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Our life consists of white and black stripes, with positive and negative moments of life, with ups and downs. We all have critical situations, circumstances when there are conflicts at work, dismissal, quarrels in the family, divorce, problems with children, when you are scared, when you are filled with aggression, anger, hatred, anxiety. A critical state is grievances, anger, claims, fears, suffering, pain, worries. How to survive difficult times, critical moments? You don't know what to do, how to act, how to survive all this. How to remove stress, how to calm down and pull yourself together? First you need to: Accept this situation. Don't rush to answer. Do not react instantly to a critical situation. Take a few breaths and drink a glass of water. When a negative emotion begins to rise, find out what is happening to you, without judgment, without emotion. Find out the fact of what is happening, without judgment. Clarify the fact of what happened. How do you feel about this? Where do you feel resentment or anger, in what part of the body? If you hate, then why? What specifically makes you angry, offends you? Who do you hate? Most often, such a negative state occurs when we do not know what is happening or what to do in this situation. Think about what happened and why? How important is this to me? What does this give me? Having realized the whole situation, you need to live it with your body and heart. Live through misfortune, pain, aggression, fear, hatred, work through the emotion, and then get out of this state. Breathing exercises and techniques help to overcome negative emotions. You can talk to yourself, scream, write everything that hurts on paper and then tear it up. Someone draws, dances, knits, builds. Some people will benefit from physical exercise, walks in the park, in the forest, yoga, meditation. Any physical activity. You can, even need to, read books, watch entertainment programs, films. Do whatever brings you pleasure and joy. Learn to enjoy familiar things and extract the good from everything. He approaches everything with optimism and humor. Live here and now. Enjoy the current moments. Do not waste your strength and energy on negative emotions, worries, or replaying situations from past or future periods. Praise yourself. Find what is valuable and instructive for you in bad, critical situations. For dealing with critical situations, I found an interesting exercise called “Event Hedgehog”. Sit in a calm environment, close your eyes, relax. Imagine your life in the form of many options for the development of events. Each event is a needle emanating from one point. It will look like an “event hedgehog” curled up into a ball. Of all the options for the development of events, you would like to see only one option that suits you, the best. Imagine what your life would look like if the worst case scenarios came true. You need to live through each scenario for worsening events for about ten minutes. Imagine what you will do, what kind of relationships you have with others, what thoughts come to you. At the end of each option, mentally say and confirm that you do not condemn this situation, accept it with gratitude, without anger or resentment, but ask that this option not be applied to you, and that the event develop as you wish. Thus, you will live through the worst case scenarios. This exercise will help change your attitude towards a situation that previously seemed very terrible. And now you understand that not everything is so scary, that this is the best that could be. There can be a lot of needles, and you need to live them all mentally, without being offended. Imagine how your life would turn out if the worst options were realized. Such mental living will allow you to get ahead of the “educational influences of Life” and prove to it that you know about all its possible options and accept them. That you have already given up dissatisfaction with the current situation, and there is no point in applying it to.
