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Good day everyone. “The important thing is not who they think you are, but who you really are.” Publius One of the most common mistakes of humanity is that a person does not believe in himself, in his strengths and in life in general. He always finds excuses and someone to blame for his failures and life problems. This is a completely wrong approach. “Your happiness and your peace and your paradise and your God are within you. And you make sure that your God is always with you, then you will be with him.” Skovoroda G.S. A person has everything necessary to be happy and successful. With the development of technology, man is moving away from his essence. So, if the ancient people did not rely on anyone but themselves, they obtained food themselves, sewed clothes themselves, served themselves and achieved victories themselves. Currently, the world has become so material that the main task of people is to have more money and material values. At the same time, people have forgotten about the meaning of their thinking and their strengths, relying on someone or something, thereby relieving themselves of responsibility and the ability to create their own lives and manage reality. Both in the nineteenth and in the twentieth, in all centuries, there were people who achieved their success, proved their point of view, defeated public condemnation, some were deprived of freedom, but, in the end, were recognized by the same society that had previously condemned them, some only after his death. But these people lived their lives the way they wanted, they were devoted only to their idea. Every successful person, at all times, has been devoted to his dreams and goals. Those who achieve success do not accept public opinion and do not make their dreams dependent on the outside world, otherwise they would never achieve any results. If we think logically, when a person invents something new, or dreams of becoming a millionaire, moreover, that a person was born into a poor family has no logical confirmation in the outside world. But, despite this, a person believes in his truth, in his dream, and if you do not refuse, in the end he will realize it. Believing in yourself is what is important when achieving success. At the same time, the “I” is in a constant process of development, but faith remains unchanged, faith in life, in one’s strengths, in oneself, in one’s idea, in one’s dream. In the external, surrounding world, anything can happen, but a person can always be devoted to his dream, opinion, thinking, his desires, goals, tasks, in a word - to himself. Great people are governed by faith, these people believe only in themselves, their strengths, and know that life is created by man himself, through numerous choices and decisions made. Great, successful, self-sufficient people do not waste their time fighting public opinion and the world around them, they go their own way, while having their own dream, their own faith, their own truth, their own model of life. The Universe (God) is always nearby, within us, day and night, at all times, there is always help, we are not alone, we are part of the whole, but this whole is in ourselves. In each of us, our strength is more powerful than you think, believe in yourself, in your capabilities. The world is currently changing rapidly. New discoveries in science, more and more new technologies, space flights are already commonplace, crossing the ocean in a few hours is even more so. Maybe we should also open up to changes, ask ourselves the question: “Am I ready to change?” Looking for solutions to problems, answers to our questions in the external world around us is somewhat illogical, given that everything is already inherent in us. Have there been situations in your life that at some point in time seemed insoluble to you, but time passed and you found a solution, right? If you are still alive, then all problems are resolved, right? How can you believe in yourself if you have only failures and disappointments behind you? To begin with, again and again I repeat,You need to define your dream, your main and intermediate goals. If you are a supporter of logical thinking, take an interest in the biography of any successful person, for example, whose achievements you recognize. And compare your thinking and the thinking of a successful or authoritative person for you, what is the difference? You will find the answer very simple. The only difference is in the way of thinking. Analyze your mistakes, your thinking, what is it based on and is everything really the way you were taught and inspired? Why did you believe in yourself and your strengths as a child, why did you live as you wanted as a child? Why did you look at the world differently as a child? Just because you haven't communicated with as many people as you currently know. You have not received the flow of information from various sources that is attacking you now, and without noticing it yourself, you pay attention to it, joining the majority, forgetting about your opinion. Because thanks to society and upbringing, you created some restrictions in your head that actually do not exist, and believed in them so much that this was reflected in reality? Your real worldview did not develop in one day, but in the process of life. Therefore, if you do not believe yourself, answer yourself the question: “why?” Because someone convinced you that everything in the world is not the same as in childhood? And I tell you that everything remains the same. And the sun rises - where it rose, and spring comes on the first of March, and not the first of September, and rain continues to fall from heaven to earth, and not vice versa. You still have two legs and two arms, you still have all the possibilities that you saw in childhood, it’s just that now why don’t you believe in THIS. Change everything - just believe. Only your thinking has changed, influenced by the outside world, environment, information, experience, etc. If it was formed as a result of information, then you can change it as a result of information. Choose your future yourself, control your thoughts, conversations, pastime, choose information, environment. Communicate with those with whom you can be yourself; such people will always support you in any endeavor. Communicate with those who evoke positive emotions in you, observe the world around you, paying attention to the information you need, observe your reaction to different events, try to explain your reaction. Answer the questions: “could the event have had a different outcome, what would have happened if you thought differently? Maybe somewhere you would not have been so harsh, somewhere on the contrary, you insisted on your point of view?” Understand as much as possible about your thinking, why you think the way you do. Maybe some kind of resentment from childhood has formed some kind of belief in you, which currently dictates what you should do, and this is far from the best advice? As a result of all these actions, you will discover a lot of new things in yourself and the world around you, some things will become so simple for you that you yourself will be surprised how you didn’t notice it before. Every person can have everything that every other person has, the only difference is who believes in what. If you believe in fate, karma, rock, you submitted before you even started living, it’s easier to shift all responsibility onto someone or something, and just go with the flow. You are a religious person, the majority also made their choice to shift everything to the Almighty (God), while they themselves simply complain about life and are offended that someone from above did not fulfill their desire, but only punishes them. Don't you think this is a little selfish? What have you personally done to make your dream come true? Have you read a bunch of books, have you mastered some skills, have you found a specialist in the field that interests you? The Universe, the Almighty, the Supreme Mind can only act as teachers and assistants, they can show the way, give some signs that need to be noticed and interpreted. But the interpretation of these signs, omens, directions occurs through the power of thinking. Open up to the world, believe in life. We are back to where we started. For
