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From the author: author Buyavchi Rezeda, article published in the blog 07/09/12 More and more often you hear from women, especially those who have had unsuccessful relationship experiences: What do I need a husband for? Vegetate in the kitchen to cook food and then wash the dishes? Wash socks and iron shirts? He can't even fix the faucet? What is the use of it? Money, I already earn enough to provide for the child and myself. I have an apartment, I drive a car. You can hire a nanny for a child so that you can manage everything. I can find a man for intimate pleasures without any problems or extra hassle. And here’s what men say: I need a life partner, not a “director.” There are enough directors above me at work. I am not an ATM, I need to be respected and fed, and not promoted and scammed. Or here’s another: “I’m looking for a friend’s wife, and around there are only embittered divorcees, or in search of a “last chance”, ready to grab onto you like ticks. Don’t get married going to. I can cook and clean myself. And I can buy access to the body for relatively little money. How do you like this? It’s not very pleasant to read. I think for both men and women. There is some kind of calculation, mistrust and mechanicalness in everything. As if, indeed, man and woman were created to serve each other. The claims are almost the same. The world has changed. The development of technology makes it possible to do household chores without each other. Washing floors, dishes, and laundry takes just a few minutes, and almost without much effort and time. If you don’t want to manage the housework yourself, you can even hire someone. They will clean the apartment, do the laundry, cook, and “satisfy you.” Of course, a modern man and woman can do without a wife and husband, respectively. And even without a man, women can do it. Fortunately, “imitators” came up with the idea. But this is all external. But what about the soul? Imitators will not help it. She needs living words and affection. She needs understanding, care, acceptance and Love. She needs feelings, otherwise she becomes callous. And feelings are not always joy. It's also a pain. And we don’t want to experience pain at all. Neither men nor women. That is why all the excuses have been invented about why we need each other as husband and wife? We talked, had fun and ran away!!! But this is what immature people do. There is no growth without pain. And age and status are not important. You can't buy maturity. It comes during relationship building, in the process of reflection, forgiveness of grievances, building boundaries, and accepting a partner. The relationship between husband and wife is not a duel, but a win-win game. This is a tango style dance between husband and wife. And it doesn’t matter whether there is a stamp in the passport or not. It is important that they decide to treat each other this way. They mutually took responsibility. After all, a man and a woman are the source of new life. And if they are not mature, caring only about external comfort and pleasure, then they give birth to the same lost children, unable to build relationships later. It has long been noted that children born by a spiritually mature man and woman, raised in Love by parents, and not hired nannies, they have amazing abilities and have a great resource of vitality and self-realization. Sincerely with you, Rezeda Buyavchi.
