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From the author: How to stop suffering and recover from all illnesses? Let's start with the psyche, namely the subconscious! Detailed information: What is your disease trying to tell you? From my practice, I know that many people have a hard time accepting the idea of ​​responsibility. After all, taking responsibility means giving up insults, criticism, and accusations, both of others and of yourself. This requires certain changes and, accordingly, effort. But it is much easier to blame someone than to change yourself. And some even know the reasons for their problems, but still do not want to change and prefer to suffer. Well, it's their choice. Each person creates his own world! I know from my practice that the idea of ​​responsibility for one’s illness is the first step towards recovery. Without it, any efforts will be ineffective and no expensive medicines will save you. You will go from one doctor to another, and the disease will move from one organ to another. Only by taking responsibility can you be cured of any disease, including those that are considered incurable in official medicine. HEAD The head is responsible for the thought process. Problems with the head reflect a discrepancy between feelings and reason. Headaches As we remember, any pain is a persistent warning about the need to pay attention to yourself. Therefore, it is important to find out what lies behind the pain. A headache is, first of all, a signal from our subconscious mind that we are doing something wrong. For example, you have a lot of work, you are tired, but you want to finish the job. Your subconscious mind decides that you need rest and gives you a headache, thereby saving you from overload and self-destruction. This is the simplest example. Hypocrisy is another major cause of headaches. For example, you communicate with a person who is unpleasant to you. But we are forced to smile at him and say good words. The result of such communication is a headache. The mechanism of its occurrence is very simple. One hemisphere of the brain registers the unpleasant feelings caused by this person. The other is your external behavior. As a result, some head muscles are relaxed, while others are tense. The discrepancy between thoughts, images and feelings causes pain. Often, a headache can perform certain functions. It helps to avoid some responsibilities. So, a woman, trying to avoid sexual intercourse, refers to a headache. She does this once, twice, and then, as evening approaches, she regularly begins to have a headache. And pills won't help here. You need to calmly sort things out and make a definite decision. There is an anecdote about this. A husband and wife were walking around the zoo. The gorilla's cage was unlocked. The monkey jumped out, grabbed the woman and dragged her into his cage. Apparently, the male liked the woman, and he was going to have sex with her. The wife shouts to her husband: “Darling, why are you standing there?” Can't you see that he's trying to rape me? Do something! – Tell him that you are tired or that you have a headache. Learn to treat your headache with care and respect. Take it primarily as a signal. Don't suppress it with pills. They will only bring temporary relief. Suppressing pain does not mean hiding it in your thoughts and feelings. Dizziness and loss of stability If you have dizziness, then the reason is most likely in your fleeting, incoherent, scattered thoughts. You lack concentration, concentration. You are unable to deal with your problems. “My head is spinning from problems” - this is what one of my patients told me, who often had dizziness. Tossing around in life from one thing to another also creates dizziness. You don't have a specific goal in life. Think about why you live in this world. What is your main goal in life and what are your next goals? Decide. There must be discipline in your life. This will give you self-confidence and allow you to stand firmly on your feet. One man experienced dizziness.
