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What are the characteristics that distinguish healthy from pathological narcissism? How to promptly recognize a problem in the psycho-emotional health of a partner? We all have narcissism to one degree or another. And negative connotations are often attributed to it, just like selfishness. The narcissist seems to us to be a cold and insensitive person who only needs admiration and material gain from others. But in most cases, narcissism is of a healthy nature and is characterized by the ability to hear one’s needs and realize them. How can one understand that we are talking about pathological narcissism? For this, it is important to know the characteristic features of this personality disorder: A sense of one’s own superiority and exclusivity; Endless and groundless fantasies about success, universal admiration and respect; Conviction that everything is possible and accessible, while other people do not have it; Resentment towards others who do not appreciate the talent and abilities of the narcissist; Narcissistic behavior towards loved ones, ignoring their feelings .A pathological narcissist always uses other people, even if they are in the immediate environment. Narcissists are capable of cruel deception, manipulation and meanness. “I see the goal - I don’t see the obstacles” - this is exactly what they say. Narcissists have a deep conviction that the people around them and, in general, the whole world owe them. And when they face rejection, they experience intense rage that they often cannot control. Narcissists do not know how to empathize. They have an almost zero level of empathy, although at first glance it may seem that the person is truly sympathetic. This feeling disappears as soon as the narcissist gets what he wants. “I was in a relationship with a narcissist for a long time. I remember the first months of our romance... it was like in a movie. He arranged incredibly beautiful dates and was generally very romantic. I was sure then that it would last forever. I believed that “everyday life” would definitely not threaten us. But very soon it was all over. We began to quarrel more and more often, and at one point I realized that I didn’t know this person at all. I don’t know him at all,” Irina shares her experience. It is possible to build a relationship with a narcissistic person, but it is important to know the ways that would direct him towards healthy interaction. Sincerely, your psychotherapist, interpersonal relations specialist, Ilya Akhmedov P.S. Names and facts have been changed to maintain client confidentiality.
