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Yesterday our Art Therapy in the Women's Circle was very fun and interesting! And I am glad to share my ideas, thoughts and impressions about our meeting. The topic was "Archetypes of Femininity". I think at first glance this topic seems complicated, incomprehensible and impractical. But in fact, it's the other way around. The simplicity is amazing, the practicality is off the charts. Thanks to the system, you can understand, see, and understand many life issues! For example, to understand how men and women work, how they influence each other, and what opportunities there are to harmonize relationships with the help of archetypal energies. No esotericism, only practical things! At the meeting we conducted meditation and drew our female archetypes. In fact, when I conduct a training, I also find a lot of useful things for myself, make discoveries, and even important realizations happen. And this time was no exception! The meeting was very resourceful for me! So, let's figure out what kind of word these are - archetypes? Archetypes are images in our unconscious that can greatly influence our consciousness and behavior. The concept itself suggests that there is some ancient power hidden here! This influence can be either conscious or unconscious by us. If we fall under the fusion of an archetype and do not realize it, life may not turn out in the most favorable way... For example, a man in the “Prince” archetype is an eternal youth who has many dreams, but little realization. Or the “Master”, who went into the shadows and became the “Ogre”, can become a tyrant in his family, in his life. Both he and everyone around him will suffer. Working with archetypes in psychology is considered the most profound and powerful. The main thing is that it makes it possible to understand and manage internal processes. Let's remove this complex word archetypes and replace it with the word - state. There are 4 states of a woman: princess, priestess, huntress and mistress. Every man dreams that his woman has everything: a diligent housewife, a sexy lover, an enthusiastic girl and a lady realized in society. These are the 4 main manifestations of feminine energies. Every condition has a shadow side. Princess. The princess's state is characterized by the fact that she sees everything in one color, spends a lot of time in dreams, but there is little realization in it. The princess knows how to admire a man's achievements and trust him. She is romantic and naive, sensitive and dreamy. If ties with the family are broken, there is no parental authority, the princess “goes into the shadows.” This shadow side is called "Mean Girl" Emotionality - turns into hysteria. Such a woman can go to extremes and “go to great lengths.” She is drawn to difficult relationships and unhappy love. Priestess. This is a "woman-woman"! Sexy, sensual, bright, capable of inspiring a man to great deeds, knows how to listen to intuition. This archetype is very attractive to men. A woman in these energies knows how to love, knows how to accept gifts, knows how to be grateful. The shadow side is the Witch. She is also attractive to men, her goal is to subjugate a man and capture him. She views a man as a function. She can only take, the feeling of gratitude is unusual for her. Hunter. She loves comfortable clothes and is purposeful. She knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it. She is good friends with men or competes with them, but such a woman is not attractive to men. Shadow side - Amazon. A woman who “pulled her breasts” and dedicated herself to fighting men. He is secretive, reserved and her main goal is to hurt a man. Mistress. Home comfort and pies are not the main thing in this archetype. A mistress is the queen of her domain, even if that domain is a small dorm room. The main thing here is condition! She has her own territory, where she sets the rules. The owner knows where hers are and where the strangers are. Clearly defines boundaries. She easily says “no.” Visiting her can warm your soul, receive care and attention. He is hospitable, welcoming, sociable. Shadow side - Terrible stepmother..
