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These were the first thoughts and questions that appeared in my head when I was introduced to the participants of the regional stage of the “Psychologist of the Year” competition and the audience. 21 participants. They mostly work as psychologists in schools and kindergartens. Behind us is the stage of the competition at the municipal level. The winners have an all-Russian stage ahead. The jury consists of candidates and doctors of psychological sciences, professors, leaders from the Ministry of Education and myself. Three days of the competition include: - self-presentation of each participant; - holding a master class by each of the participants; - conducting a practical case (psychological consultation) by the eight finalists of this stage. With the first steps of the contestants, it became clear that I could be quite useful as a member of the jury. At least a sense of humor. Of course, I didn’t dare turn everything that was happening into a farce, but I allowed myself to relieve the tension of the first day, ringing among the excited participants, more than once. Main impressions from the competition: - psychologists working in the area (towns, villages, small towns) are like devotees. To work for pennies, in a society that does not really understand what their work is about, and yet to bring light and goodness to people - this evokes immense respect. - If a psychologist is interested in techniques in isolation from the methodological basis, then he turns into an animator. It seems fun and cool, but it’s not clear why it’s all needed and why it’s this way and not otherwise. We need to learn equipment! - psychologists, especially those working in education, need to form flocks and communities. Otherwise, they lose their self-identity as psychologists. The management is very tempted to place such an irreplaceable specialist in some alternative areas: give a class guide, replace him with a subject teacher, etc. If you start playing at this, the psychologist will cease to be a psychologist. That’s why a supportive community is needed. A psychologist needs personal development and constant internal work. This can be partly solved by a personal and professional development plan, and partly by joining a professional community that actively involves in this development. If this is not done, then the internal readiness to solve complex professional problems will come to naught. There will be a great temptation to hide behind endless diagnostics of something or writing reports that are not particularly necessary and important, and also to go into an accusatory position regarding the education system, saying they don’t let you work, they force you to do nonsense. PS In general, the event is necessary and useful. Good luck to the winners at the all-Russian stage of the competition!
