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1. Who is a teenager? Sometimes they say that teenagers are creatures from another planet, that they live in their own unknown world. But this opinion is wrong! Teenagers live in the same world as we do, they have the same fears, hopes, dreams and fears. The only difference is that teenagers are people who are currently going through one of the hardest stages in their lives. It is the social, psychological and physical transition from childhood to adulthood. The task of parents is to make it as easy as possible for their child to go through this difficult but necessary stage of growing up. This must be done tactfully and respectfully; it is in adolescence that children begin to take drugs, leave home, join extremist groups, and join sects. Behind every such “outburst” there is a child who has not found understanding at home among those closest to him. 2. About physical changes. The first thing parents need to pay attention to and take this into account when communicating with teenagers is hormonal changes, which produce most teenage problems. Rapid growth, changes in the body, almost obligatory dystonia lead to mood swings, increased temperature, irritability, causeless tears, lethargy, and increased appetite. These manifestations will go away on their own as soon as active growth ends, by the age of 18-19. We must remember that this is an extremely difficult period for a child. He is not able to control the hormonal changes in his body and this makes him very scared. 3. Psychological changes. The child constantly rejects everything that his parents offer him, and actively accepts everything that his friends and musical idols offer him. Moreover, this concerns everything: from the choice of clothing style and musical preferences to the nature of nutrition, slang, gait and life aspirations. Parents should take into account that if a teenager wants to go to the cinema or bowling, but his parents offered him such leisure, the teenager will most likely begin to refuse. But this is not a necessary situation. This is necessary for the teenager himself: in order to become an adult, he must completely break away from his parents, so everything parental is received with hostility. You need to talk to your children as much as possible. This point cannot be exaggerated; You need to talk to your teen about anything. Even on such controversial and sensitive topics as, for example: sexuality, politics, tolerance, drugs and alcohol. The more your child knows about your personal position on various issues, the easier it will be for him to navigate. Remember that the key here is to simply talk to your child and not “educate” him about these topics. Why is this so important? If you teach teenagers, they will most likely protest or argue. It is very strange that many parents make this mistake, because they would never “teach” their friends or other adults in this way. And your child is already on the way to full adulthood!!! You should talk to your children the way you would talk to others. This doesn't mean that you need to babysit your children; after all, you wouldn't babysit your friends or acquaintances. This means that you should be polite and respect their different points of view, just as you would with your colleagues, friends, and someone you just met. 4. Personal life. During the period of 14-16 years, teenagers try to protect their personal and inner life as much as possible from outside interference. It’s ideal if the child has his own room, which he can decorate to his liking and have privacy with a friend, and just lie down and listen to music. You can enter a teenager’s room only after knocking and waiting for the child’s answer (or after waiting for some time), especially for a mother in her son’s room, and for a father in her daughter’s room. Never come with the cleaning - let the teenager clean his own “den”: wipe dust, vacuum cleaner, sort things out in the closet, etc. If the child will.
