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Nowadays it is fashionable to “be in the resource”. But not many people understand what exactly is included in this concept. What is a resource state? It is a combination of spiritual and physical energy, a feeling of internal balance. When you have resources, you can easily achieve your goals. It is comparable to financial well-being. When you run out of money, you don’t have the opportunity to buy groceries or go on vacation. It’s the same with the resource state: as soon as you stop taking care of yourself, you don’t have enough strength for anything. Moreover, the resource state is not about money. It's about feeling yourself. About the amount of energy that circulates inside. How to maintain a resourceful state. Step 1 Take care of your body. A weak body will not allow you to work properly; energy will not circulate in it. Check your health, carry out meditative practices. When you are sure that there are no diseases in the body, tone it up. Movement will help you start the flow of energy. Step 2 How often, when achieving another goal, have you simply nodded to yourself and moved on? You shouldn't do that. Celebrate your victories, savor the joy of achieving your goals! Otherwise, you will not notice your successes at all, and life will lose its meaning. Celebrate all your achievements, mentally (and even out loud) thank yourself, praise yourself. You can also brag a little to your loved ones. You deserve it, you did great! Tell yourself this more often, and then you will have more strength for new achievements. Step 3 In the constant race for achievements, you cannot be on the rise all the time, otherwise your resource will quickly run out. Give yourself a full weekend without thinking about goals. Get distracted periodically, and then it will be easier to return to a resourceful state. Step 4 What kind of people surround you? In many ways, the resource state within you depends on people. When your loved ones praise you, share your successes and support you in new endeavors, maintaining energy becomes much easier! If there are people around you who constantly criticize, they take away your resource. This is a reason to think. Step 5 Many people spend their resource wealth exclusively on work and important matters. Of course, we need the resource, first of all, for this. But it is also important to engage in your favorite hobbies and pleasant activities. The energy that we spend on our favorite activities comes back to us doubly. Therefore, do not be afraid to periodically switch from useful things to pleasant ones. Step 6 Your situation may not be the most ordinary. Sometimes a person’s resource is “stolen” by blocks and clamps in the body that prevent energy from circulating. Or there are psychosomatic diseases that can arise against the background of psychological problems. In this case, until you solve these problems, there will be no filling with energy. If you feel energy leaving your body and this is reflected in your psychological health: increased anxiety or, on the contrary, apathy appears, sensitivity to people’s comments increases and the inner “critic” awakens ", lack of motivation and life goal, sign up for my individual online consultations. Using various qualified techniques, I will help you restore your inner resource. WatsApp/Telegram 8-925-827-02-17 Subscribe to my community on VK: https://vk.com/psychologist_anikina86
