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All of us, even in our worst dreams, could not imagine how radical the spring of 2020 would become for each of us: The COVID-19 virus has left billions of people around the world without money .In America, every sixth resident has become unemployed. What can we say about our country (which has an incomparably weaker economy). In this article we will talk about how to protect your life and your wallet from the destructive effects of a deadly infection. Life or wallet - this is the choice the coronavirus has given us. And this is what it turns out to be... 1) If you are more or less healthy, then your chances of dying from COVID-19 are extremely small. Apparently, most healthy people will get sick completely asymptomatically and will not even know that they have been infected. At the same time, many people will experience complications from the disease caused by the virus, and some will unfortunately die. 2) It is not the virus itself that kills us, but the diseases and pathologies we already have (obesity, cancer, stroke, pneumonia, etc.). It turns out that the coronavirus has become the very proverbial “straw” that, with its weight, “breaks the camel’s back”: The harsh truth of life is that before the COVID-19 virus pandemic, humanity was already struck by a pandemic of unhealthy lifestyles. Most of us have been suffering for a long time from diseases caused by poor diet, overeating, sedentary lifestyle, etc. 3) Today, health should be our top priority. If there is health, then everything else will be. If you have to make a tough choice between your health and money (although you don’t need them choose, but combine in a balanced way), you should choose health without hesitation. PRACTICE. “BE HEALTHY, LIVE RICHLY” Here are a few simple recommendations that will allow you to be both healthy and rich at the same time: 1) Get good sleep Sleep is vital for our immune system. A study was conducted that convincingly proved: the less a person sleeps, the more likely he is to get infected (catch a cold, make a mistake, have an accident, etc.) due to the weakened state of his body. Action: get enough sleep! 2) Normal weight Obesity (and its “cousin” type 2 diabetes) is one of the risk factors for death from the COVID-19 coronavirus. How to lose excess weight: 80% of success in this matter depends on proper nutrition - you need to eat balanced, natural food (what our hunter-gatherer ancestors used to eat); and only 20% depends on our physical activity. Unfortunately, today's food from grocery stores bears little resemblance to natural food. However, try to reduce the purchase of fast food, semi-finished and ready-made meals to a minimum. And alcohol too. Action: Eat fruits, vegetables, eggs, meat, fish and nuts. 3) Sunlight Sunlight is necessary for our bodies to synthesize vitamin D (and is closely linked to our mood, well-being and the strength of our immune system). for viruses. Action: take “sunbathing” without leaving home. 4) Reduce stress levels Stress “corrodes” our body and destroys our nerve cells. Action: watch the news less often and devote more time to activity (including the simplest physical exercise). 5) Financial literacy Read any book on personal finance and ways to increase it. Action: save 10% of each salary received, save up a “financial cushion”, constantly look for new sources of income (including online earnings), invest your money wisely. ADDITIONALLY: Read my other article “Where NOT to invest money? TOP 3 most dangerous places for money.” Read my article “What skills do you need to become rich.” TO CONFIRM THE MATERIAL, WATCH MY NEXT VIDEO: I WILL BE THANKFUL FOR YOUR LIKES AND REPOSTS OF THIS ARTICLE
