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Today I’m starting a series of articles on the topic #clientcase. Together with me and the client, we will go through the path from the first consultation to completion. Permission has been received from the client. From the 2nd meeting I will turn on the voice recorder so that the notes become more accurate and specific. So, dear readers, you can better immerse yourself in the psychological story. I will call the girl Katya. She is 29 years old, married, has a psychological and pedagogical education, and is currently on maternity leave. Katya addressed me indirectly. What does this mean? She was attracted to my work and in every message, response to notes, videos, articles, it seemed to me that there was her desire to come into contact with me, but at the same time she maintained some detachment. I decided not to walk around and when I received a message-idea-recommendation from Katya, to introduce a competition into practice to attract new clients, I asked about the desire to get a consultation with me, whether it seemed to me or not. The answers I received were indirect: “I don’t think I would have been chosen in the competition... As a psychologist, I want... I’m interested. Maybe this will inspire me... I am a generator of ideas that I cannot implement... Don’t get me wrong, I’m not asking for it..." Instead of looking for opportunities to work on her own personal needs, it was easier for Katya to hide, to protect herself with basic psychological education - it’s safer, it’s not necessary “ bare." Each message showed uncertainty that “I could be chosen,” doubts about whether this was necessary, and attempts to rationalize interest. Not a word about feelings, about cooperation. In the end: we discussed resistance and doubts, entered into a verbal agreement for 10 meetings, weekly. 1 MEETING Katya arrived 25 minutes before the appointed time. Later it turned out that this is a normal practice in her life: to arrive early for meetings. I arrived at the office 10 minutes before the consultation started. Katya seemed joyful and excited. I treated her to tea, sat together in the corridor and discussed the office environment: where is the toilet, the rooms where group meetings and consultations take place. Entering the office, Katya paid attention to the comfort, asked about the sofa and noted: “I can lie down, and you will sit.” on a chair? - How would you feel comfortable for me to sit in the office? Do you want to sit next to you? - Oh, I don’t care how comfortable you are. - How comfortable will it be for you? - I don’t care. - Apparently by this moment you and I will return to the place in which everything is comfortable for you, - I I chose a distance that was comfortable for me - about 1 meter from the client, on a chair. A cup of tea, napkins and psychological tools were placed on a stool nearby, and she served drinking water in a bottle to the client. Katya sat in the corner of the sofa, confidently threw her legs on it in the lotus position, and hugged the heart pillow. There are many difficulties in life. They overwhelmed Katya at our first meeting. The requests on the surface were: Irritation against the background of fatigue, difficulty in containing the child’s emotions. Lack of sexual arousal towards her husband and sex because “I have to”. Feeling of loneliness against the backdrop of maternity leave. Katya is really excited: the pace of speech is accelerated, it seemed like she would jump off the sofa and runs. I jumped from topic to topic and tried not to miss a single detail in each. She admitted that she was in a hurry to get everything done in an hour, and forgot to “exhale.” When asked about her pace of speech, she answered just as quickly: “There has been an accelerated pace for as long as I can remember, since childhood.” When I’m nervous, I quickly say. Message: “I’ve been nervous since childhood,” she returned to Katya, to which she just as quickly began to make excuses and say that she felt free and relaxed in the office. At the same time, later discussing control in life, she said: “I know that now my husband will take care of the child, but I still thought about it.” At the moment when tears came to her eyes, she just as openly and quickly said that she didn’t know their origin and does not understand where they come from. Tears often appear at home during a full day with the child, when it is difficult to “take out” his cries. Again, an ambivalent message: “I don’t know where the tears come from, but it’s difficult for me,
