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What is power? Power is the ability and ability to materialize one’s will in the surrounding space. That is, power implies the subordination of an object to its actor. Future publications are planned about the power of love, as well as about love in general and the stages of its development in particular. In the human universe, four basic types of power can be distinguished: - Money. Money is a universal equivalent, a measure of the value of a product or service. They are the “lifeblood” of the economy, measuring and expressing value to ensure the functioning of the market. Financial resources are also social energy, a means of circulation and accumulation. There is a hypothesis of the “withering away of money”, according to which someday there will come a “golden age” of humanity, where material goods will be available to everyone free of charge and in the required quantity. But for now, it seems, at least for the foreseeable future, we will be spared the pleasure of observing such a dramatic change. Bernard Arnault, Francoise Bettencourt Meyers, Sergey Brin, and other multi-wealthy citizens have the potential to be one of the general forces driving many processes in human society. Let's summarize - for money you can buy everything that is sold for it, and sometimes even beauty, strength, and if not the ability to persuade itself, then the services of someone who knows how to do it masterfully. - Beauty. Beauty can be defined as a certain perfection, harmony, a set of qualities that bring true pleasure to the gaze of the beholder. Yes, beauty implies the eyes of the beholder, if, of course, we perceive it through the visual modality. Beautiful people have enormous power in our society, provided that they are aware of the fact that they meet high criteria. This is probably a very ancient force. External aesthetics involuntarily attracts attention, and with an excess of attention, success is easier to achieve. Of course, beauty has its own standards, proportions and canons, and in many ways they are broadcast in art and the media. In particular, to gain control over this force, the philosophical concept of transhumanism crystallized, where advances in science and technology will improve many properties of the human body. - Physical strength. This is a person’s ability to overcome external environmental resistance through the use of strength characteristics. Here it should be noted both the use of all kinds of technical means and the actual physical capabilities of the human body. An example of hardware is the most powerful Liebherr dump truck, which weighs, just think, 220 tons (220,000 kg) and can transport up to 365 tons (365,000 kg). A striking example of a person using his physical strength is violence. Violence is a direct impact with the aim of causing pain or physical harm and obtaining benefits in its various manifestations due to this. For example, war is organized violence whose purpose is to force the loser to carry out the will of the winner. It is difficult to say which force is more ancient: physical strength or beauty. - Belief. The art of persuasion is a combination of various kinds of knowledge about influence, abilities, skills and techniques of interpersonal interaction to defend personal interests, boundaries, goals, views. In this process, it is important to provide verifiable, relevant information and correctly place emphasis in the argumentation. It is better if the persuader has the ability to empathize, respect, and have a positive level of authority. We can consider two polar types of persuasive communicators. The first type is, to a certain extent, a holistic person who proceeds from the principles of honesty and environmental friendliness. Such a communicator uses the doctrine of “do no harm”, cares about the future and will prefer immediate gain over the dignity of honesty. The second type is an incongruent, contradictory person, whose goal, for example, is the exclusive satisfaction of his greed in the form of a thirst for financial gain. Ringing!
