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From the author: Original article on p If all your thoughts are absorbed in work for more than ten hours, you even fall asleep thinking about work, then it is quite possible that you are beginning to experience “syndrome” manager." This problem is faced not only by managers, but also by ordinary ordinary specialists whose work involves mental activity. People between 25 and 45 years of age are more susceptible to this disease. It can be quite difficult to recognize when love for work turns into addiction. We can talk about this syndrome when it becomes difficult to switch from work moments to personal affairs and experiences. Signs of manager's syndrome: problems sleeping, constant anxiety, feelings of shortness of breath, increased heart rate, frequent headaches or something else, also people with this problem are irritable, their performance decreases. Manager syndrome is a condition that develops under heavy workload associated with great responsibility, high speed of decision-making, frequent conflicts, emotional tension and occurs with manifestations of psychovegetative symptoms. This term “manager syndrome” is mainly used abroad, but in our country it is called differently - vegetative-vascular dystonia, psychosomatics, etc. Manager syndrome from the point of view of specialists. In psychotherapy, this condition is considered a way of avoiding personal problems. Sexologists talk about sublimation - that this circle of people directs their sexual energy into work activity. Usually, when organizing a working day, the task is to load yourself with things to do. Although, it would be advisable to distribute your forces, dividing your work goals into major and minor ones. Unfortunately, this is not the case here. Prevention of a healthy lifestyle in the early stages of manager syndrome. This problem at certain stages of life affects anyone who develops professionally. Many of them find hobbies - drawing, music, singing. Others are immersed in fitness: training, gym, contrast shower, swimming pool, etc. All this makes it possible to calm your nervous system and live and work effectively. A specialist for the “manager”. Prevention of a healthy lifestyle can help in the early stages of manager syndrome. But when the state of anxiety, the feeling of complete insensibility becomes chronic and is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms of panic attacks, attacks of fear and anxiety, and other equally pleasant symptoms, then it is worth taking a course to get rid of this problem from a psychotherapist or psychologist. By going to a clinic or clinic with therapists, cardiologists and other specialists, you will be treated, and the effect of the treatment will be insignificant and soon all the symptoms will return again. To determine if you have “manager syndrome,” we suggest you take a short psychological test.
