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“As a child, I suffered from atopic dermatitis, and my mother did not take me to kindergarten,” client A confessed to me of amazing beauty (and clear skin) ., 24 years old. She spent her entire childhood at home in her room, within 4 walls. Mom, although she was at home, solved more everyday issues than issues of interaction with the child. Only illness forced the mother to touch her daughter, and thus communicate with her. - How did you “survive” then? - I learned to read early. I read, drew, looked out the window. Sometimes my older sister played with me; she is 10 years older than me. To some extent, she replaced my mother. But later, when she became a teenager, she no longer needed me. And I was left alone again. - When did the dermatitis go away? - In adolescence. It happened somehow unexpectedly for me - that’s all! He is not here. - What events happened in your family during that period? What happened to mom? Dad? Sister? - My father is gone, I’m sure he was killed. But we couldn't prove it. Mom had to go to work. Well, my sister got married. - And you were left alone again? - Yes, but now absolutely alone: ​​there was no one even physically next to me. - And after these events, the dermatitis suddenly disappeared? - It turns out that’s so. - Do you think these changes in the family could have influenced the disappearance of the disease that has tormented you since birth? - Now I’m telling you and I understand that yes! When I was little, they didn’t take care of me, they didn’t really play with me or talk to me, but they were there for me, and sometimes I got at least something, and these events seemed to completely “tear” my family away from me. It turns out that my “plaques” on my skin were my family, my parents, whom I missed so much? I replaced them with sores - because they are always with me, right on the skin! I can touch them, scratch them, stroke them. I can get angry that they exist and bother me! - How do you feel about this realization? - I always hated my dermatitis, and always believed that it was the cause of all my misfortunes in life! And now I feel...gratitude. He is the only one who was always next to me in my childhood! Everything that happens to a person, everything that a person has, carries some important task. Sometimes we ourselves don’t know which one. But as long as there is a task (or a need, like my client, for example, for intimacy), there will be a way to solve it. Even if it is as destructive as a disease! But it also happens that the disease exists, but for some reason it ceases to solve the task entrusted to it. Then the disease goes away. But the task remains! And a person is forced to look for another way to solve it. Unfortunately, often out of habit we choose to get sick again, only this time “in a different way”, because “it once worked”! This happened with my client A. To be continued.. Part 2
