thank ourselves for the life we ​​have. In general, the essence is this, our path lies to knowing ourselves and to loving ourselves, and for this we need to learn to pay our own attention to ourselves... to become for ourselves the most important person in the world. And it would be good to start with gratitude to yourself, for everything that is and for everything that happens in your life. Get yourself a notebook and write gratitude to yourself every day - this exercise helps raise self-esteem, vitality, and generally teaches you to value yourself and your life. Take care of yourself and good practice! You can make an appointment by calling +7 962 855-01-69 Whats App, Telegram or via a personal message on the website.
