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Today we will talk about betrayal and the first impulsive reaction when it is revealed - get a divorce... Is it right to follow the opinion of society, which dictates - get a divorce? And what do we lose by choosing divorce? Irina is 38 years old. She is a successful and attractive woman. He has been happily married for 13 years and has two daughters, 7 and 11 years old. Suddenly, she became aware of her husband’s infidelity. He cheated on her with a work colleague. It is for this reason that the man began to be annoyed by his wife’s phone calls during working hours. He began to react with displeasure if she expressed a desire to spend a lunch break together, as they had done before, in a cafe near his office. He returned home later than usual... Over the years of marriage, Irina developed a wonderful relationship not only with her husband, but also with his parents and sister. The couple had family friends for many years, with whom they met regularly, spending holidays and weekends together. The house and garden, the comfort of which Irina and her husband created together for several years, reflected the peace and well-being of family life. And suddenly find out this ... Irina was in despair and bewilderment. This is the first, unprecedented episode of her family life when she began to realize that her marriage was not stable and ideal, as she had imagined it. He had a different one... as the echo sounded in her head. Not knowing how to talk to her husband like that, in order not to completely destroy the relationship, she found nothing better than to surf the Internet in order to find an answer to her question - “What should we do about this now?” Irina read various articles and forums where offended “friends in misfortune” discussed behavior unfaithful husbands. And they were echoed by those whose “husband has never cheated and will never cheat.” People not only discussed, but condemned... Who do you think? It is clear that the guilty husbands suffered a particularly terrible fate. They were no longer accepted as people, and the most appropriate names, in the opinion of the forum members, became something like “ungrateful goat” or “insensitive pig and brute.” Meanwhile, the forum members also condemned deceived wives, their feelings and behavior. It seemed amazing how limited, one-sided and peremptory the advice and comments from the “audience” were: - “You can’t forgive! Having cheated once, he will cheat twice..." - "Leave and don't look back!" - "Drive him out of the house in all 4 directions" - "You are a rag if you forgive his betrayal" - "You allow him to wipe his feet on you" - "Normal woman will not allow herself to be humiliated by staying with a hypocrite” - “Only a divorce will help avoid humiliation” - “Get a divorce, there is nothing to regret, he doesn’t love you” - “I would never tolerate this”... Irina studied page after page, website after site and was horrified that her dear and beloved was still a person, really the way they write about such people... And at the same time, everything was contrary to considering him a pig or a goat... Yes, she was unbearably offended, outraged by his deception and parallel relationship, it was discouraging how he managed to come home after the other one, going to bed in his own bed with her. "And I? Am I really so weak and worthless, cowardly and pathetic if I’m not ready to leave?” - Irina tormented herself with thoughts. But not only was there betrayal in their lives... All this time they also talked in the evenings, drank tea, discussed plans and upcoming events. There was intimacy between them, although less often than before. They continued to raise their daughters together and visit their parents. As usual, in the mornings he left, tenderly kissing her on the forehead, and in the evenings on the top of her head, when she stood at the stove... Should I drive him away or leave on my own, get a divorce? But what about everything that was and remains between us? How to deal with feelings? How to give up everything that has connected and united us for so many years? Is there really no other way not to lose self-respect and maintain a relationship? One rainy autumn evening, having found no support on the Internet, immersed in the abyss of scattered destructive opinions, Irina
