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The month began on the 18th lunar day. His symbol is a mirror. The law of reflection works here especially clearly and clearly. On the one hand, everything that we are told on this day reflects our true essence or is the real reason for the events that happen to us. On the other hand, everything that we see in other people, as well as hear from any sources of information, is most directly related to us. Fortune telling, diagnostics, intuitive reading will be especially accurate and specific. We also need to remember that our inner mood and our thoughts are especially are quickly reflected in current events and our relationships with people. On September 1, 2 exact aspects took place. The opposition of Neptune and the Sun added confusion and introduced fog and illusions into our perception of reality. The concentration of attention and the adequacy of reactions to external events have noticeably decreased, which understandably affected the ability to drive a car. The number of emergency situations on the roads has increased due to the inattention and reduced intelligence of drivers. The influence of the aspect may last a couple more days. Objectivity and awareness are the main lesson of the aspect. Maintaining a sense of reality and adequate perception of what is happening, as well as the readiness to respond promptly and correctly to non-standard events and rash actions of others. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Leo has added some romanticism to our lives, but with Neptune and the Sun in opposition and Venus retrograde, this promise is either unjustified or misunderstood. The connection also often provokes “role confusion”, a violation of gender identification - well, this is when it is natal and affected. And during transit, it can create a desire to act in an unusual role or take on a task usually prescribed to the opposite sex. The next time they will meet only on November 3 in the sign of Virgo - with completely different qualities and tasks of a practical nature. From the position of a theta-hiller, we can say that the aspect teaches us how to harmonize the masculine and feminine principles in ourselves - to find distortions and excesses (both within the individual and in relationships with a partner), as well as rearrangement or replacement, ineffective compensation of feminine or masculine qualities On September 8, a trine of Mars and Uranus will be formed. This is a period when the electrical impulses of our brain are in accordance with the motor activity of our muscles. We easily manage to realize our plans. Military and sports achievements are especially successful, everything related to electronics, technology, electricity, since Mars is responsible for metal structures, and Uranus is responsible for electricity itself. So, you can do electrical wiring, installation of various energy networks, strength training, and any heavy and energy-consuming activity. The square of Mercury and Pluto will occur twice this month. The first time is on September 9, when the problems of the aspect “become apparent” and make themselves felt. And for the second time on Mercury retrograde - September 25th. There is no way around this, since the question will “become an edge”, the problem will reach its climax and you will need to take responsibility for making a decision. Mercury in Libra is all about communication in partnerships. How we can negotiate, come to a compromise, find mutual understanding. Pluto in Capricorn in the context of the aspect is the structure of partnerships, their structure, distribution of duties and areas of responsibility. Accordingly, this quadrature is characterized by a violation of previously reached agreements and disagreements regarding the distribution of responsibilities. The structure itself - be it a company or a family - is in danger of destruction due to a lack of mutual understanding. Well, the final decision on this issue will be made around October 22 - at the third square of direct Mercury and Pluto. The opposition of Jupiter and Neptune on September 17 will put the practical and business plans of Virgo at risk (everyone who has this sign somehowaccentuated by planets, horoscope points or sphere of activity) due to someone else’s, and maybe one’s own, laxity, optionality, sloppiness, “having your head in the clouds.” So are intuitive insights, sublime impulses of the Soul - due to excessive criticality, doubt, bias and pettiness. This is a time of rampant gossip, slander, behind-the-scenes intrigue, abuse of alcohol, drugs and food. During the duration of the aspect from September 15 to 20, you may notice an increase in the size of the waist and hips in your figure and an increase in extra pounds. The trine of Venus and Uranus on September 23 will create pleasant intrigue in relationships or encourage unconventional choices of clothing style, hairstyle, and interior design. You should not give in to the impulse that arises if it concerns something completely new or aimed at the long term, since against the backdrop of Mercury retrograde we are prone to wrong decisions and rash actions. On September 26, the square of Mars and Saturn emphasizes the opposition or misalignment between strength and self-discipline, structure and action. This can lead to physical violence, unproductive use of one's abilities, excessive overexertion, or forceful suppression of others. Fights, finding out who has more power or occupies the highest position and enjoys the most respect are also characteristic of this aspect. It is also possible to substitute the concepts of respect and intimidation. The desire to act may encounter “stupid” opposition and someone else’s “hard-headedness.” The aspect may manifest itself as a banal stone or a fallen tree along your path. And this is an indication that there is a high probability of obstacles along the path of life due to inconsistency of your will, lack of self-discipline and violations of accepted rules, laws, and instructions. On September 27, the Sun will connect with Lilith in Libra. This event will illuminate the previously hidden shadow sides of the personality of your partner or yourself in the aspect of partnership relationships, which can “bring to light” the unpleasant sides of everyone. Or maybe, on the contrary, it will finally help you deal with subconscious impulses that were previously incomprehensible and spoiled relationships. Venus turns from retrograde to direct on September 6th. This will speed up the process of establishing connections and developing relationships until September 17, when Mercury turns back in the sign of Libra. If you urgently need to conclude some kind of agreement or come to an agreement, as well as make an important purchase, you should strive to do this between 10 and September 15th. If you are planning for the long term, then September 14-15 is the best time (2-3 lunar day). If your idea is fleeting, but important, or the matter must be completed quickly, then September 10-11 is the most appropriate moment for action. It is better to exclude September 12, since it is the 29th lunar day. And what began on September 13 will have uncertain prospects. On September 24, Pluto becomes direct. The internal transformation processes that occurred during the period of Pluto's retrograde give their visible results in life events. There may be a radical restructuring of the way of life, a transformation of the path of life. Some will ascend to new heights of spiritual development, while others will “fall into the abyss.” This is the case if Pluto makes some aspects to the planets and points of your natal chart. Social and political movements become more active and definite. It is much easier to influence and control the masses, so the crowd effect will be more pronounced and brighter. Saturn returns to Sagittarius again on September 18th. Here he will structure and organize religious, educational, philosophical, and political movements. The Sun enters the sign of Libra on September 23, which with even greater force draws our attention to issues of partnerships, harmony, beauty, art, fashion, so that we can determine our preferences and needs, work through unclear issues and rush into something new with a clear conscience]
