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EXCESS OF RESOURCES A person gets used to it. Gets used to living with a certain amount of free time. Gets used to living with a certain level of income. Gets used to living with a certain level of energy. A person may have a positive view of what he will do if more resources become available. “If I have free money, I...” “When I have more free time, I...” “If I had more strength and energy, I...” And then, who knows what. Everyone has their own desires, dreams and plans. Some people want to spend additional resources on travel. Someone - to finally take care of their physical form. Someone wants to update their wardrobe. Someone - to make repairs. Someone to go study a business that they have long dreamed of. It happens that additional resources never appear. There is no more money, no more free time, no more energy. Perhaps this happens because the person does not actually need these additional resources. He feels good that he has no free time. After all, when it is there, you can think about something, feel something. This is sometimes painful. He feels good because he has exactly as much money as he has. Because if there is more money, you will have to think what to do with it. We will have to move from the imaginary to the real, and begin to act. But laziness. Yes, and scary. Yes, and responsibility will increase, at least for your own choice. A person can feel good because he has exactly as much energy and strength as he has. In the evening he was tired enough to lie down and fall asleep soundly, and wake up in the morning before work. What if you suddenly have so much energy that insomnia begins? Instead of 8 or 10 hours of sleep, will 5-6 be enough? What if a “motor” appears inside that will require movement, activity, and investment of strength? And it happens that resources appear. For various reasons. A person develops as a person and as a professional in his field, the world rewards him with money. A person sometimes rethinks and reevaluates the importance of this or that in his life and finds a way to free up time. A person changes his way of life and thinking, and his energy grows. During this period, when there are objectively more resources in every sense of the word, when there is a tangible surplus, sometimes “strange” things begin to happen. Suddenly, out of nowhere, problems arise that begin to require energy, financial investment and time. It's as if everything is trying to return to normal. During this period, the ability to retain those positive ideas that were there when there was no surplus of resources helps. And start spending these new resources on positive goals. Did you plan to travel with this money? So we have to go! Have you planned new outfits? So, you have to go, buy and wear! Have you planned to do something creative in your free time? So, we need to study! Were you planning to build a house? So, we need to build a house! Don't wait until the problems are over. It is necessary to allocate the necessary minimum to solve them, and at the same time direct the main flow of energy, time and money to realizing what you dreamed of.
