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From the author: Sometimes clients come to consultations with psychologists who can irritate even an experienced psychologist. “I chew it all over for him, explain it to him, put his problem into detail, but he doesn’t hear me, doesn’t understand, slows me down...” - such thoughts can flash through a psychologist’s head. What should a psychologist do in this case? Sergey Bocharov Stupid clients. What to do? How did you find me? If a client comes to you for a consultation who doesn’t understand you, then ask him a question: “I don’t quite understand how you got here? How did you find me?” Talk to the client. Listen carefully to everything that the client answers you, and look for yourself the answer to the only question - where did you personally or through whom or through what previously broadcast your stupidity or dishonesty. This is what led to such a client coming to you. Even if you think that you did not attract your clients to you in any way, then you are mistaken. If they come, it means they have attracted and are attracting. But how? - that is the question. How do you actually do this? By talking about this, do not think that I am implying that you are a stupid person. But, in attracting your clients, you behaved either stupidly or distorted information about yourself (which is also stupid). If you were stupid, then everything is clear - only a stupid person will be attracted to stupid things. A smart client will not fall for stupidity. And he won’t come to you. In the second case (if you distorted information about yourself), this is most often an inflated idea of ​​yourself as a specialist, which can also attract a stupid person. Only a fool will not understand and will not see that you are creating an image for yourself that does not correspond to reality. And he won’t ask himself the question - why are you doing this? Of course, one can express doubts about the statements made in this article. For example, the client we are talking about here came to me. When I asked him the question: “I don’t quite understand how you ended up here? How did you find me?”, he replied: “I was just walking by, I saw a sign: “Psychologist”, I decided to come in. It would seem that everything was fine. The psychologist didn’t do anything like that in order to attract a stupid client. But he came. A question appears. : “Can you call a client smart who comes to talk about his problems and reveal his deepest secrets to the “Psychologist” sign? What to do? You probably already guessed what to do. 1) Stop broadcasting what attracts stupid clients to you. 2) Write a realistic description about yourself
