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From the author: Sometimes very little is needed to better understand yourself and those around you. Sex.Anecdote.Meeting friends 20 years after college.The majority of classmates were married and got married several times.And still it’s hard to imagine them happy.Only Billy and Jane got married in that distant time and still live together happily!!! The graduates turn to their ideal spouses and ask almost in unison: “Billy, Jane, you’ve been together for so long, what’s your secret?” Bill replies: “Oh, there are no secrets, just once a week we definitely go to a bar or restaurant and order dinner in a romantic setting by candlelight, we dance all evening, then we take a taxi, rent a hotel room and give ourselves over to wild, exciting sex all night long!!!" "Great" - my classmates respond in one voice! "What day of the week do you do this? “Well, my wife is on Friday, and I’m on Saturday!” Relationships. Parable “Family Happiness” In one small town, two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all troubles, while others dote on their other half. The obstinate housewife marvels at her neighbor’s happiness. She is jealous and says to her husband: “Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.” He came to the neighbors, quietly went into the house and hid in a secluded corner. Watching. And the housewife hums a cheerful song and puts things in order in the house. He just wipes away the dust from an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman got distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so that it was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke. “What will happen?” the neighbor thinks. The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband: “I’m sorry, dear.” I am guilty. She placed it on the table so carelessly. - What are you doing, honey? It's my fault. I was in a hurry and didn’t notice the vase. Anyway. Couldn't we have had a greater misfortune... The neighbor's heart sank painfully. He came home upset. His wife to him: “What took you so long?” Have you looked? - Yes! – Well, how is it going with them? – It’s all their fault. And with us? But with us, everyone is right. Children. Once upon a time there lived two families next door. And both families were kind and good. In one family, mom and dad gave everything that they brought into the house to the children. And they kept all the worries and housework for themselves. And they reasoned like this. We are used to it, we will get by, let our children live better, and we will somehow. And in another family, the parents brought everything into the house and said: “Here, we earned money, everyone equally, both dad and mom, and our dear ones.” We should do household chores, that’s me and dad, and this is your job. A lot of time has passed, their children have grown up, become adults, and come to visit their parents. In the first family, they come without gifts. And they reason like this: “Dad, mom, you already have enough, but we came to visit you and relax with you.” And in another family they come with gifts and say: “This is our dear dad and mom, and you and I have the same amount.” » Love. Do not renounce loving. It was an unremarkable morning in the most ordinary clinic. A man of quite advanced years came to the doctor to remove stitches from his finger. It was noticeable that he was very worried and in a hurry to get somewhere. Having asked when the doctor would be there, the man said in a trembling voice that a very important matter awaited him at 9 o’clock. And it’s already 8:30. I answered understandingly that all the doctors were busy and would be able to pay attention to him no earlier than in an hour. However, noticing the incredible sadness in his eyes and some confusion in his movements, when he kept glancing at his watch, something skipped a beat under my heart. There were no patients to see me, and I decided to take care of this man’s wound myself. I was glad that the wound was well closed, which means there won’t be any problems if the stitches are removed now. After consulting with a colleague, I attended to the patient. For some reason I wanted»
