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Anhedonia is a spectrum of disorders in a person in which he is unable to experience pleasure. Including, it is one of the symptoms of depression. Features of the pathology. Anhedonia is not considered an independent mental disease. This is one of the symptoms of mental disorders that accompanies: • stress disorders - stress, PTSD, • • psychotrauma, emotional burnout, etc.; • serious pathologies, such as schizophrenia; • bipolar disorder; • depression; • addictions; • attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity. ;• multiple sclerosis;• TBI and spinal cord damage;• sexual dysfunction;• hormonal imbalance;• Parkinson's disease. Anhedonia occurs as a result of a decrease in the production of pleasure hormones in the brain. Hormonal imbalance leads to the fact that a person ceases to experience joy and pleasure from things and actions that he previously liked. Types of anhedonia. There are such types of anhedonia as: 1. Physical - a person’s libido decreases, interest in sex disappears, delicious food, massage, etc. do not give pleasure. 2. Social - loss of interest in communicating with colleagues, friends, and loved ones. 3. Intellectual-aesthetic - a person does not strive to receive aesthetic pleasure (listening to his favorite music, watching a movie or contemplating paintings), loses interest in the creative process, self-development and self-improvement. The characteristic beliefs of a person suffering from anhedonia are: “I can’t be happy, when others feel bad”; “I can’t laugh without a reason.” Treatment and diagnosis. Anhedonia is always accompanied by other signs of a mental disorder and is also treated in a complex manner. Depending on the diagnosis, either drug treatment or a certain method of psychotherapy is chosen, which allows eliminating the main causes of the disorder. If the disease is started and no action is taken, then in the end the person withdraws into himself, stops communicating with friends and relatives, loses motivation and stops planning , set goals and try. He does not enjoy entertainment, hobbies, or successful results, so he gradually loses interest in them. Such self-isolation leads to serious consequences: a person can be fired from work, and in personal relationships it can lead to divorce. An empty, meaningless, unemotional life provokes thoughts of suicide and forces you to take unjustified risks in attempts to get at least some sensations (drug addiction most often occurs). It should be noted that anhedonia affects all areas of a person’s life - from career to diet. Women stop taking care of themselves, their home, and their children; men do not see the point in developing professionally, competing, or being responsible for the family. Therefore, it is important to detect anhedonia in time and turn to specialists. Good luck in working on yourself!
