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From the author: Dear Women. I present to you my work: “In the psychotherapist’s office. Ten Women's Tales of Love." This is already the sixth fairy tale. Forget-me-not and Rain. Sixth tale A lonely forget-me-not grew in the middle of a field. Small. Little blue forget-me-not. She loved Rain very much. Because he hugged her, filled her with life. The rain was silent. She knew almost nothing about him. But when he hugged her, she didn't care. One day there was a drought. Little Forget-Me-Not was sad. Its leaves have dried up. She missed the Rain...... She was almost dying..... And then it started snowing. Beautiful fluffy snow. It came in huge flakes. These flakes covered the ground all night. By morning the whole earth turned white. And the little forget-me-not remained a small, blue, frozen forget-me-not. She was especially beautiful. Inside is a piece of clear crystal ice. Bright. Little blue. With green leaves. In the middle of a white clearing. She looked unusual here. She was beautiful. But not alive. And nothing could be done. Spring came. The Rain came and melted the snow and the ice, inside of which Forget-Me-Not remained. Forget-me-not felt the Rain and came to life again. She did not remember at all what happened to her until there was Rain. It seemed to her as if she had woken up from a long sleep... She felt good again in the Rain. She Loved Rain again all Spring. and all Summer.....So every winter her life stopped.....And she so wanted to swim in the rain, feel it on herself every morning and every evening... Kiss its streams with her petals... .Dance the dance of Rain and Forget-Me-Not all my life, without interruption for the winter... It is not known what happened to Forget-Me-Not... Maybe she froze one day forever..... Or maybe she remained alive, bathing in the Rain every spring and every summer...... It's just a completely different story..... Psychologist's comment: and again a very sad fairy tale due to Forget-me-not's addiction. Depends on the presence or absence of Rain in her life. It’s also sad to understand how lonely Forget-Me-Not is. It surprises me that despite the very beautiful landscapes and rich environment around, Forget-Me-Not notices only Rain and only takes Life Energy from it. It is very sad that Forget-Me-Not feels small and defenseless; she seems to live without a sense of inner, natural Energy and Strength. Energy, Strength must be given to her by someone else. Energy and Strength are not within. It exists in the outside world. Or rather, we again come to the conclusion that there is some other, stronger and more powerful being on which we have to depend. And this creature is again personified by the hero of the fairy tale, designated by the masculine word (Rain). Such a fairy tale could only be written by an author whose leading need is care from another person. I suspect the author of the story of being unable to take responsibility for his own life and its results, as well as for his own pleasures and needs. And again the question: what about the author’s ability to take care of himself? Of course, during the session at which this fairy tale was composed by the author, I was not so categorical. Because a lot of Care, Support and Love was required from me for the “small and defenseless beautiful Forget-Me-Not”, so that it would become possible, at least one small step, to approach autonomy and responsibility for life results as a personal trait.
