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In spring, almost everyone feels depressed, lacks strength, and experiences mood swings. All these are signs of spring blues, often caused by banal vitamin deficiency. In the cold season, the body does not receive enough vitamin D, as well as other vitamins and minerals. In addition, in winter we lead a less active life, move less, and fluctuations in air temperature and atmospheric pressure also have a negative impact on the condition. Result: despondency, constant fatigue, lack of energy, drowsiness, apathy, irritability. 5 ways to overcome the spring blues. This a seasonal condition is not a disease, but you should not ignore negative symptoms, as they significantly reduce the quality of life. There are five ways to combat the signs of spring blues: 1. Proper nutrition. As trivial as it may seem, a well-chosen diet will help you feel better. In spring, you should exclude fast food, heavy and fatty foods, and fast carbohydrates. Eat regularly, do not skip meals, and do not allow yourself to become acutely hungry. Include fish rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids (mackerel, salmon) in your menu. Don't give up meat, but eat more vegetables and greens. Diversify your diet by adding avocado, cilantro, parsley, broccoli, and nuts. Replace sweets with dried fruits and quick snacks with complex carbohydrates (such as slow-cooked oatmeal). Drink more water: During the heating season, the air becomes dry, which can lead to dehydration.2. Daily routine: To gain strength, you need to get enough sleep. This is why it is so important to establish a work and rest routine. Sleep 7–8 hours, try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends, resist the temptation to stay up longer. Your body will thank you. Before going to bed, give up digital gadgets, instead read a paper book or listen to relaxing music.3. Walking in the fresh air. Lack of fresh air leads to oxygen starvation of brain cells, which negatively affects cognitive functions. Simply put, when you spend all your time within four walls, you begin to think worse and get tired faster, concentration decreases, and memory deteriorates. This is bad for productivity. Spend more time outside. Take a walk when you have free minutes, walk to work or to the store. When indoors, regularly ventilate the room or office.4. Exercise: Add at least minimal physical activity to your daily routine. Do morning exercises, dance to your favorite music, do yoga or go to the gym. During exercise, endorphins are produced, which help fight stress and apathy. This is the best way to survive the spring blues.5. Surround yourself with positivity. Avoid artificial stress. For example, you shouldn’t watch a thriller at night; it’s better to choose a good family movie. Please yourself with pleasant little things, take care of yourself and your loved ones, and soon the spring blues will recede. If you find yourself having difficulties with your emotional state and understanding yourself, then therapy with a psychologist will help you. Good luck in working on yourself!
