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Inspired by: How to stop carrying a horse? I’ll start with the material part of this world. If I had a horse, this would be a number. If only a horse... me. I would probably die. Time is money, and it also works in the opposite direction, money is time. The more I paid with my time, the more valuable my wishes are to me. The less I paid with my time, the less valuable my wishes are to me. Therefore, free things are often not valued; it was not me who paid. And now, when I have the values, and hold them in my hands, these values ​​begin to have me. Why have? Yes, because I understand that now there is a possibility of losing these values. Either I will lose it myself or they will help me. And the worst thing is that you can buy a new thing, but you can’t get the time back. Therefore, material assets should immediately be taken to the bank, to a safe, under a mattress, to a garage, insured, hidden, grabbed with your hands, hugged with your whole body and not slept. But the more valuables, the more difficult it is to keep them all. It is clear what to do with material things and how to protect them and why they have an owner. It’s almost the same with intangibles. Now about the intangible part of the world. For example, about feelings. How to measure love? Anger? Longing? Joy? Can be measured at the same time. The more time I spent on a feeling, the greater the value of this feeling for me. - I loved a person for so many years, stopped loving me and now what should I do with this love? - I hated a person for so many years, I can’t do anything with a person and what What should I do with this hatred? - I’ve been grieving for so many years, it seems like there’s no reason anymore, and what should I do now with this grief? There are usually no problems with joy, I rejoiced and forgot. Long-term feelings become valuable and do to me the same as material things that are valuable to me. I'm also afraid of losing it all. Yes, yes, and I’m also afraid of losing unpleasant feelings, because I really don’t want to lose very valuable grief, guilt, resentment, hatred. I have invested so much of my life in them. And now I will imagine a person who has lived some part of his life, here he stands, proudly raising his gaze, looking into the future and in his hands all his valuable things are stored and all his valuable feelings are filled inside the person. And this person suddenly says: “You know, I don’t understand what’s wrong with me, before it was much easier for me to live. But now, it’s become very difficult for me, it’s like I’m wildly tired and I can’t rest, every step is difficult, I’m vegetating, I don’t sleep, I don’t rest, I’m stressed to the limit, I don’t develop, I don’t strive forward, I don’t live. It’s like I don’t want anything anymore. But these are my values, please take them seriously and don’t devalue them. what should I do? “And a person’s gaze is still directed into the distance, into the future and disconnected from himself. It’s difficult to ride a loaded horse, especially when you carry it on your shoulders..
