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- “Come in, come in, they’re waiting for you,” an unfamiliar man told me with a smile in his voice. And my soul felt pleasant and warm. Someone is waiting for me. What could be more beautiful in life and understanding this. - I am a Surgut artist, born in 1934. I add up the numbers and look at the person standing in front of me. - How, how old are you? - Nobody believes. I just look younger. My favorite business and sport did their job. Yes, I’m already 87- ...- And these are my paintings- What can I tell you about myself? You look on the Internet. A lot has been written about me. I am a Surgut artist. Gennady Ivachev. There is a biography and about exhibitions. Look on Instagram, it’s full there too. And Gennady Ivanovich takes out his smartphone and shows me where I can read and watch about it. A virtuoso of watercolor craftsmanship - that’s what the virtuosos of journalism called him - Thank you, I’ll read it. Tell us about yourself. What do you want. What do you remember now? What is important to you?✨✨✨✨✨Do you know how I started drawing? When the war began, my father was taken to the front, and artists were moved in with us. And one showed how he draws with pencils. I really wanted to. Mom gave 1 ruble. For 100 pencils. My joy was short-lived. One rolled into the crack. And I love order. Mom helped out again. I bought another one to round out the bill. So I started drawing. I drew everything I saw. First with pencils, then with watercolors. Look at my exhibitions, about the virtuoso of watercolor art. And I also have one passion. I love skiing. Skiing in winter, running in summer. Tempers and heals. What was interesting in life? Yes, you can write more than one book. And how he lived without registration, and how he ended up in the army, how he rode to his duty station in one shirt and it turned from white to spotted. How I served as an officer, and about my first wife, and about how they got divorced in absentia, and about dancing, and about what is important to me in women. We started talking about divorce. Do you know what Khakamada says, what is the reason for divorce? Oh, the statistics are very interesting. Look. When I was still living with my first wife, she is a musician, and our travels were memorable. How we carried the piano back and forth. From dorm to room, from room to apartment. Oh, it was funny. They even made a delivery for it to make it easier to transport. I remember heaven on earth - Kamenets-Podolsky. You can't even imagine how handsome he is. Playing sports gave me a start in coaching. I took first place in skiing at all-Union competitions *photo from open sources I remember when I served in the army, the commander called me to his place. I think I definitely saw a picture; I copied a half-naked woman from an album. And he offered the position. Yes, and he loved painting. It is remembered and remembered. And about the institute, and about teaching, and about exhibitions... Life is very interesting. And everything about it is natural. There are no accidents in it. Everyone has their own destiny. Everyone decides for themselves what to do with their destiny. Make it worse, or improve it. You set goals for yourself in life. And you live according to your own laws. I'm happy. There have always been and are people with me with whom I feel good. ✨✨✨✨✨Gennady Ivanovich told a lot about his life. He showed pictures, photo albums, talked about academics and humanity. About life, about happiness, about love. It cannot be described in one article. Can be quoted in different topics: relationships, self-development, purpose, spiritual growth, health, finances, friends, team. How at 87 you can be so active and radiate happiness. And look 30 years younger. And hug with humor. Maybe this is happiness?✨✨✨✨✨What is your happiness? What makes your eyes shine? I invite you to t-games and consultations with MAK! With gratitude and respect, © Galina Okhotnikova, 2021 Be happy!* Instagram belongs to the company Meta, which is recognized as an extremist organization in Russia.
