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From the author: This is an excerpt from a book that was published in 2009, “I Choose Life.” This material is intended not only for people living with HIV, but for everyone who cares about their health and their future. HIV/AIDS is not only a problem for doctors and healthcare workers, but also for scientists, government officials and economists, lawyers and sociologists. This is a problem for all of HUMANITY! If we are all cells of a single Organism, it is necessary to try to save dying cells and help them find a full, meaningful life. Orthodox medicine is becoming more and more helpless in the face of emerging diseases. Yes, undoubtedly, the technological and technical level has increased significantly: devices, apparatus, computers, a huge number of pharmaceuticals to create the necessary medicines. But for some reason, more and more people are distrustful of doctors and turn to healers and psychics. How else? One had his adenoids removed and they grew back; another had his gangrene toe cut off, and the gangrene spread to his lower leg; the third has been treated for diabetes all his life; the fourth cannot get rid of dysfunction of the thyroid gland all his life, etc. The development of technical and medical means has led to the fact that modern medicine is trying to rid a person of the effect, and not the cause of the disease. “Inexperienced doctors try to drive the disease inside in order, at least temporarily, to avoid dangerous signs.” Traditional medical science is accustomed to judging the surface of an effect by other, equally superficial effects, which it accepts as a cause. “...Truly, a doctor must be able to cure, first of all, the spiritual causes of diseases, for all diseases nest in the consciousness. Doctors can be true helpers of humanity in the ascension of the spirit. The doctor's mind must be strengthened by the heart. It is impossible for a doctor to be an ignorant denier. A doctor cannot help but be a psychologist, and he cannot neglect the wonderful psychic energy.” Agni Yoga. To get out of this situation, a new scientific paradigm is needed, which will significantly expand our worldview. And such a paradigm exists, and has always existed, these are the unified Universal Laws of the Cosmos, according to which all life systems in the Universe develop and obey. These Laws say that man is a self-correcting system. The Creator put a piece of the Divine essence into each of us. And when they say that miracles exist, it is true. We must create these miracles ourselves. And for this you will have to work hard. Doctors still have high hopes for new drugs specially developed in laboratories to combat HIV infection. Without solving the problem, they are only fighting the investigation. And it is unlikely that such a cure will be found. But HIV-infected people still have a chance. A chance to become the creators of your own destiny. Currently, there are many studies indicating the existence of a fairly significant group of people infected with HIV who do not develop symptoms of the disease, despite the fact that they were infected at least ten years ago. A study begun in 1994 of a group of 539 people who had been infected with HIV for at least a decade earlier found that 31% did not develop AIDS at all. Doctors cannot figure out why some people develop the disease and others do not. There are two ways: the eternal Science of spiritual transformation, and the science of the material world. These two paths are so intertwined that it is difficult to say where one ends and where the other begins. The first path is based on FAITH, which gives rise to a previously unknown desire for transformation. Faith is an inexhaustible source that gives strength to comprehend ever higher Stages of Infinity of Development. Let us remember the words of Christ: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed and say to this mountain, “Move from here to there,” and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.” After all, Christ did not heal everyone, but only those in whom faith was strong. In this case, faith does.
